Ling Tian didn't know, why he went back and forth.

"I just want to know the answer!"

Yin Biluo is coldly snorted.

"Always, it was before me. My rules are fair!" Ling Tian also said coldly.

"Hehe, fairness? In this world, where is fairness?"

Yin Biluo looked at a pair of deep eyes, "weak are prey to the strong, winner is the king, Loser is the villain, it only depends on strength, not fairness!"

"What you see is only one-sided. No one will be strong for no reason, nor will he become a king without a reason. No matter what , Here is my place, you have to abide by my rules!"

Ling Tian fixedly looked at Yin Biluo.

"Oh? Ling Young Master is the first person who dared to talk to me like this. It seems that he can only do it!"

Yin Biluo's voice fell, his eyes suddenly lightened flashed, an invisible arrow moved towards Ling Tian swiftly shot away.

Such a short distance, there is no need for a moment.


But at the same time, Ling Tian made a slight sound, and the same divine sense condensed into a sharp sword, and brazenly greeted it.


There was a muffled sound in the air, divine sense rioted, and scattered.

Ling Tian and Yin Biluo Ling Tian got up at the same time, and the divine sense gushed out, trapping the power of the rioting divine sense in the house until it disappeared.

"Want to come, now we should all know the answer?"

Ling Tian smiled and sat down, poured two cups of tea, and pushed a cup over.

"You won..."

Yin Biluo stood there in a daze. After a while, he sat down slowly.

Just now, he also wanted to test Ling Tian's strength, but didn't expect the power of Ling Tian's divine sense to be so tyrannical.

He has never met him in his peers.

"Master Ling Young is really hidden, so I am impressed!"

Yin Biluo blocked it with his long sleeves and took a sip of tea, not one drop of water can leak out.

Ling Tian shook his head.

"You want to come to me, you don't just want to test it, right?"

"I want to know that when Ji Nine Nether died, when he was in Qianxi What have you left, and what have you seen!"

Yin Biluo asked directly instead of selling it.

"What's left?" Ling Tian frowned and thought for a moment: "I don't know what your Excellency is referring to. At that time, I felt the baleful aura before I went deep into the baleful aura vortex. The precursor of the explosion, I withdrew, otherwise I can’t talk to you here, right?"


"Really! I and Naji Nine Nether I don’t know each other, and there’s no need to get along with Demon Sect, and there’s no need to lie to you. Take a step back, even if I lie, you can’t prove it, can’t you?"

Ling Tian said with a smile.

"You are an opponent!"

Yin Bi fell to his feet, "However, I naturally have a way to prove it. I hope that when the time comes, it can prove that what you said is true .Otherwise, we will calculate the old and new accounts together! Don’t think that I'm secretly talking about Blade Sect! We'll meet again some day!"

The voice fell, and there was only a trace of coldness in the room.


Ling Tian sneered, lying on the bed and sleeping under the blanket.

Whatever Yunding, Yunhou Mansion’s Blade Sect’s secrets, since it’s unclear, it’s covered by the water.

Early in the morning of 2nd day, Ling Tian was woken up by Qin Shaoyang before he got up.

"Brother Tian! I've agreed to go to Beast Controlling Sect, get up quickly!"

Ling Tian got up, the whole body vibrated, and his expression was refreshed, and a trace of fatigue was also felt. no.

secretly thought The bed sent by Genting has many magical functions.

Pushing open the door, Qin Shaoyang was already standing outside the door, scratching his ears and cheeks eagerly.

"What time is this, what are you anxious?"

"My god, you finally figured it out! Can you not worry, Beast Controlling Sect's garden is open two times a day By the hour, you can't get in after you enter!"

Qin Shaoyang grabbed Ling Tian and walked out.

"You are impatient!"

Ling Tian went out of the house with him, and found Lin Yanyan and Ye Baoer outside the door holding a cup of things and drinking Zhenghuan, and behind them, Xi Ruoxue, dressed in colorful clothes, was there.

It's just that the latter didn't take anything. Standing in the wind with his hands behind his back, the clothes fluttered, Ling Tian went out, her eyes lit up.

"Hurry up and see if you want to go shopping as soon as possible!"

Ye Baoer yelled.

Ling Tian walked over and smelled a sweet smell, and then asked: "What are you drinking, so sweet?"

"hehe, this is Shaoyang Congyunhou The Ningxiang fruit juice brought out by the mansion is very sweet, which is not available in Lingnan!" Ye Baoer said with a lovable smile.

"Oh, not bad!"

Ling Tian looked at the two women drinking in small mouths, thoughtfully.

At this time, Qin Shaoyang had already greeted the car to come over, and several people got on the car one after another, and went all the way.

The space of the carriage Qin Shaoyang found is a bit narrow. Qin Shaoyang can naturally squeeze with Ye Baoer, but Ling Tian sits between Xi Ruoxue and Lin Yanyan, smelling the difference between the left and right sides. Ling Tian’s nose is itchy.

And the carriage moved a little shake, it is inevitable that some physical contact, and Lin Yanyan is okay, but encountering Xi Ruoxue makes Ling Tian a little embarrassed.

"Shaoyang, why didn't your sister come together?"

After touching his nose, Ling Tian broke the embarrassment.

"My sister is a busy person, she went out of town before dawn today, and went to Deyue Tower to see the Jing'an Master..." Qin Shaoyang was busy introducing Ye Baoer to the scenery along the way, and returned casually. One sentence.

"Oh! so that's how it is..."

Ling Tian nodded, I can't find any words to talk for a while, and Lin Yanyan doesn't even realize there is something , Sit over and watch with Ye Baoer at the window.

As a result, only Xi Ruoxue and Ling Tian remain on the carriage side.

"What kind of mount does Miss Xi want to choose?"

Ling Tian asked.

"Reporting back to Martial Uncle, Ruoxue naturally couldn't afford the Beast Controlling Sect mount. This time, because there was really nothing in the door, he came out with Ye Baoer."

"Oh, it's like this..."

It's really a bit awkward to talk, Ling Tian no longer asks, what are his eyes. Get up for meditation cultivation.

Seeing this, Xi Ruoxue just smiled slightly and didn't ask much.

Fortunately, not long after the ride, the carriage stopped.

"Okay, we are at the place, get off the car!"

Qin Shaoyang greeted him and led everyone to jump off the carriage.

"Hey, Qin Shaoyang, what the hell is happening, what the hell is happening, where is the imperial garden? Are you illiterate!"

When I got off the bus, Ling Tian heard Lin Yan Yan's questioning voice, when he looked up, he saw everyone in front of him. It was an antique loft building with 7-Layer and a large building area. It looked much more magnificent than the Yunding Trading Company in Lingnan.

Up and down the main entrance of the attic, three golden-bright and dazzling large characters walk Dragon Snake.

Baoyun Tower!

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