It can be seen that the third floor of the Floating Fragrance Building is how shocking the world is.

Before entering the box, Ling Tian found that there were not many boxes on this floor.

There are only seven or eight, and now there seem to be two boxes, which are people.

"Masters, this is your private room. Of course, even if you are a distinguished person, you still have to pay for the wine and food, and the price is not cheap."

The Human Race woman, standing pretty in the box, is the exclusive steward of Ling Tian's box.

"Hehe, Dragon Crystal is not a problem. Give your Floating Fragrance Building signs."

Ling Tian indifferently said.

"All come!?"

The Human Race woman frowned slightly, "Our Floating Fragrance Building's signature, a total of 52 dishes, 13 kinds of wine, if all For a copy, you need a high grade Dragon Crystal, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!"

"Almost ten thousand Dragon Crystal?"

Ling Tian also frowned slightly, The high grade Dragon Crystal is very valuable, even if Ling Tian swept that many city before and got countless Dragon Crystal.

But Human Race still needs massive resources to develop, so Ling Tian came out, but brought one hundred thousand Dragon Crystal.

Nowadays, a meal costs one-tenth?

It's a bit extravagant!

"Yes, and there is no need for you adults to order that many. As far as I know, I ordered the full set of Floating Fragrance Building dishes. Only seven days ago, the Azure Dragon Clan in the Wanlong Domain arrived. Sir City Lord ordered it."

"Everyone, ten dishes and a jug of wine are enough."

The Human Race lady smiled sweetly, It took care of Ling Tian's face.

"hehe, the prince of Azure Dragon Clan!? Didn't expect, this time from the Ten Thousand Dragons Domain, it will be Heaven's Chosen of this class. It sounds like it is very strong."

Ling Tian slightly narrows the eyes.

"Well, you all have just arrived in the Forbidden City. I am afraid it is still unclear. This time I will come to Heaven's Chosen in the Ten Thousand Dragon Regions of the Forbidden City."

" Seven days ago, these Heaven's Chosen had arrived, a total of fifteen, all from the five-color Dragon Clan, each clan, there are three Heaven's Chosen!"

The Human Race woman introduced.

"What? Are all the five-color Dragon Clan coming?"

The three people of Ling Tian, ​​hearing this are all startled.

This is something they never thought of.

Be aware that even if the five-color Dragon Clan is in the Ten Thousand Dragons domain, it is still a transcendent existence.

Among them are blue, yellow, red, white, and black, and the five Dragon Clan.

The Azure Dragon and Black Dragon clan is recognized as the strongest race.

The five-color Dragon Clan is only a well-known figure in Dragon Clan's Grade 3, and above it, there is also the Heavenly Dragon family of Grade 4.

The bloodline of that level of race is the elite of Dragon Clan's elite, the aristocrat of the nobility.

Under the Martial Emperor Ao Qingchen Grade 5 Nine Heavens God Dragon Clan, among the Grade 4 Heavenly Dragon-level races, there are still two quasi emperors today.

So, Grade 4 Dragon Clan, also known as Quasi-Imperial Clan Group.

The honor of status is almost at the tip of the Pyramid of Ten Thousand Dragons.

Don't talk about Grade 4 first, even if the five-color Dragon Clan appears outside the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm, it is also within the eight Dragon Sects that must be worshipped.

"Yes, it’s all here, but adults, don’t worry too much, because this Dragon Sect conference is very unusual. I heard that it’s the Heavenly Master psychic in the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory. This time the Dragon Sect conference, there will be an outstanding junior among our Dragon Clan, which can even affect the lifeblood of Dragon Clan."

" Therefore, this is why five Ancestral Dragon pills have been awarded to attract All possible Dragon Clan, all come to participate."

"Although Ancestral Dragon Pill is precious, it is useless for the real five-color Dragon Clan leader in the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm. This time, except Apart from the Third Prince of Azure Dragon Clan, the others are not the existence of the Peak of the five-color Dragon Clan."

The Human Race woman said, "I want to use the abilities of the adults and Miss Ao Zishuang. Enough to deal with."

"Then Azure Dragon Clan Third Prince, what's the origin?"

Ling Tian is asking,

For other Dragon Clan, he doesn’t I don't care, but this Azure Dragon is the only one.

"Well, that person is the representative of this five-color Dragon Clan, Azure Dragon Third Prince Ao Chen. I heard that bloodline innate talent and cultivation base are very strong."

" However, he It shouldn't be to participate in the Dragon Sect conference, just to represent the Wanlong domain and supervise it."

Human Race women replied.

"Okay, then I understand."

Ling Tian knocked on the table: "Come up all the 10,000 Dragon Crystal dishes, I want it!"



The Human Race woman suddenly startedled, and she said so much with her, is it useless?

"I want it all! What does the prince of Azure Dragon Clan eat, what we eat, is it not clear enough that I said?"

Ling Tian’s face, Suddenly it sank and threw a ring over.

The Human Race woman spirit slowly recovers, took the ring, just glanced at it, and then her face changed suddenly.

She really underestimated the three Dragon Clan in front of her.

"Masters, wait a moment, I will prepare now!"

The Human Race woman took the ring and hurried down.

"Hehe, you are rich and imposing!"

"Brother Ling, we only have three people, and we can't eat that many."

Kwai Cai Lin and Rose both opened the mouth and said.

"It's not for eating, but for tasting. It's hard to come to the Forbidden City. What's the matter, our noodles can't be worse than the Azure Dragon prince?"

Ling Tian shook his head, disregarding it.

"Let's do it."

The two don't talk anymore, anyway, Dragon Crystal belongs to Ling Tian.

Soon, countless dishes came up, filling the entire table.

Rao is Ling Tian, ​​looking at the delicacies on this table, it is really a bit stunned.

secretly said in one's heart, the craft of Floating Fragrance Building, really is name is not in vain, this chef team should bring back Human Race, it’s good to put it in Dragon Clan, isn’t it reckless waste of natural resources?

Tasted every dish, so Rose and Kwai Cailin said that it tastes good.

They grew up so old, they have never tasted such a delicious food.

"Masters, are you still satisfied?"

The Human Race woman said with a smile, from the very beginning until now, she has been serving on the side.

"Not bad, really name is not in vain."

Ling Tian nodded.

But at this moment, from outside the box, a waiter hurriedly walked in, whispering something behind the ears of the Human Race lady.

At this time, Ling Tian also sensed the restless voice from Second Layer.

"Hehe, what happened below?"

I had almost eaten, Ling Tian asked.

"Oh? Adults, don’t mind, it’s just a small friction with 2-Layer."

The Human Race woman maintained a professional said with a slight smile, "but It’s a misunderstanding between a few Human Race and Dragon Clan. Please allow your adults to allow me to deal with it."

"It's no problem, please, please."

Ling Tian Nodded, but watching the Human Race woman hurried out of the box, Rose said: "What is the friction between Human Race and Dragon Clan? Human Race is so weak..."

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