After crossing this river, it is the tomb of the Qingxiao Great Emperor.

If the guess is true, then the scale of the tomb of the Qingxiao Great Emperor is a bit surprising.

"Ling Tian, ​​is this not difficult!?"

Qin Mingyue came over and asked.

"Not difficult."

Ling Tian shook his head.

Although the so-called law of intercepting Tianhe is condensed into a thousand ways, compared with Ling Tian, ​​it is still a lot worse.

He raised his hand, the Taixing Sword appeared, and moved towards the river of cut sky in front of him, it was cut down.

Nothing is heard, but the sword qi is natural.

Law Aura on the River of Heaven was cut off one after another.

The river of intercepting the sky is like a transparent jelly, it is cut open neatly and smoothly by Ling Tian with a sword.

A passage appeared before the Martial Emperors.

"Hiss, so easy!?"

Shen Yunxiao and Zhu Xuan'er looked at each other.

Nowadays, the River of Crossing Heaven, which has troubled them for a hundred years, can't stop Ling Tian at all.

"Let's go, challenge, only the real beginning."

Ling Tian put away the Taixing sword and stepped into the passage.

Other Martial Emperors have also kept up.

This river of sky is wide enough to have ten thousand li.

Ling Tian is in it, and can't use the law to pass through.

Two hours later, after walking out of the river of cut sky, everyone's expressions finally changed.

Because, compared with the green hills and clear water outside, this place is a Desolate Land full of dead silence.

The sky is dim and the air is cold.

Although it is still the undulating mountains that catches the eye, there is a sense of faint heart palpitations from the Martial Emperor.

"Lord of the world, it seems that this place is really unusual. It stands to reason that Mountains and Rivers State Chart is a remote Ancient God tool, which contains good fortune, but how does it feel that this breath is full of evil spirits now? "

Qin Mingyue also frowned, "Yes, it's ancient tomb!"

"Moreover, it's a fierce tomb!"

The gods descended, the divine light of the Martial Emperor's body surged, and the Emperor Treasure in his hand also bloomed with the light of one after another Emperor Treasure.

"You are right, but we may have guessed wrong before."

"It is not the Great Emperor Qingxiao that was buried here!"

Ling Tian's face has always been cold since he came in. At this time, he took a deep breath and his face was slightly relaxed, but deep in his eyes, there was some excitement faintly.

He suddenly discovered some secrets.

Overturned his previous imagination.

This river of heaven should have existed more than 30,000 years ago. It is absolutely impossible to be used by the Great Emperor of Qingxiao.

Furthermore, the Great Emperor Qingxiao has been outstanding throughout his life, and can accomplish all the good fortune. Roar is also impossible to produce such a terrifying and powerful evil atmosphere.

Six Yaos are also finalized at Peach Garden. There is indeed the breath of the Great Emperor Qingxiao, but it will definitely not be the tomb of the Great Emperor Qingxiao.

Could it be that people including Haotian and even Yuan Tiangong were deceived by this place back then?

"What!? It is not Qingxiao Great Emperor who is buried, who is that!?":

And Ling Tian's judgment also made Shen Yunxiao and Zhu Xuan'er directly dumbfounded .

"I don’t know yet, but anyway, this time, we have to accept the Mountains and Rivers State Chart and figure out everything here."

"However, This trip is dangerous and dangerous, so don't follow it."

Ling Tian divine sense sweeps around, and can only search for the breath within ten thousand li.

"There are a lot of Illusory Beast guarding the tomb. For you, the challenge is there, but it is indeed a big supplement. Keep it here, looking for opportunities, and waiting for my return by the way."

After all, Ling Tian took a step forward and disappeared in the dark space.

"This...the lord of the world just left, what shall we do!?"

Shen Yunxiao was stunned.

"What else can we do, of course we should do it."

Qin Mingyue carried the Moon Sword, looked towards the darkness of the mountains ahead, "Illusory Everyone can sense the breath of Beast, so let's destroy it first!" After that, she brought a group of Martial Emperors to kill.

Today, there are nine Martial Emperors brought by Ling Tian.

Moreover, battle strength is far stronger than Shen Yunxiao and the others more than 100 years ago.

So, dealing with these Illusory Beasts in the periphery is not a problem.

At this time, Ling Tian shuttles in the space of law.

Wherever they went, the Illusory Beasts of the Martial Emperor level all raised their heads and roared, but although they could feel the existence of Ling Tian, ​​they were helpless.

Ling Tian also ignored these Illusory Beasts of the Martial Emperor level, although the Spiritual Qi breath of these Illusory Beasts could indeed be used as a resource for Martial Emperor cultivation.

However, this resource is still too few for Ling Tian.

He needs only that thing.

"Jin Mie senior, you didn’t feel wrong, right, in the depths of this world, is there really a Samadhi True Fire?"

Ling Tian's body travels through the space, But divine sense has fallen into Peach Garden.

The face is even more surprised.

With today's Ling Tian's cultivation base, there are indeed not many things in the world that can surprise Ling Tian.

Now, Samadhi True Fire in the mouth of Jhin Mie is one of them.

Because even Ling Tian has never seen this kind of sacred fire, but he has also heard of the name of Samadhi True Fire.

It is definitely a flame with a legendary color. Even if it does not enter the ranks of Ten Big Divine Fire, it is definitely the existence that shocked the heavens.

"Naturally there can be no mistakes."

"Samadhi True Fire is passed down from the ancient times, and is the leader of the Five Divine flames. It has the ability to refining the hardest things in the world. Energy, on the formidable power alone, is probably enough to enter the ranks of Ten Big Divine Fire."

Jin Mie nodded.

He also sensed the trace of divine fire after he entered the River of Dead Sky.

"Jin Mie is right, and, in God World, Samadhi True Fire did fall into the hands of a great god."

At this time, that God World Princess Zhou Ehuang, suddenly flew over to speak.

"Oh!? So, this fire used to be a thing with a master?"

"Who is the master!?"

Ling Tian asked Tao.

If you know the owner of this Samadhi True Fire, maybe you can know the secret of this Mountain and Rivers State Chart.

"Heavenly Fire Temple Lord, one of the top ten temples, the Great God of Fire-Zhu Di!"

Zhou Ehuang said in a deep voice.

From his tone, Ling Tian actually felt a trace of the dignity of God World Princess.

"Why, is this fire god strong? Let your face look like this."

Ling Tian lightly said with a smile.

"Which one is not strong to be the Ten Great Temple Lord?"

Zhou Ehuang shook his head, "However, Zhu Di is different."

"Because, in his body, there is the bloodline of ancient Saint Sovereign Zhu Rong, which is the real emperor of fire. Therefore, Zhu Di's battle strength is also ranked in the top five among the ten temple Lords, which is extraordinary."

"This, I should know better than I am to protect the children. When he became the lord of the War God Temple, Zhu Di was already a great god."

His voice fell and came to protect him. Sure enough, the child appeared on Ling Tian's side.

"Yes, Zhu Di is very strong, his Heavenly Fire divine ability, God World alone, Samadhi True Fire is in the body, even if it is me, I must be somewhat afraid, but in the later stage, he is not mine Opponent."

"In the first battle of thirty thousand years ago, I had fought against Zhu Di. He was one of the great gods of the rebellion."

However, if you come to protect your children. , But Zhou Ehuang was also surprised.

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