"In addition to the Immemorial Zhulong, there is a rebellion of the great god!? Come to the nurse, why haven't you told me before?"

Zhou'ehuang face turned cold.

The rebellion of the great god is a shame for God World.

It is also the shame of her Imperial Family.

"I think Princess should have thought of it a long time ago, so I didn’t say that it was not only Zhu Di and Immemorial Zhulong who participated in the rebellion, but also the heavenly demon hall, the heavenly punishment hall, and the Heavenly Monarch Temple."

"Almost a few battle strength and the strongest temple besides my War God Temple."



The child nurse groaned again, "I badly injured Zhu Di back then, but did not kill him, but now, I am here, smelling the breath of Samadhi True Fire and Zhu Di, he may have already Fallen."

"I don’t know, by whom he died."

"No, impossible, my Imperial Father treated them very well back then, why did they launch a rebellion !"

Emperor Zhou E still couldn't figure it out, and disappeared in a whisper. Obviously, she still couldn't accept all this.

Ling Tian has no say in these matters. Now, he only cares about the so-called Samadhi True Fire.

Because, Ling Tian was worried that his cultivation base could not be deposited.

Need to find the sacred fire.

Now that the crooked fight is right now, he actually encountered Samadhi True Fire, which ranks first among the five sacred fires.

It is simply a godsend!

"War God senior, didn't you really know who organized the rebellion back then?"

Ling Tian still asked.

"Not sure, but apart from Zhu Long, the relationship between the other four Palace Lords and Divine King is indeed very good."

The nurse shook his head and disappeared. I don’t want to say any more.

"Hehe, it's really interesting."

Ling Tian's divine sense also returned to the body, and he looked towards the endless darkness ahead, that faintly flickering fire light.

"The fire department god, I want to see what the real God World god looks like."

"Samadhi True Fire, I'm Ling Tian, ​​it's about to be decided !"

He doesn't care what he wants after the bloodline.

Samadhi True Fire This opportunity is ahead, no one can stop him.

In the case of being unable to transform into True Dragon and let True Dragon Nine Transformations Great Accomplishment, devour the sacred fire, let your cultivation base reach the Martial Emperor Peak, or even the Great Emperor,

Is the most urgent thing for Ling Tian today.

After all, it will be a difficult process to lead the Ling Tian world and the Thousand Worlds under the heavens.

If one's own battle strength is not enough, then it is simply not to fight for opportunities in God World.

Instead, he took the Ling Tian world tens of millions of elites to die.

The breath of Samadhi True Fire is still far away from the river of intercepting the sky.

Even Ling Tian can walk through the law space, almost ignoring the distance.

But it still took three months to reach the core of the Mountains and Rivers State Chart.

And here, Ling Tian can already feel that the laws and coercion brought by the Mountains and Rivers State Chart are so powerful that it even severely affected his speed, so Ling Tian had to follow the laws. Came down in the space.

But what appeared in front of Ling Tian at this time was a majestic palace.

In other words, it's the Great Tomb Palace!

In the Core Zone of the Mountains and Rivers State Chart, there really is such a huge and magnificent, unprecedented community of ancient tombs and palaces.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ling Tian couldn't believe his eyes!

However, Ling Tian did not react to any powerful Illusory Beast aura in this imperial palace at this time.

On the contrary, there is a kind of Formation, faintly discernible permeating the imperial palace.

Even, this Formation made Ling Tian unable to truly see the full picture of the entire imperial palace.

"Strange, the Formation above the imperial palace has two layers!"

However, Yaoyao in Peach Garden became even more confused at this time.

"Two floors!?"

Ling Tian complexion changed and came before the imperial palace.

One hundred thousand sword shadow broke out and penetrated into the within array below.

Different from the previous sword shadow, the Ling Tian now has one hundred thousand sword shadows, each of which is three feet long.

The sword shadow poured into Formation, like a drill, breaking the formation formidable power.

However, when Ling Tian's sword shadow disintegrated Formation with the help of Yaoyao.

Ling Tian also became more and more puzzled.

Because of the Formation on the surface, it is obviously older.

However, there are obvious traces of being cracked by others.

This ancient Formation should be extremely difficult to crack.

"Could it be that Haotian has been here before!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"Impossible, this is such a powerful formation, even if you have a hundred thousand sword shadow, plus my Formation attainments want to crack, it is impossible to crack it in a short time, so Haotian counts What!?"

"Also, I have seen traces of being touched on this Formation, at least 20,000 years ago."

However, Tao Yaoyao refused directly.

"What, twenty thousand years ago!?"

"You mean, the ancients!?"

Ling Tian frowned, and then, his eyes were It suddenly lit up, and suddenly said: "I understand!"

"It is the Great Emperor of Qingxiao!"

Ling Tian almost spoke in unison with Tao Yaoyao.

Here is the breath of the Great Emperor of Qingxiao, and the large formation of the ancient tomb was destroyed thousands of years ago.

Then only Qingxiao Great Emperor is possible.

Sure enough, the previous guess was correct.

This is not the tomb of the Great Emperor Qingxiao at all, Qingxiao is also a latecomer!

The outside Formation has been broken open long ago, so Ling Tian quickly broke the First Layer Formation with one hundred thousand sword shadows and fell into the Formation.

But when Ling Tian descended from the within array, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

On this level now, Ling Tian has truly seen the true content of the ancient tomb.

And above the real tomb imperial palace, the Formation of Second Layer is indeed permeated.

This Formation is also extremely large, and it is still a real seal Formation.

Seal the entire ancient tomb directly.

However, this did not shock Ling Tian.

When he saw the figure suppressing the formation eye in the center of the Formation, his pupils suddenly shrank and his face changed drastically.

It was suddenly a beautiful woman.

azure clothes splendid, black hair like a waterfall.

She sit cross-legged in the formation eye, like a dead tree, unchanged forever.

However, the appearance of this woman is exactly the same as the six lines in Peach Garden!

"This, how is this possible!"

Ling Tian couldn't believe his eyes.

Not only that, but the six lines also appeared in the Peach Garden in an instant.

"Emperor Empress!"

This woman turned out to be the legendary Great Emperor Qingxiao, Zhen Mi! ?

Zhen Mi, actually suppressed on the formation eye, is she going to use her own power to seal the entire imperial tomb? ?

Who owns this tomb?

Qingxiao! ?

Ling Tian's mind is full of doubts.

But at this time, Liu Yao has already uncontrollably flew towards Zhen Mi in the formation eye.

"Six Yao, hehe, you have finally come back after ten thousand years of absence."

"But, don't get close to me, now, this big formation may be about to break! "

What made Ling Tian didn't expect even more is that Zhen Mi in the formation eye actually spoke.

However, Ling Tian also discovered at this time that this figure is not a fleshy body, but a Dao Soul soul!

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