The unity of his sword and fingers was actually blocked! ?

How can Ling Tian not be surprised by this.

You should know that ten years ago, even the Emperor Monarch Eastflower could not have thought of taking his sword and fingers together so easily.

even more how is this sword ten years later! ?

"Great God!?"

Ling Tian pupil suddenly shrink.

Under the Great Emperor, no one can be his opponent.

Unless, this Demon Race is a big Divine Grade.

"he he he, Ling Tian, ​​after years, you really came here!"

At this moment, in the demonic energy, a familiar voice sounded .

Ling Tian's heart was shocked.

He seemed to have a bit of an impression of this voice, maybe it was too long, he had some, and he couldn't remember it anymore.

But very quickly, Ling Tian's sword and finger unity and the demonic energy hand disappeared under the sound of Fuxi piano together.

A figure also slowly manifested from the demonic energy.

And when Ling Tian and Laihuer saw the figure clearly.

The two of them exclaimed almost at the same time.

"Tian Xing Old Man!"

"Tian Xing Great God!?"

The names of the two sounded almost the same.

But the identity is the difference between Heaven and Earth!

Ling Tian is the old man of Tianxing in the sky, but long ago, when Ling Tian was in Chu State, that old man of Tianxing who had been destroyed!

At that time, the punishment of the day also invaded Ling Tian's memory, shaped a fake Qin Mingyue, and almost let Ling Tian speak.

However, Ling Tian did not expect in any way that after so many years, he would actually see Heaven Punishment in this Divine Province, in this weak river of water!

Not only that, but coming to nurse the children is even more like knowing this punishment.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he directly called him the god of punishment!

This person is really a great god! ?

"Senior, who the hell is this!?"

"He is the Palace Lord of God World Palace of Punishment, the Great God of Heaven Punishment." Came to protect the child, "Heaven Punishment Palace Lord palms Prison, there is the ability to inspect the gods."

"His battle strength is not weak. I don't want to be now, but he has become the body of Heart Demon!"

"Back then, in the end What happened? Even these great gods were not spared!?"

The child's heart is full of doubts.

The Palace Lord is one of the few powerhouses in God World.

How can trifling Heart Demon be able to control their Great Emperor Realm! ?

"Is it one of the Palace Lords?"

In Ling Tian's heart, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

When he was in Chu State, the old man Xing hadn't bothered him this day.

But, is it possible that the heavenly punishment encountered back then is the reincarnation of this guy! ?

Or Avatar! ?

No wonder he seems to know something about himself.

"hahaha, War God, for thirty thousand years, didn't expect, you still remember old man."

That day, Xing Dashen gave a long laugh, and then sighed: "But , My heart is also sad, because it is War God that is so divine might, and I could not survive the turmoil of thirty thousand years ago!"

"Now, there are only war spirits left."

Then, he looked towards Ling Tian again, "Human Race Ling Tian, ​​Chu Tianxue, is the reincarnation of the old man's Remnant Soul, but the old man, the Heart Demon, is only the Remnant Soul. A few fragments of memory can’t be connected to the Avatar, otherwise, if I knew that you were the person Juntian was looking for, you would not survive now."

"hehe, right?"

"Listening to you, do you know what happened back then?"

Ling Tian sneered.

Zhang Chen was taken away by Emperor Zhou E. If you want to know what happened back then, now you can only pry open the mouth of the god of punishment.

"hahaha, naturally I know."

"However, frankly, thirty thousand years ago, that is a terrifying secret, let alone you, even War God, there is nothing to do ."

"Perhaps, under the heavens, the only thing that can be controlled is Juntian."

"That's all, it's useless to tell you this. , I was ordered to collect Fuxi Qin, since you already know that I am here."

"Then be obediently surrender!"

"When I receive Fuxi Qin, I will know it. I will take you to witness everything that happened thirty thousand years ago."

The voice fell. That day, God Xing didn't want to say any more. When the palm was raised, the horrible dark hand was condensed again, moved towards Ling. Tian just caught it.

"You don’t need to fight, Juntian’s prisoner’s hand is in your hand, but I can’t help it!"

"Really!?" However, being so ridiculed by the god of punishment, it has been It is the Ling Tian of the emperor, how can he bear it! ?

Is the hand of Prisoner working? It depends on whether he uses all his strength!

Ling Tian took a step forward, above the eyebrows, the mark of Heaven and Earth, bloomed in an instant.

Ordinary battle strength is indeed not the opponent of Tianxing.

However, with the blessing of Heaven and Earth Source, Ling Tian may not be afraid of the Great God!

When did Heaven and Earth Sun, Moon, and Stars manifest themselves around Ling Tian.

Being shrouded by the divine force of Heaven and Earth Source, Ling Tian's body was surging with rays of light, as if he was wearing a divine armor. Although in the weak water and river, he still has to be worked by the co-workers. Suppressed by the breath.

But it still made the river boil.

In the distance, Ling Nian and other Martial Emperors who were fighting with a group of Demon Race were also shocked.

His Imperial Father used Heaven and Earth Source so quickly! ?

At this time, under the blessing of Heaven and Earth Source, Ling Tian’s battle strength is already Heavenspan.

Even if it is not as good as the real Great Emperor, this day punishment is nothing but the body of Heart Demon, only the battle strength of 70 to 80% of the Great Emperor.

The outcome is really unknown!

In Heaven and Earth Source, Ling Tian has the sun and the moon on his head, and his feet are on the stars.

The big hand stretched out again and held it on the Taixing Sword.

In my heart, Ling Tian is still the unity of sword and finger.

He has to fight for such a breath.

"hahaha, Heaven and Earth Source, name is not in vain!"

Sure enough, the punishment complexion changed that day, but soon after, it was just a big laugh, it seemed that there was no How much the color of fear.

He still grabs Ling Tian.


However, this time, the unity of the sword and the finger is like a godly aid.

He was not stopped by the big hand of Tian Xing.

On the contrary, it was the demonic energy hand, cracking every inch.

Seeing that the sword and fingers are united, it is about to be cut down.


However, Xing was shocked that day, and thousands of dark water arrows were condensed, like a waterfall hanging upside down, shooting towards Ling Tian.

This is the same as the divine ability of the sneak attack Ling Tian and the others before, except that this time the arrow turned into black and the formidable power is even more terrifying.

Although the unity of sword and finger is tyrannical, to Ling Tian's surprise, these arrows seem to be endless.

In the end, the sword light was directly swallowed.

The arrow still hasn't stopped, and it bursts out in the grin of Tian Xing.

“hmph! ”

Ling Tian complexion grave and stern, and there is no secretly thought in my heart. This divine ability is weird, the punishment of heaven is not weak, and the unity of sword and finger even if there is Heaven and Earth Source will help, but it won't work!

Now, except for the mysterious sword, Ling Tian has only Mountains and Rivers State Chart left!

"Qingxiao senior, please help!"

Faced with the great god of Tianxing, Ling Tian couldn't care about his face.

Use everything if you can.

Not ashamed!

next moment, Mountains and Rivers State Chart, manifested above Ling Tian's head.

At this time, he had to use the Ancient God Device to bully people!

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