After the Mountains and Rivers State Chart took out, in the weak water Tianhe, the breath of Ling Tian skyrocketed again.

This is already close to Ling Tian's ultimate battle strength.

Even under the cover of the Mountains and Rivers State Chart, Ling Tian can ignore the pressure of the Divine Item piano sound in the weak water Tianhe.

The Mountains and Rivers Chart manifested and swallowed all the black liquid divine ability of the criminal god who took out that day.

Although this divine ability is tyrannical, the Mountains and Rivers Chart can cover Heaven and Earth, so naturally you are not afraid of such divine ability.

"hehe, the god of punishment, what else do you have now?"

Standing in front of the Mountains and Rivers State Chart, Ling Tian said with a smile.

"hahaha, Mountains and Rivers State Chart, worthy of the legendary Far Ancient God, the old man, Heart Demon, is really something you can do!"

That day, Xing Great God recovered the demonic energy and suddenly said with a smile.

There is not much surprise on his face.

Obviously, he knew that Ling Tian would use these methods.

"However, since the old man was ordered to take Fuxiqin, he would naturally do his best!"

"Really, it seems that you want to smash it down? "Ling Tian felt cold, and naturally he would not waste time. With the support of Mountains and Rivers State Chart, sword edge was cut off.

Suppressed by the divine might of the Mountains and Rivers State Chart, the battle strength of the god of punishment has been reduced again.

This makes Ling Tian's sword and fingers unite, becoming more tyrannical.

The Xing Great God was finally invincible after resisting more than a dozen swords that day.

The last sword, Dao Chong sword qi, extinguished all the demonic energy before Formation.

The Great God of Xing Xing also fell before Fu Xiqin.

And Ling Tian turned out to have the blessing of Peach Garden, but now, he still inevitably gasps for breath, his chest rises and falls.

Unfolding the sword and fingers one after another, in this weak water sky, there is still great pressure.

"Tian Xing Great God, come on, in whose name did you come to get the Fuxi Qin, thirty thousand years ago, what did you find!?"

"If it were you Having said that, I can help you find a way to make you reincarnation!"

Ling Tian came down, at this time, the Heavenly Punishment Great God has no much battle strength.

"hahaha, reincarnation!? Is it going to take another trip?"

"Heart Demon, what's wrong, at least, I can live forever!"


The Great Xing God said with a smile that day.

"Tian Xing, it seems that you are completely bewitched by Heart Demon."

"Up to now, do you still want to persist in your own wrong doings? Longevity? We are now. It will allow you to destroy both body and soul, and you may not even have reincarnation."

Come to protect the child.

"hmph, you will never know what kind of existence you are facing. He is so powerful that we will live forever."

But obviously, there was no punishment on that day. Any appearance of repentance.

"hmph, it's all a group of ignorant things, I'll come!"

However, this time I still didn't wait for Ling Tian to do it. Then Emperor Zhou'e would directly punish that day. It was taken inside Peach Garden. ,

Ling Tian complexion changed, followed by entering Peach Garden.

As soon as he landed, Ling Tian discovered that Zhang Chen, the Sect Master of Heavenspan Sword Sect who had entered before, had fallen to the ground and turned into a group of pure and extremely pure energy.

I don’t know, Zhou Ehuang, what useful news he got from Zhang Chen’s mouth.

And the Great God of Xing Xing was arrested into the Peach Garden. After seeing Emperor Zhou'e in a golden armor, his face suddenly changed.

It is far from the indifferent color before.

"Three Her Highness the Princess!"

"You, why are you here!"

This day, the Xing God seems to have no idea Emperor Zhou E has returned. '

"hmph, shut up!"

"Heart Demon is also worthy of calling me?"

However, on the face of Emperor Zhou'e at this time, It was full of coldness, and the Divine Item in her hand was lifted up and placed on the head of the Great God of Xing Xing.

"Don't talk nonsense with me, I just want to know the truth about thirty thousand years ago, or what about my Royal Father?"

Ling Tian and Laihuer stood by , Did not speak.

Because at this time, Zhou Ehuang's eyes are all killing intents.

This is something Ling Tian has never seen before.

He looked towards Tao Yaoyao on the opposite side.

The latter shook his head.

Ling Tian is helpless, and now, he can only watch what Zhou Ehuang did.

"His Royal Highness... veteran, you can't say it!"

There was a struggle on the face of the Great God of Xing Xing.

However, a scarlet Totem suddenly spread across his body, seeming to be controlling Heavenly Punishment.

"The space has changed. Someone is trying to connect with Peach Garden!"

Taoyao's face also changed, and she lifted her hand to kill all this aura.

"The breath is very strong, I have never seen it before, and even surpassed what we have seen before, the sealed Demon Venerable!"

Taoyao’s face, Extremely gloomy.

At this time, she was a little frightened.

However, because of Tao Yaoyao, the weird Totem on Xing Great God quickly faded away.

"Hehe, can't you say it?"

"It seems that you still don't hit the south wall and don't look back."

"I really thought that I, Zhou Ehuang You can't help it?"

The God World Princess sneered, and then suddenly retracted the Divine Item Ruyi, putting his hands together.

In an instant, Zhou Ehuang's golden light bloomed all over his body, and the shadow of Buddha appeared behind him.

At this time, she stepped on the Golden Lotus as if she were on the Ancient Saint Buddha.

This awe-inspiring Buddha's radiance, even Ling Tian, ​​is in the heart surprised.

It was also the first time he saw Zhou Ehuang using such a method.

However, Emperor Zhou'e returned from the west, and Master is one of the Buddhas comparable to Saint Sovereign Level.

It is normal to be able to display such Buddhist divine ability.

However, the divine ability of Buddhism is natural to restrain demons, just like this Heart Demon.

Never heard that Heart Demon can beat Buddhism.

The result is also very obvious. Under the shining of Zhou'ehuang's chanting and Buddha's radiance, the complexion of punishment that day was greatly changed, and the heart demon gas was evaporated crazily, and the whole person knelt on the ground. Wailing.

The scriptures chanted by Zhou E's emperor can make the god of punishment suffer all the torture on this day.

Even Heart Demon, it's hard to be it!


"His Royal Highness, please stop reading!"

"Please give me a death!"

Very Soon, the Great Xing God couldn't stand it that day.

"Hehe, it’s not that easy for you to die now."

"You only have one way, and that is to tell me what happened thirty thousand years ago!"


"Otherwise, I will let you taste the suffering of Buddhism discipline!"

Emperor Zhou E coldly said.

"His Royal Highness, I said, I said!"

The sentence was served that day.

This makes Ling Tian a little surprised. The Buddhist scriptures are so easy to use?


"Princess, old man, I can only tell you alone!" Xing gasped that day, and then there was no sound.

However, Zhou Ehuang's expression has obviously changed a lot.

Even in the end, the Buddha's radiance on her body had disappeared, she was shocked, and she took a few steps back.

However, at this time, there were scarlet rays of light surging in the body of the punishment that day, and the whole person's face became extremely distorted.

"You continue to say, where is my Royal Father!?"

Zhou Ehuang shouted.

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