At this time, there are mottled marks outside the Great Wall of Formation.

The witch army is in silence.

More than a year of battle has wiped out the original spirit of the Witch army.

Because the witches are here for several millions of soldiers, but in the end, they didn't even cross the Formation Great Wall.

In the depths of the army, eight ancestral witches are suspended under the dark void.

All were silent.

Compared with being unable to cross the Formation Great Wall, what makes these ancestral witches even more uncomfortable is the Saint Sovereigns of Ling Tian God World, whose battle strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Especially those of Saint Sovereign.

The monkey was no match for the harvest a year ago.

But nowadays, even without Source Power, it's still helpless.

As for those Ling Fan, Ling Hanxun and the others, the battle strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The army of Ling Tian God World can only fight against the Great Wall of Formation from the very beginning. In just one year, they have attacked their army several times.

If this continues, not to mention that the morale of the Witch army will become more and more sluggish. When the time comes, I am afraid that even the front line will not be able to hold on.

"Fifth brother, if this continues, it is definitely not the answer. Although we came here, we promised the clan to win Ling Tian God World in one year, but now, this goal is not only impossible to complete, we are afraid After that, we even have to ruin our army."

"So, let's ask for help!"

Tianwu suddenly said.

In the past year, Tian Wu has asked for help several times.

But before, they were all rejected by other ancestor witches.

For help?

Their eight great ancestor witch descended with several millions of witch warriors. If they can’t win Ling Tian God World within one year, wouldn’t they make all the gods of the Third Realms laugh out of their teeth?

This is about the dignity of the ancestral witch and the witch race, so they all refused.

But this time, Tian Wu's voice fell, and all the witches lost their voices.

The endangerment of the situation is obvious.

Moreover, the one-year appointment is very close at hand.

Even if you don't ask for help, the news has to be passed back to the four ancestor witches who are sleeping and retreating in the valley of the ancestor witches.

When the time comes, the result is still the same.

If you can ask for help now, at least, you can reduce the loss of the army.

"Five brothers!"

"Don't hesitate!"

When Tian Wu saw that Jiu Yin did not speak, his expression started to get excited.


Suddenly, Zhu Jiuyin loudly shouts, interrupting the chattering Tian Wu.

"This seat, as the highest commander of this army, naturally knows the seriousness of the matter."

"However, this battle is of great importance, and the four elder brothers are now Secluded bitter cultivation, it’s not suitable to be disturbed now."

"So, I think of another way."

"Think of another way? What?" All the other ancestor witches, one after another Forgot to come.

"Hehe, everyone, don’t forget, in the ancestral witch’s within the valley, apart from our twelve ancestral witches having the strongest battle strength, there is another thing, strength, which is also not weak."

"What?" Seven ancestor witches complexion changed, looked at each other in blank dismay.

Then they exclaimed in unison.

"Fifth brother is saying that Saint Sovereign the corpse witch?!"

"You, want to use those things!?"

It seems that the so-called The corpse witch is especially terrifying, and even the ancestor witch is shocked.

"Five brothers!"

Tian Wu said again: "Would you like to think about it again, the corpse witch is the wraith of the dead compatriots of my witch clan, and cannot be reincarnated within the valley? Although the battle strength is strong, it does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy."

"Once it is released, even if it can destroy this Ling Tian God World, when the time comes, it flows into the Third Realms, It's also a scourge!"

"hehe, don't worry!" But Zhu Jiuyin waved his hand.

"This seat, it is not that all the corpses are released. Even if they escape, it will not have a big impact."

"In addition, I have already sent the corpses. Come here, now that the time is counted, it should be almost here!"

Zhu Jiuyin stood up, "So, let the younger brothers come over this time, it is for you to evacuate the army temporarily. "

"Wait for the corpse witches to come, ruin the Formation Great Wall, and severely damage the Saint Sovereign of Ling Tian God World, when the time comes, we will sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits, That's it."

"Fifth brother, think twice!" Tianwu frowned.

But the next moment, the huge body of Jiu Yin, has disappeared.


Finally, the other ancestor witches were helpless and left one after another, leading their army before leaving the Formation Great Wall.

They also know that they cannot control the decision of Zhujiuyin.

In this way, the Witch army quietly retreated.

Before the Formation of the Great Wall, the Wu clan suddenly retreated, disappeared, so alien, and immediately alarmed the Saint Sovereign of Ling Tian God World.

Qin Mingyue summoned all Saint Sovereign under the Great Wall.

Shen Xiaoyao did not participate in the final retreat a month ago because of his insight into the preaching.

"Mother, this witch race is really weird in such a move. It is definitely not just for admitting defeat and withdrawal."

Ling Fan said.

Although the war is detrimental to the Witch tribe, but the main force of the Witch tribe is still there, how can we withdraw the army for no reason?

"Fan'er is right. Among them, it must be the trick of the witch clan!"

Long Xuan also said.

"Holy Empress, what do you think?"

Qin Mingyue looked towards Golden Mother.

The latter frowned slightly, "I agree with everyone."

"This witch clan is indeed strange, if it is said that Zhu Jiu Yin invited other ancestor witches to come to help. , It should not be withdrawn."

"Fleeing without a fight, with the character of Jiuyin, I can't do it, but I can't think of any other way he can."


The Queen got up from the throne, "However, the Empress does not recommend chasing by the army at this time."

"We might as well wait and watch the changes!"

" The Holy Queen is right. So, everyone ordered to go down. From now on, all the troops will be stationed in the Great Wall, ready to respond."

"Saint Sovereign, don't shut up."

Qin Mingyue nodded, the suggestion of the queen is undoubtedly the most reliable.


The Saint Sovereign nodded one after another, and then backed out.

So, the army machine of the Ling Tian alliance began to rotate, and all the elites were exhausted.

Saint Sovereign is even more ready, ready to resist the impact.

The Holy Empress and Qin Mingyue stood on the void of the Great Wall, looking into the endless darkness.

"Time is really fast. In a blink of an eye, a year is going to pass, is there still no news from Ling Tian Saint Sovereign?"

Holy Queen said.

"Not yet, but I feel that Husband should return."

Qin Mingyue smiled.

"Oh? That is good news for us."

The Queen raised her eyebrows, "Back then, the battle strength of Ling Tian Saint Sovereign was almost the top Three Realms. , If you return this time, you can accomplish all the good fortune."

"At that time, even if the witches want to play any tricks, we will be fearless."


"I also hope that he can come back soon." Qin Mingyue nodded.

These days, there is a rare panic in her heart. This feeling is hard to say, but the sudden disappearance of the Witch army today makes her more uneasy.

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