
Sure enough, it was not long after the Witch army withdrew.

In the darkness beyond the Great Wall, there was a muffled noise, as if it could sink Nine Nether.

Up to the top of God World.

Many faces of Saint Sovereign have changed.

The queen is a complexion grave and stern. It is suspended at the highest point on the Great Wall, with eight stars on its feet, and its eyes twinkling with endless starlight, shooting into the endless darkness.

Everywhere starlight goes, all darkness is illuminated.

But the next moment, a scene in the depths of darkness, makes everyone take a deep breath.

I saw a huge vortex, like a galaxy, appearing in the darkness, in which the pitch-black thunder mixed with the atmosphere of the billowing witch race surged from it.

It seems to be a monster tightly closed by a certain seal, and it must be rushed out of it.

bang bang bang!

A few more tremors, resounding all over the world.

That voice comes from this vortex.

"Holy Empress, what is this?"

All Saint Sovereign looked towards the Golden Mother.

Only this golden mother was present, with the oldest qualifications.

"Is this... the Transmission Great Array of the Witch Clan?"

But this time, the Queen Mother of Gold frowned.

"This Formation, I have seen it once, but it is far from being so huge. Moreover, in this Formation, there is the power of banning. I am afraid that the transmitted things will be more terrifying!"


"The order is passed down, the Great Wall defense is fully open, ready to resist the unknown impact!"

This time, the Empress directly ordered.


Up and down the Great Wall, Yanhuang and the Golden Mother God World continent poured energy on the Great Wall, giving it a solid Formation defense.

All Saint Sovereign is also full of breath.


At this time, the Transmission Array burst suddenly.

There is a dark tidal divine force, sweeping away from it, and even blasting the queen’s starlight to pieces.

The Queen took back the starlight, where the darkness was restored.

However, the faces of everyone in the army are extremely cold.

This divine force tide hit the Great Wall at an extremely terrifying speed, causing the Defensive Array of the Great Wall to ripple.

And this is just the tide.

"Not good, I felt a lot of pressure from Saint Sovereign Level, that is definitely not an ancestor witch!"

Long Xuan cry out in surprise.

He felt something.

Sure enough, just after his voice fell, one after another, like a sacred mountain, rushed out of the darkness.

They are extremely fast and violent.

The coercion of Saint Sovereign is like a burning dark fire, burning the space wantonly.

After a few breaths, those figures appeared in front of everyone.

The same huge and hideous body as the ancestor witch, even taller.

Moreover, their breath is weird, full of resentment and murderous aura.

"Hiss, the queen knows, these are the corpse witches sealed in the valley of the ancestral witches by the witch clan!"

Until now, the queen did not cry out in surprise .

"What, the corpse witch?"

Xing Tian and Athena and other Saint Sovereign, all took a deep breath one after another.

Obviously, they know something about it.

"What is a corpse witch?"

But Ling Fan frowned.

They have never heard of it.

"The so-called corpse witches are the incarnations of all the fallen witches wraith since the birth of the witch clan, because they were born of stale aura. After the fall, if they cannot be reborn, they cannot reincarnate. They were sealed in one place. As time passed, more and more witches fell, and the power of wraith became stronger."

"Even spiritual wisdom was born among them, and continued cultivation. The corpse witch is this thing."

"But didn't expect, these wraiths are already powerful enough to be comparable to the three, and so many!"

Xing Tian arrived.

"Is the candle nine shades crazy? The corpse witch is also a taboo in the Wu clan and cannot be released. This time, he brought this catastrophic thing to Ling Tian God World!"

Athena frowned, too.

At this time, there are nine corpses in front of the Formation Great Wall, all of which are above the Three Realms of Slash.

"Only nine, but the number can't crush us, let my grandson see, what terrifying is there in this corpse!"

The monkey rushed directly down The Great Wall, the law of heaven and earth opened, relying on possessing the Indestructible Vajra Body, killed it.


Divine Item traverses the void, the golden light shines, and it hits the huge corpses.

Today’s monkeys still haven’t understood the proper origin, but it’s the essence of patching the sky, and it’s also called the Ancient Great Monster. It’s also the power of the West Heavenly Buddhism. One year after being cut three times, battle strength It skyrocketed a lot.

This stick monkey goes all out, as if trying to calm everything down.


However, among those corpse witches, only one rushed out, and then burst out with a punch, and the void collapsed.

The witch fist is like a mountain, falling on the monkey’s Divine Item. Next moment, the monkey’s face changes drastically.


The rays of light of Divine Item and divine ability were shattered.

The huge body of the monkey fell like a mountain.


The monkey stepped on the void until he was under the Great Wall, and then stopped.

A wisp of blood dripped from the corner of the monkey's mouth.

This is the first time a monkey has been injured in a year.

Moreover, it's just a trick.

"Eldest Senior Brother?"

Zhu Bajie and the others were surprised.

This corpse witch is so terrifying?

"Be careful, everyone, the battle strength of these corpse witches is far above our expectations!"

The battle strength of the monkey in Saint Sovereign is not weak anymore.

But even so, they are still slightly invincible.

At this time, those extremely fast corpses watched, just before they arrived at the Great Wall.

"No, you must not let them get close to the Great Wall, otherwise the army will be destroyed!"

"All three battle strengths will be shot. Anyway, we must block them. !"

The Empress cry out in surprise, even if she took a shot, she rushed out of the Great Wall.

The starlight is extremely dazzling, almost by the strength of oneself, blocking the wraith divine might that surging out of the corpse witch.

But among the nine corpse witches, there is also a super powerhouse, and the two come out together to entangle the queen.

The remaining seven, continue to kill the Great Wall.

At this time, Shen Xiaoyao is not there. Zhan three battle strength, only Long Xuan, Xing Tian, ​​Feng Jiu, Athena, Monkey, Ling Hanxun, plus some Zhan Er Peak, can hold the cut There are three powerhouses, and there are only seven in front of them.

bang bang!

But those corpses are still a bit scary.

Not only does it have powerhouse and divine ability, but it also doesn't know fear at all. Even if it is hit hard, it runs rampant.

Let the fight never start, and many Saint Sovereign were injured.

After less than time it takes to drink a cup of tea, all Saint Sovereign who cut the second Peak cultivation base were sent out of the battlefield and lost their combat power.

The pressure on Long Xuan and the others increased sharply.

You can only fight and retreat.

At this time, corpses had already killed in from the battlefield, and their huge bodies hit the Great Wall Formation.

There was a bang.

In an instant, the Formation was full of cracks.

Sure enough, the defense of the Great Wall was still unbearable in front of this existence.

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