"It turned out that it was Ling Tian Young Master who came to Qunfang Pavilion, and Zimei excuse me for not going out to meet you, disrespectful..."

Unexpectedly, it was Ye Zimei who spoke first.

This makes everyone unable to understand. After all, the ranks of Ling Tian and Ye Zimei are too far apart, right?

"hehe, everyone in Ye is serious, Ling Tian is just a nameless person. This time, it is already a show of ugliness."

Ling Tian is also in return, neither overbearing nor overbearing. The way Ye Ye was fascinated.

This makes the leaf frieze and the eyebrows cluster.

After all, people like Ling Tian who are not attracted by their looks are too rare.

"Dare to ask Young Master, what is the name of your song?" Ye Zimei asked suddenly.

Seeing Ling Tian frowning, Ye Zimei added: "Don’t get me wrong, Young Master, although this pavilion has broken scores, but it’s nameless."

"It turned out to be like this, but I don’t know it. What's the name of the song. Why, just call it a word, Xia!"

"Xia? Good name..."

Ye Zilin thought about it, so he stopped asking.

"hehe, Ling Tian Young Master is unmatched in musical attainments, how could he be a nameless person? Don't be humble."

At this time, more thousands Fang stepped forward, holding the leaf frieze, sitting on the lotus throne rising behind him, and then looked towards Ling Tian.

"You are the winner of this round of school examinations, so the reward is yours."

Yue Qianfang looked towards all around, and there was a twitch on his face," However, the Celestial Phenomenon you hooked is magnificent. I don’t know how many flowers bloom, but it’s tentatively more than ten thousand. I will reward you with ten thousand cups of fragrant wine!"

"This fragrant wine is me The signboard of Qunfang Pavilion for the next year, you are blessed."

After that, the more thousands of Fangs will beckons with the hand, a maid will come on stage and hand a storage ring to Ling Tian.

"many thanks!"

Ling Tian took the ring, collected Qianchen, and returned to behind Crown Prince,

Although he always went along the way It attracts thousands of line of sight, but always face doesn't change, like a wisp of breeze in the mountains, indifferent.

Yue Qianfang looked at Ling Tian's back from a distance, and couldn't help but secretly nodded.

"hahaha, good, good! This Ling Tian's first-hand piano is really wonderful, after listening to it, it is leisurely in your ears!"

On top of the blue stone on the mountain in the distance, it is dark golden The old man in clothes, said with a smile.

"hahaha, indeed, this kid doesn't know what the pretends are in his mind. I really don't know where he got these songs!"

Chen Xuanling said with a smile .

"Well, if you have time to wait, let him sit in my house."

The old man nodded said.

"The boy, Ling Tian, ​​is blessed!" Chen Xuanling smashed her mouth, and in her heart, she also sighed Ling Tian's fate.

"hehe, but he is now, but there are many disasters. I just asked, I heard that after this kid came to Zhong Prefecture, he offended a lot of people, then Wang Family wanted to get rid of him Now, he is in the East Palace again, and he is also afflicted with Li Kan. This kid is really fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth!"

The old man smiled and said.

"No way, this kid is too sharp. The prince also knows that if you want to get ahead, you will inevitably block the way of others. There is really no way!"


Chen Xuanling spreads her hands.

"Why, Master Chen, want to support him behind him? You are the supervisory official, holding the Tai'a sword, and you stand on the platform for him, even the Wang Family, I dare not want to come Trespass...'

The old man squinted towards Chen Xuanling, faint smile.

"His Royal Highness, you are joking. As a supervisor, I will definitely not In the party, although Ling Tian and I have some friends of forgotten year, they are never selfish. It will not use private power to protect it from wind and rain. And I also believe that this kid has the ability to resolve any difficulties. "

Chen Xuanling looked towards that silhouette in the distance and whispered: "After all, Chen has been optimistic about such a kid for so many years!" "

"Oh? Is it? That Ben Wan, wait and see..."

The old man took a deep look at Chen Xuanling, and then stopped talking.


"Crown Prince, wine, you won. "

Ling Tian returns to his deeds and offers the ring.

This battle is for the Crown Prince.

"haha, Ling Tian, ​​lonely Did not misread you! "

Crown Prince glanced at the ring, then threw it to Ling Tian.

These ten thousand glasses of Qunfang Pavilion’s signature wine are very valuable, but they are not cheap in Crown Prince. In front of me, what can't be considered.

Naturally, Ling Tian did not refuse, so he accepted the ring.

"he he he, Crown Prince won this round , Let my subjects look at each other with admiration. King Zhongshan, you have to work hard. "

Yue Qianfang swept across Crown Prince and Li Kan, said with a smile.

This is undoubtedly a deliberate lead!

"hmph, let His Highness the Crown Prince win a round that's all, or else always lose to this king, this king will also win unfortunately. "

Although Li Kan's face flushed, he was coldly snorted, trying to save face.

This round, he lost too ugly.

"haha , It's ridiculous, lonely let you that many times, now I don't want to be used to you anymore, why, are you still not satisfied? "

Crown Prince shook his folding fan and looked at King Zhongshan with a pair of nostrils.

"bang! "

Li Kan's temper was so fierce that he couldn't bear it anymore, he immediately slammed a punch on the table, "What can I do if Li Kan is not convinced?" "

"Pavilion Lord, hurry up the next round, I want His Highness the Crown Prince to understand how big the gap between people is! "

Yue Qianfang looked at the two men who were full of medicinal smell, and the corners of their mouths also raised an imperceptible smile.

He naturally hoped that the Crown Prince and the king of Zhongshan County would fight each other. The more intense the better.

It’s better to make a major event. Then he Qunfangge will save a lot of things.

"Yes, yes, the more you hurry up The third tour bar, this group of fragrant wines are too top grade, I want to come to this third tour, just the taste of the wine, can it make me drunk? "

"Yes, yeah, hurry up on the third tour, and I will show it in front of everyone Ye! "

Not only the Crown Prince and the King of Zhongshan County, but other people are also reminders.

"hehe, since everyone is so kind, then I won't delay time. "

Yue Qianfang stood in the center of the platform and said: "This third wine tour is my Qunfang Pavilion. It was brewed 300 years ago. Now I choose to unseal it today. Witness with everyone that this wine was born. "

"This third wine tour, because it is too rare, only the final winner in this round can get a bottle. And he has the right to name this third wine tour, then Zimei will give the question. "

In response, the leaf frieze stood up and watched the surrounding flowers bloom in full bloom, with a flower-like smile on his face.

"The topic of this round is very simple. With this flower as the topic, make a poem, and the one that touches me is the winner. "

After that, the leaf frieze returned to the seat, and around the throne, a light curtain was also raised to cover up his figure and never see it again.

"Compose poems with flowers? Is this too simple? "

"That's right, I will do it too! "

Everyone was hearing this, and the discussion started.

The topic of this leaf's frieze is too simple.

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