"he he he, since everyone thinks you have seen it, then I will add some difficulty."

Yue Qianfang did not expect that Ye Zimei would have such a simple topic, and said: "Everyone You need to transcribe the poems you wrote. The so-called words can communicate with the spirit. If you want to do this, it will make your masterpieces icing on the cake. And the calligraphy written by the winners, my Qunfang Pavilion will also include them, and hang them in front of the door for appreciation. How?"

"Aiya, I still have to look at the words, this is difficult..."

"My words are good, hehe, maybe I will have a chance this time !"

Some people are happy and some are worried, but the more Qianfang’s voice falls, there are still many people who just lay out paper on the table, dipped in ink, and began to write poems.

"Aiya, it’s easy to use flowers as poetry!"

Crown Prince haha ​​smiled and took out a pen. After thinking for a while, he wrote it out on the paper. .

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, and when he stepped forward, he suddenly felt a black line on his forehead.

A flower in front of the door,

Three bees on the flower,

People pass by the lace,

Buzz! Buzz ! Buzz!.

This is also called poetry?

Ling Tian brushed his forehead with his hand, and the sweat came down.

He finally understands how Crown Prince has lost his worth in front of Chang'an City people for so many years.

In this way, it would be strange not to be buried to death by the king of Zhongshan County.

"haha, what about Ling Tian, ​​lonely writing, these little poems, you can pinch it at your fingertips!"

But Crown Prince still doesn't know it, holding a writing brush, looked towards Ling Tian, ​​be contented.

"Uh, so wet and so wet, I have never seen it before, so strange and refined wet!"

Ling Tian wiped his sweat and said.

"That's right, how can poems made by oneself fall into the vulgar?"

Crown Prince hehe smiled and even lifted up his own poems for everyone to observe .

Over there, the corners of Yue Qianfang's mouth twitched. After a while, he couldn't help clapping his hands and said: "Crown Prince's writing is still good..."

Ling Tian: "..."

However, other people won't sell Crown Prince's face anymore. After reading this poem, they burst into laughter, and that scene can hardly be any longer. It's spectacular.

"hahaha, I really laughed at me. Just you, it's considered a poem? You are still far behind if you want to beat me!"

Li Kan raised his head and laughed, and then With a big wave of his hand, "Take a pen, let His Highness the Crown Prince see and see what is poetry!" Behind, Lin Zhuoran, with a face, silently offered the brush.

After a few breaths, Li Kan wrote a poem. The speed is comparable to Crown Prince.

Ling Tian's heart sank, secretly thought this guy, isn't it possible that this guy has a lot of knowledge in his poems?

If that's the case, then this round, Crown Prince shot first, but he lost.

This Crown Prince is a pig teammate!

"hehe, don't worry, he is just a trash, he can write a fart poem?"

His Highness the Crown Prince didn't care and said to Ling Tian,


The latter was skeptical, and looked at the poem that Li Kan lifted up.

I was dumbfounded immediately.

From a distance, the chrysanthemum is almost yellow,

The lower head is thin and the upper head is thick.

If you turn the flower upside down,

The top is thin and the bottom is thick!

These two people Imperial Family are dealt with.

being evenly matched, it's on par!

No wonder no one looks down on anyone, the two co-authors are idiots!

Ling Tian thought that the poem of Crown Prince was silly enough, didn't expect, the wetness of the Zhongshan Junwang rotted out of the sky!

"The more the Pavilion Lord, the wetness between the king and the Crown Prince, who is better?!"

The idiot of the king of Zhongshan County didn't know it, and asked Yue Qianfang,

The latter seems to have been prepared for a long time, and said indifferently: "The wetness of the two princes is excellent, but the words of Crown Prince should be better."

"hahahaha, the more Pavilion Lord Divine Vision knows gold! What, Li Jian, are you still not admitting defeat? I said long ago, you were alone before! You still don’t believe it!"

Crown Prince hearing this, immediately said with a big smile.

"Damn it!"

The King of Zhongshan Jun was furious, he tore the paper in his hand, and then waved his hand, "Go on, you must win this round!"

In a short time, the King of Zhongshan Jun gave an order, and a dozen people, including Yun Yang, immediately emerged behind him, waving a few splashes of ink, and began to write poems.

"Ling Tian, ​​I have won a round, you should also take a shot, take them down!"

Crown Prince also sat back and waved.

"hehe, it's too late."

Ling Tian sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, and did not get up.

On the platform, everyone composes poems very quickly. Someone finishes them one after another, and many of them are outstanding.

But in Ling Tian's view, it can only be said to be acceptable, and it can't be said to touch Ye Zimei at all.

How can an oiran like this leaf frieze have a low vision?

Finally, on the platform, only Yunyang can be downloaded and he is still writing.

Apart from this, everyone else, the whole army was overthrown.

Li Kan looked at Yun Yang eagerly, pinning all his hopes on Yun Yang.

"Wow, this is Hou Shizi of Yun Prefecture. I heard that his Martial Dao innate talent is good. After more than a year in Zhong Prefecture, his battle strength has soared. Now in Kunwu Academy, his battle strength has been ranked The top five!"

"Yes, and I heard that Yunyang is quite talented. Even Prince Rong has praised it personally!"

"Prince Rong? That's true. It's amazing!"

Soon, Yun Yang closed his writing amidst everyone's discussion.

He raised the poem in his hand and made it public.

Ling Tian also looked curiously. After all, he and this Yunyang have had two poem fights before. He also wants to see if Yunyang has grown up in the past more than a year. .

Chunlanqiuju, summer breeze,

Ten thousand flowers reflect the sun and the fragrance is full.

The beauty of the group is strange,

A white lotus enters a dream.

As soon as Yun Yang's poems came out, everyone was nodded again and again.

His poem is very clever.

Everyone knows that the Martial Spirit of the leaf frieze is a white lotus.

At this time, within the Celestial Grotto, thousands of flowers bloom, in Yunyang’s eyes, they are all inferior to a white lotus in a dream.

It can be said that it is not only a flower , And gave a compliment to the leaf frieze.

Moreover, there is also the word "Qunfang" in it, which is very suitable.

For a time, the more thousands of fame, it is also nodded.

"Yes, Yunyang Young Master, this is the last good one among all the poems today."

Immediately, she looked towards the one shrouded by Formation behind her The leaf frieze was waiting for her decision.

After all, the right to evaluate this round of competition is in the hands of Ye Zimei.

However, what is surprising is that the leaf frieze was indifferent, and Formation did not respond.

In an instant, Yun Yang's face also sank.

"hahaha, this poem is not very good in Gu's opinion, do you want to impress everyone? Save it!"

When I saw it, Crown Prince said with a big smile.

"Don’t put your airs in there! Yunyang’s poems can’t do it, can’t you do it?"

Li Jian looked towards Ling Tian, ​​"How is Yunyang doing, he is also better than him?"


"Hehe, I’m afraid I’ve disappointed the princess, the poem of the first son of Yunyang, just this, has no progress compared to a year ago!"

This is, Ling Tian flew and landed on the center of the platform again, holding his hand and standing.

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