Sairo: "Our Ultra family only needs to obtain the energy in the light. Now I am standing in the sun and I am already eating..."

"Zi Liu Zi Liu~~ That's really a pity~~ Zi Liu Zi Liu~~~ This ramen is super delicious, unlike the bowl that the group owner gave us last time, it's spicy and psychological... ."

"Yes, yes, this ramen is so delicious, zi liu zi liu~~~ that... Boss, pack 8 more servings for me, yes, each bowl of side dishes will be topped up, and the money will be counted on the blond eldest sister's head. superior!"

Gintoki slaughtered Tsunade unceremoniously.

"I really didn't expect this group leader, so you know that there is a Yile Ramen in this place."

Tsunade drank a little wine and looked at Chu Tian with a red face.

Just now, after Chutian sent them to Konoha, he immediately went straight to Yile Ramen. He was familiar with the road, and those who didn't know thought he was a local!

Chu Tian's face froze, and he smiled, "That's right, how could I not come to such a famous restaurant as Yile Ramen..."

"Oh? Has this shop spread to your other world?"

Chu Tian's pupils shrank, and his face suddenly became blurred: "Don't look at this is just a ramen shop, in fact, the owner of this shop, Yile, has a lot of background.".

Chapter 92 You are the husband of Datongmu Kaguya, right! 【6 more】

"What's the background? What kind of background can the owner of a ramen shop have?"

"Shit, shouldn't it, this is actually human, human, human meat rice, restaurant..."

"Hey Ah Yin, what are you talking about! How could this be a human..."

Not only Tsunade, but even Uncle Ichile who was cooking noodles pricked up his ears with a smile.

Chu Tian slowly put down his chopsticks and said solemnly, "Don't you all know? The owner of this ramen shop, Yile, looks like an ordinary middle-aged uncle, but he is actually the biggest boss in the ninja world. His true identity is Kaguya Otsutsuki's husband and the father of the Six Path Immortals. He lives in seclusion in Konoha and hides himself as a ramen shop owner. His age has reached a terrifying [-] years old. Squinting at people..."


As soon as the boss of Yile said "Three Eight Zeros", a 180 fancy horse came and fell to the ground!

"What nonsense are you talking about, this guest! I'm just an ordinary person, and I don't have any skills other than the delicious ramen!"

Boss Yile quickly clears his identity. He has never heard of the six-dao immortal reincarnation writing wheel eye, and he is a ramen buyer, and he is still involved with some big boss. Together this is unheard of!

"Your guest is so evil. Could it be that my ramen didn't do the right thing?" Boss Yile stood in front of Chu Tian with a grim expression.

"No no, I was just joking and didn't mean anything else."

"No, no, after I opened a ramen shop, there has never been a customer who stopped after just a few bites, and then ranted to my boss. It must be that the ramen just didn't suit your appetite, please. Allow me to make another."

Boss Yile's brain circuit is quite clear. He thinks that the guest's silence is the biggest compliment to him. This guest must be making excuses for the unpleasantness, so he will brag about being Kaguya's husband. of.

Yes, it must be that ramen is not to his taste!

"Boss, don't be serious, I'm really just joking..."

Chu Tian wanted to hold Yile, but the other party ignored him and devoted himself to the processing of ingredients.

After a while, a steaming bowl of ramen was placed in front of Chu Tian.

"Please taste, this is a limited-grade luxury ramen set specially made by I Yile, which is added with dozens of precious side dishes such as braised eggs, sashimi, fish balls, shrimp slices, and wolfberry. It is definitely very suitable for your taste. In order to express I'm sorry, I won't charge you for this!" Yile said generously and proudly.

I go!

Ramen is delivered without a word!

Boss, your brain circuit is really clear!

Chu Tian complained to himself, but the permeating aroma made him move his index finger, and he picked up his chopsticks and started to devour it.

Do not eat white do not eat!

What is delicious, that is, he clearly said no, but his body couldn't stop, three hits five divided two, a full bowl was eaten by him, and there was no soup left.

Gintoki and Natsu stared at him with admiration.

"What, what's the point of this? The group owner comes with a buy-one-get-one-free halo?"

"This one seems to be much better than what we had just now!"

"And it's still free??"

"And it's still free??"

"I want to go to the boss! Give me one!"

Of course, Boss Yile ignored the other two. It was like in military training, only the first person who pretended to be sick could get leave, and the rest were all fake.

After eating the noodles, Chutian and the others did not rush to leave.

They have to wait here for Sarutobi Hizan to come and greet him in person.

Looking at the long queue outside the store, Tsunade had to sigh at the popularity of Yile in Konoha. This store opened in Konoha more than ten years ago. With a conscientious price and substantial weight, it quickly captured a Big wave of foodies, the popularity can be said to be high.

I didn't expect it to be so popular after more than ten years, but the store and the owner have some traces left by the years, which made Tsunade have to sigh that time flies, and things are different.

"Boss, a bowl of ramen!"

At this moment, an old and thick voice sounded from outside the wind curtain.

Then, a middle-aged man wrapped in white bandages with his right hand hanging in front of Hungary walked in.

At this moment, Tsunade's pupils suddenly shrank sharply, her fingers were pinched, and the boiling murderous aura emanated from her, but was pressed back in an instant.

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