Shimura Danzo!

There are two conspirators in Konoha, the first one is the man Sarutobi Hidden who is at the top of the bright side, and the second one is Shimura Danzo, who is hiding in the dark and burying many evils with one hand... . ...

"Tsunade, what's wrong with you?" Chu Tian saw Tsunade's abnormality, turned his head, and saw Shimura Danzo's face.

"Oh, it's this old thing..."

It has to be said that Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiizan, although they are the same age and have been friends for many years, are incomparable when they stand together.

In terms of appearance, Sarutobi Rijian has straight facial features, and is not angry and self-righteous. He took over as Hokage for nearly [-] years.

As for Shimura Danzo, the right half of his face is wrapped in bandages, most of which are disfigured, and the scar on his chin is unknown when he was naughty playing with a big knife when he was a child, or he was stabbed because he looked too evil. Yes, it's not pleasing to the eye, and the old guy Danzo hides in the dark all day to calculate this and that, even Sarutobi Hizen dared to calculate, after a long time, even the pores exudes the breath of a conspirator. , even a layman can see that he is not a good thing.

As soon as he sat in this shop, he directly lowered the level of this harmonious and happy ramen shop by 3 grades. People passing by felt chills in their hearts, and many people lost their appetites when they saw Shimura Danzo's appearance.

"Paralyzed, fortunately, I ate all of it first, otherwise I would think of the dense writing wheel in Tuanzang's hand, and I'm afraid I will spit out the excess."

"What? Shaking round eyes?" Tsunade was startled, "What writing round eyes?" 4.0

Chu Tian smiled sinisterly: " don't know about this, when Shimura Danzo planned the Uchiha genocide case, it was he who was in charge of recovering the corpse. Now his arm is specially made and integrated. I took your grandfather's wooden tunnel, and there are ten writing wheel eyes on it, and yes, there are also on the right eye."

"This, how is this possible, don't talk nonsense!"

Tsunade Hime's three views were instantly refreshed.

She knew that Konoha was not clean, but she didn't expect it to be so unclean!

Danzo is an elder-level village official!Would you still do this?

"Hey Chutian, don't talk nonsense, if Danzang really had a shackle on his body, then Uchiha's extermination of the clan would not be simple..."

"I'll show you the evidence if it's not pure..." After speaking, Chu Tian picked up the bowl and walked over to Tuanzang quietly...

Chapter 93 A Fish Ball for a Shaker [1 More]

"Hey Chutian! What are you doing, don't do it in other people's stores!"

Tsunade was startled, Chu Tian was so aggressive, obviously he was going to clean up Tuanzang!

Rendanzo is also a senior executive of Konoha, former Hokage assistant, and the actual leader of the root organization.

He is an outsider, and as soon as he enters the village, he will use Tuanzang for surgery?


With a stand-in and a return from death, Chu Tian, ​​an old thief of Danzo's level, doesn't care at all, so he sits opposite Shimura Danzo very rudely.

"Hello, there's no seat over there, I'll sit here."

Danzo was secretly surprised. Could this guy be a ninja from another village who came to take the exam?

Do you know who he is? He's sitting here?

I don't know that I seem to be eating alone, but in fact, there are seven or eight spies of the root organization hidden around here?

Dare to be so disrespectful, be careful not to leave Konoha alive!

Chu Tian was not surprised, staring at Tuan Zang's one-eyed with burning eyes, while Tuan Zang also stared at him, the two just stared at each other silently without speaking, the atmosphere was very tense.

For these 24 kinds of stares, Danzang was at a disadvantage, because he only had one eye exposed, while Chutian had two, twice his number and twice his aura.

Soon Danzang felt that something was wrong. As a rookie who came to the exam, the sense of oppression emanating from Chu Tian was a little too strong.


Chu Tian ignored him and focused on teasing the two quail eggs and fish balls left in the bowl with chopsticks. Tsunade stared at this side, his distress accelerated, while Gintoki and Natsu looked outside the store, planning escape route.

In an abrupt moment, the murderous intent in Chu Tian's eyes boiled, and the Platinum Star burst out and floated behind him. In the next second, the whole world stopped abruptly, and everything condensed in this moment!

"Platinum Star - Theworld!"

The pause time of 5 seconds, coupled with the double speed of the Platinum Star, which was close to the speed of light, allowed Chu Tian to remove the bandage on Tuanzang's face - take out the writing wheel eye - with a sound of ber, put in a fish ball - Put on a bandage, wipe the soup off his face, and so on.

Fish balls for writing wheel eye big battle - success!


The sound of the noodles in Yile's hands being put into the pot, the clanging clang, the sound of chopsticks hitting the bowl.

The flow of time resumes, and the whole world functions normally!

Chu Tian still teased the quail eggs and fish balls in the bowl, but no one noticed that there was one fish ball missing.

"Oops, I'd better go to eat elsewhere. Sitting here seems to make you unhappy..."

Chu Tian walked away leisurely with the bowl in his hand, Tuan Zang glared at his back angrily, thinking in his mind.

But the next second.....

He felt something was wrong.

Why are your eyes hot and a little spicy?

Danzo was shocked and sighed in distress that something was wrong!

Wipe the right face, the bandage is still there.

"what happened?"

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