After all, the distance is too close.. Even a hundred degrees of boiling water can scald people, not to mention that the temperature of the surface of the sun is only 600 degrees at a high temperature of [-] degrees.

The flames instantly covered Siegfried's entire body.


This flame enveloped him all over, even if he was not afraid of any harm from the front, but the weakness behind him could not be concealed.

Siegfried didn't even have time to scream, and not even ashes were left.

The high temperature of [-] degrees, even if God Daiichi only acts on Siegfried himself, and also controls the farther molecules to slow down or even stop their movement.

But there was still a lot of temperature.

Even though the distance was far away, God Daiichi used magic and installed a barrier, but he was still attacked by a heat flow of more than [-] degrees.

And Hei Zhen, who was closer, received a heat flow of nearly a thousand degrees.

Fortunately, God Daiichi also took care of her.

As for Joan of Arc... fortunately she stood a little further away.

So the thermal shock is not that big.. But Gold who was standing beside her was not so lucky. Because of the limitation of magic, he was affected.

He is not... a heroic spirit, dozens of burns appeared on his body at a time, as for Shen Daiyi, he did it twice at once, which made him a little uncomfortable, and the consumption of mental power was doubled.

Even the whole person is a little dizzy.

The high temperature of [-] degrees Celsius, if it explodes directly, it is estimated that there will be a big hole here.

This is the physical level, no matter how much you suppress it, it cannot be completely solved.

Some.. I used a bull's knife to kill chickens.. God Daiichi estimated that the flame of about [-] degrees just now can burn Siegfried to death, and he is still too conservative.

The temperature has increased fifty times! Of the mental power consumed, 3% of the mental power is used to kill Siegfried, and the remaining 97% is used to resist the damage caused by killing Siegfried by his own ability.

A low-level mystery cannot defeat a high-level mystery. This is not absolute. It's like a nuclear bomb. If a nuclear bomb is used, can the heroic spirit still survive the terrible ability. The three people present thought so.

Siegfried didn't even have a chance to resist and cry, and he was directly burned to ashes.

It's definitely a terrifying temperature! This kind of power is really too terrifying, and it's not a power that humans can control at all! Only then did Heizhen realize that he underestimated his master.

As far as the power of Shen Daiyi is concerned, it is estimated that sweeping the entire Holy Grail War is not a problem, and I really underestimate him a little bit.

"Hey! It's alright!"

Seeing that Shen Daiyi could not walk steadily, Heizhen stepped forward and supported Shen Daiyi who almost fell to the ground.

"Let's go back quickly. The power just now alarmed the other masters of the black side!"

God Daiyi, the situation at the moment is a bit bad.

The consumption of mental power is too great, even if the remaining mental power is still better than that of ordinary humans, he needs to rest at this moment! "You stay first, let me kill that... white."

As Hei Zhen said that, he planned to send a Noble Phantasm to Zhen Ritian.

"Shut up! If it's too late, the others are coming and we all have to stay here!"

God Daiichi is not... Hei Zhen, he is not a heroic spirit, he is a transmigrator, or, he cannot be recorded on the throne of heroic spirits.

Fortunately, I had a discussion with the system before and lowered the sensitivity of self-protection a little, otherwise, I would have to cross again just now.

"'re lucky this time!"

Seeing that God Dai Yidu was at this level, Hei Zhen had no choice but to temporarily put aside the idea of ​​burning Bai Zhen to death, and was going to take him back first.

Joan of Arc saw that Shen Daiyi was like this, and after recalling the reminder from the restraint force, she stepped forward and raised Shen Daiyi's other arm without saying a word.

"I'll take you back."

"White! What are you doing! Let go of my master!!"

When Hei Zhen saw it, another Jeanne came to get in the way, and directly kicked her with her little foot.

Zhen Ritian did not resist: "Now his situation is not very optimistic. If you encounter other servants when you go back, it will be very dangerous!"

Out of the kindness in his heart, Zhen Ritian chose to protect the god Daiyi.

"Hey! I can protect him by myself!"

Although Hei Zhen said so, she did not refuse Bai Zhen to go with her.

After all, there are really too many enemies in the gods, whether it is the red side or the black side, they are his enemies.

If the two sides suddenly decide to temporarily stop and plan to fight the death god Dai Yi first, she doesn't think she can stop it by herself.

The charred Goldmujik Yug Domirenya just looked at it like this, and he was still there at the beginning: the referee who was protecting, and now he left with the magician who planned to kill her before.

So I did so much, and what was it for! Now it's gone... I still suffered a lot of injuries and left with the enemy.

In this Holy Grail War, is there anyone more miserable than me? There really is.. Compared to Amakusa Shiro, he was robbed of his stronghold, his command spell, his holy relic, and his loot. Compared to the rubbish of sixty years, his... is really nothing.

Chapter 10 I... my saber is gone!

"What happened here you.. are you Gold"

Danic Preston Yogg Domirenia, here we go.

He looked at Gold, whose body was full of burnt fragrance, and he almost didn't recognize him, but fortunately the body shape was still familiar to him.

"I.. mine is gone.."

Siegfried was shocked at first, and then extremely angry: "What are you doing to eat this is only the first day, so sacrificed!"

Siegfried is one of Black's most powerful followers.

In other words, Black is the most powerful, that is, the top three knights.

Siegfried, Vlad III, Chiron, these top three cavalry are their trump cards, and now only one has died, how difficult the next battle will be.

As for the heroic spirits on the red side, Danic doesn't know, but the existence that can easily kill Siegfried can't be an ordinary heroic spirit---the dividing line---"It seems, Your situation is not optimistic, my Master."

Semiramis saw God Daiichi, who was a little weak in spirit, and walked forward slowly.

"What do you want to do"

Hei Zhen glared at the Empress.

Before again, she had never met Semiramis, although she knew that there was another servant of God Daiichi, but this made her feel unusually uncomfortable.

The poisonous woman in front of her made her feel disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

"The Assyrian Empress.. Semiramis.."

Joan of Arc saw her identity, "Is it the thug summoned by the master?"

The Empress didn't care about Heizhen's hostility. As the queen of the Assyrian Empire, she still cares about this kind of thing. "Since it's a thug, then it's better not to let you come here when it comes to taking care of people. "

Semiramis stepped forward and glanced at Bai Zhen.

"You can tell who I am at a are."

My master illegally summoned a Servant of a special agency, but I didn't expect that I just went out today, and I met the referee again. "Yes, I was sent by the restraint force, this Holy Grail War, yes to address the impending catastrophe."

Jeanne said solemnly.

"Now is not the time to say these things.

Please go to the church first and do some hands and feet, I need to rest for a while."

With a dizzy brain, Kamidai Yi hurriedly said.

He was too generous before, and his mental power is about to bottom out. Now he can't keep up with the storm.. "I see."

Ying Heizhen's hostile gaze, Semiramis leaned in front of Kamidai Yi and exhaled at him.

Feeling the breath coming from his nostrils, Shen Daiyi's spirit began to calm down.

Although it's still very empty, but it's not too faint "this is.."

"How does it feel like a poisonous gas that can relieve tension?"

She's really a vicious woman, she's all a kind of poison, but fortunately it doesn't seem to be too harmful. At least he doesn't feel anything wrong now.

"When poison can't poison people, and it's ineffective, then it's not poisonous, my master."

Although being poisoned by one's own servants is not a pleasant thing, fortunately, the poison does not cause much harm to oneself.

Before recovering his spiritual power, Shen Daiyi no longer intends to go out.

It's better to choose squatting at home. Brainwash Zhen Gong and then blow the black whistle.

"Almost forgot.."

It's already dark now, which means it's time to feed the second lady again.

If it's a little later..., I still need to take a shower and a series of other things.

Shendaiyi originally planned to find a few maids to come here, but unfortunately today's time was wasted. Thinking of this... Shendaiyi looked at Joan of Arc. Although this village girl looks a little silly, but if Letting her take care of Yukino Yukinoshita is probably not a bad thing.

At least it's better than taking care of himself. After all, he is still a hot-blooded man, but he just tasted the sweetness not long ago, what if he doesn't hold back, at least he has to wait until she wakes up.

"You should know me"

I am a traverser, for this world, it is... cells that invade the body.

It's not surprising how the restraint force will attack him, but it's just that there is no sweeper yet.

But the Joan in front of her seemed to be very interested in herself.

This made Jindaiyi feel a little curious. I don't know what Inhibition and Jeanne said.

After seeing that Heizhen was a violator, she didn't seem to say anything, at most... in surprise, her "other side"

"Yes, I don't know you, but you are the savior chosen by inhibitions to save the world."

Even though it is wrong to summon illegal Heroic Spirits by special means.

But now that the restraint has spoken, what else can she say that her superior boss allows you to hang up, she is a small clerk, can she still say no, and what is wrong with the savior? Or is it not enough to hang up... When the time comes, the car overturns, so it's not them who should cry? After listening to Jeanne's words, Shen Daiyi fell silent.

The savior chosen by the restraint... "Hehe, the Master chosen by the restraint was not long ago: I compare myself to the evil dragon."

Heizhen smiled disdainfully.

She was very amused by .. Inhibition's strange eyes.

The evil dragon Joan of Arc doesn't know what Heizhen means, but now the crisis of all mankind is about to appear, and hope has already been tied to God Daiyi.

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