However, regarding the choice of restraint... God Daiichi still has doubts and is quite vigilant.

"Why Inhibition Chooses Me"

Shen Daiyi doesn't intend to help others to do white jobs, there is no benefit, why should he be the savior of the world? The disaster of all mankind seems to have nothing to do with him, he will leave this world if he dies or lives.

After coming back, it may not necessarily be in this world.

"Maybe... think you are special"



Joan of Arc looked at God Daiichi, for a while, she couldn't say an example.. She didn't know about... God Daiichi. She only knew that this was the person selected by the restraint.

Chapter 11 Is it too late for me to run now?

The catastrophe that humanity will eventually face.. There are too many possibilities.

The most direct one is the servant of Danic, Vlad III.

If I remember correctly, Danik finally imprinted everything about himself in the mind of Vlad III after he became a vampire.

So there will also be a scene where Vlad III and Danic are the same body, let a magician who combines spirit and vampire enter the Great Holy Grail, God knows what will happen.

Maybe all human beings will be turned into the same clan by him.. Then there is... Amakusa Shiro Tokisada.. Compared with the extreme Danic, his idea is even more terrifying, that is, to realize the redemption of all human beings.. Under normal circumstances, this should be a good thing, after all, humans will no longer die and will no longer feel hungry, so that there is no difference between the poor and the rich.

But this also has many drawbacks, that is, when there is no difference in society and only fairness is left, this society will not continue to develop.

The materialization of the soul means that it will not die and has no lifespan limit.

The Holy Grail is actually... a magic power converter, when you put in the corresponding magic power, your wishes will come true.

The redemption of all mankind, this wish is too huge, and in the Holy Grail War, the magic power of the fourteen Servants cannot realize this wish at all.

So these....the lack of magic power needs to be supplemented by other magic power sources.

And the most practical source of magic power is... the magic power in the vortex of roots.

These...magic powers are not only possessed by the Root, but also shared by Gaia and Alaya.

Humans who have lost their bodies, materialized their souls, and are no longer human, so Alaya will never allow this to happen.

Gaia also doesn't want to lose the magic power of his property, so he won't allow this to happen.

"I want me to help you... OK, release... the suppression of my ability, I will take people away after winning the Holy Grail War and fulfilling my wish."

Kamidaiichi said this to the air...but it was...not sure, whether Gaia and Alaya could hear it.

"..No response, I have no sincerity and want me to work for free."

Kamidai Yi smiled, if the restraint really wants to prostitute for nothing, then let them wait for the disaster to break out.

Looking at Jeanne who was taking care of Yukinoshita Yukino, after confirming that there was no problem, he found a more comfortable place and fell asleep first.

It is important to restore mental power! What he consumes by using those two superpowers is not... magic power, but mental power, which he is not... infinite.

After waiting for Shen Daiyi to fall asleep completely... A trace of white light flashed in Jeanne's eyes, and the white eyes flashed and disappeared completely.

————Dreamland————Feeling all the mysterious auras coming from the surroundings, God Daiichi was a little surprised.

"This is supposed to be a dreamland, right? Invade my dreamland.. Whose handwriting is this Gaia or Alaya?"

When dreams are out of your control.

God Daiichi knew that his dream was being invaded. As for the invaders...except...Gaia and Alaya, there are no other people.

Unless it's the root.. or its two incarnations.

But under normal circumstances, the root and its two incarnations should not care about the life and death of humans or the world.

The only thing that really cares about the world and human beings is inhibition.

Two extremely terrifying breaths appeared in front of Shen Daiyi's eyes.

Yes.. two balls! No.. After he saw it clearly, he realized that.. had turned into a humanoid again.

"To be fair, if it's Alaya, I can understand, but why is Gaia in human form or in human female form!"

Shendaiyi has already secretly agreed with the system, and has increased the sensitivity of the protection mechanism again.

After all, the restraint is not a cat or a dog, even if there are another [-] of them, it is not enough... the opponent hits.

Especially now, when it's still impossible to manipulate molecules and fluids.

In the dreamland alone, he can only use the power of Inception, but the problem is that his dreamland is now invaded.

Alaya is the subconscious collection of all mankind, and his spiritual power is many times his.

"Our form depends on your senses of us. If you think we are human, we will appear in human form, if we think we are male, we will appear in male image, if we think we are female, we will appear in female image. ."

A hollow voice entered the ears of God Daiichi.

Since neither of them spoke, he couldn't tell who said it, but it didn't matter.

"You mean.. I am a 1 because I want you to appear in front of me in the image of a beautiful human woman, so.. you will be like this"

Fortunately, these two do not have the emotions that normal human beings have, so Ichigo Kamidai didn't feel embarrassed, so he spoke to the inflatable doll in front of him.


So direct.. I don't know what to say, so I just looked at them like that.. that's not right.. I don't like Miss Er's... body? Why is the ideal woman... tall and slender? The image of Yujie "What is the reward"

Shen Daiyi didn't talk too much, just straight to the point.

These two people in front of them are restraints, they don't have the emotions that normal human beings should have, and it's useless to talk too much.

"..a high-level magic eye, or a powerful magic!"

After listening to the reward mentioned by the restraint force, God Daiichi shook his head: "Not enough... is this sending the beggars?"

Is it too cheap to get a pair of magic eyes after saving a world?

"Goddess of the world, I was attracted by you!"


Shen Daiyi's expression changed slightly, and he looked at the two restraining forces with a serious look: "That... the goddess of the world, can't be talking about Sha Tiao's love song, right?"


"I'll run now, is it too late?"

What the hell is the goddess sixth evil beast of the ghost world! Do you want to be so unreasonable! "You brought the disaster here!"

"..what does it have to do with me, Sajo Aige is obviously a person from your world!"

"Because of you... she is heading here from a parallel world, three days at most!"

Chapter 12 Let's Talk About Rewards

Why did this world suddenly get involved with the Goddess Ghoul? For Sajo Love Song, Ichigo Kamidai doesn't know what to say.

After all, the princess of the root in this world is... one! The biggest plug-in in the world, the root! And Sajo Aige is born and linked to the root.

In disguise, she also has an extremely powerful system! But the difference is that her system is not as powerful as her own system, but that system is always on call! "What is the purpose of her coming to this world, it shouldn't be. ."

Immediately, God Daiichi thought of a possibility.

But this idea was quickly thrown away by him.

If this is the case, then why would it bring an incalculable disaster to the world? After all, Sajo Aika doesn't think about destroying the world every day.

"We don't know the purpose of the goddess of the world yet, but one thing can be confirmed, that is, she is coming for you!"

"Then why are you coming at me? I'm obviously just fighting a Holy Grail War in a parallel world..."

Shen Daiyi is very confused at the moment! Because he is completely unfamiliar with Shatiao Aige, he has never met, let alone spoken, but what is the reason for attracting her, or hurry up, within two days Just settle the Holy Grail War and run away quickly.

Your system is very powerful, but it takes a little time to improve your combat power.

Fluid manipulation, molecular manipulation.. These capabilities seem to be very powerful, but they are only physical.

Sajo Aige can see the past and the future, she is an omniscient being, plus she is connected to the root, God knows what she will make into something, what if she cultivates a beast of 666 again. "Don't think about escaping, since She came for you, then you are the last savior of this world! With only the heroic spirits in the Holy Grail War, it is estimated that you will be able to defeat the Goddess of Ghoul."

God Daiichi looked at Gaia, or Alaya, who was talking: "The estimate in your mouth...about how much..."


" didn't say anything but say no?"

If it is [-]%%, Shen Daiyi is estimated to have some confidence, but [-]%%. Although the probability of [-]%% is lower than [-]%%, but It feels different.

How can I feel that the inhibition is not confirmed, "Isn't there another person in this world who is connected to the root? You let her come! Only the root can defeat the root!"

There is more than one link to the root! There is also a two ceremony, or the root style.

The root type is a ceiling-level existence in this world.

She and Shajo Aige are at the same level of power. Of course, give him a thousand years, and everyone will be stronger.

"The news that the goddess of the world is going to this world is exactly what she reported, but... she doesn't intend to take care of this matter."

"I won't take risks with my own safety unless there is an [-]% or more chance..."

Fifty is too low.. "We will bless you!"

"..I want your blessings to be used for shit"

Kamidai Yi glanced at the past with contempt.

"It will increase your power!"

"Isn't that so"

After hearing the explanation of the restraint force, Kamidai Yi let out a sigh of relief.

"It's just not enough."

After chopping chickens for a long time in the novice village, now I came to fight the small, I did not expect that the small was not finished, and suddenly learned that the world class was approaching.

No matter what Shindaiichi thought at first, it's useless now.

"You know that I'm still fighting the Holy Grail War, can you stop those... Heroic Spirits from fighting?"

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