Even if those... Servants agree, not necessarily those... Masters.

As for how powerful the Goddess of Ghoul is, before seeing it, who would believe that after seeing it, who can guarantee that they will survive. "We can give you a permission to summon a few more powerful servants!"

"for example"

"Enkidu, Gilgamesh..."

"Enough! I absolutely don't want these two!"

God knows what will happen to Gilgamesh when he sees him. Now he deviates from the sword: and the lock of the sky is out of the king's treasure. It is impossible for him not to know that his connection with the golden capital is broken.

Moreover, Shen Daiyi did not put Wang Lujian back into the treasure of the king, but stored it like other servants store their own treasures.

In case Gilgamesh notices it, let's not talk about the Goddess of Ghoul, that guy will try his best to find him right away.

"Man of the Mountain, Merlin, Romulus Quirinus, Skaha, Solomon!"

In this world, there is no such thing as human law, which means that the current Solomon is still the... ruthless king, not a collection of seventy-two demon gods.


Inhibition was silent.

To tell the truth, this lineup is really too big, and it can even go to crusade a beast of disaster.

They are not very willing to dispatch so many champions at the same time.

"Merlin and Skaha are not dead, they are not on the Throne of Heroes."

In other words, these two cannot be summoned yet.

"Then the others can be summoned without any problem."

After all, those three are all real crowns. If they come, Shen Daiyi can at least feel at ease.

Finish the Holy Grail War first, then make a wish.

With these three, he doesn't have to think about tactics at all.

Just pull one out and solve the Holy Grail War overnight is not a problem, just go all the way recklessly.

As for Sajo Aika, I can fight if I can, but if I can't, I will continue to play with Yukinoshita Yukino.


Inhibition is still silent, three... this is a little too much.

To deal with a ghoul goddess, it may be a little too small to dispatch three champion heroes.

But in their judgment, God Daiyi should have the ability to save the world, it is enough to send a crown, any more will be wasted.

"At most one!"

There are too many other Heroic Spirits, it's not a problem, but it's not good to send too many crowns.

"If you fail, the consequences are yours!"

These....inhibition is dead brains, and ignorant persuasion is useless.

Although Sajo Aige traversing parallel worlds is not a problem, but different worlds cannot. The root cause is that this world is very powerful, but the tentacles will not spread to other worlds.

If she can't beat it, she just runs away. Can she still chase after her? "Since this matter has been negotiated, then it's time to talk about remuneration."

Chapter 13 Joan of Arc: No... I didn't say that!

"..the disaster is drawn to you."

"That is to say, there is no need to talk and think clearly, that woman is your world! If she wants to do something, it will only be your world that will be destroyed, and I will leave here directly."

With only a pair of magic eyes, it's a bit too whimsical to let him face monsters like Shajo Aige Existence, could such an existence be a weak chicken? ".. that one you can take away."

This reward, how should I say it, feels the same as I didn't say, after all, Heizhen is the product of the Holy Grail War, and it was an existence that destroyed history from the beginning.

Even if I let him take it away.. the restraint didn't cost too much.

For .. God Dai Yi, it is just a powerful thug.

In a world where there is no restraint, this thug is...a good combat power.

But.. this is somewhat disproportionate to God Daiyi's efforts.

He is an egoist, and this reward can't impress him, he completely stole the Great Holy Grail, and then ran away with Heizhen and Semiramis directly.

There's no need to stay and deal with a root princess who has hung up to the extreme.

"not enough!"

God Daiichi intends to further test the bottom line of inhibition.

After a little bit of analysis of the pros and cons, they came to a decision.


Jindaiyi was moved, if it was magic, it was nothing, but magic was different.

That is one of the top powers in this world.. The second magician can kill Zhu Yue's body, which is already very powerful, after all, it is the moon, even if the restraint force has helped him a lot in the process, but it can Against a planet, his strength is beyond doubt.

Because the second method, the third method, and the fourth method are all researched by human beings to reach the root, so the inhibition force cannot give him these three kinds of magic.

There are only the first method and the fifth method, but the fifth method is already owned by someone, so it can only be the first method. "Yes.. But before that, give me the magic eye as a deposit. , Sajo Aika is not an ordinary magician, I need a little strength."

Inhibition has no objection.

Although magic eyes are very rare for human beings, they are actually too cheap for them. Except for very few magic eyes, others can be obtained with a little modification of the eyes.

"I need the twisted eye!"

Compared with the magic eye of straight death, the magic eye that distorts everything is more important to... God Daiichi.

Even though the Demon Eye of Death in the two ceremonies is strong, it doesn't mean that he can use it. After all, that... Demon Eye's requirements are too high.

It's not that everyone has the root as a machine, and God Daiichi doesn't understand death, and using that kind of magic eye is just...burning the brain.

It's a pity that clairvoyance is not a demon, but he also wants an eye that can see through the future.

————Reality————“Oh.. It seems that without the blessing of the storm, some people can’t hold back.”

Through the eyes of a flock of pigeons, Semiramis noticed two figures that were approaching.

"But... even without his power, here... absolutely no one can break in!"

Outside the church, the two heroic spirits in the red side are constantly approaching here.

"There was a problem here before, but now I look at it.. Sure enough, there are people!"

"Haha, what's the matter, maybe I can meet a strong opponent."

Achilles is.... looking forward to the enemy in the church.

Even in the red camp, he really wanted to fight with Karna, but it was a pity that the Master did not allow it.

"Be careful! Sometimes the enemy removes the shell, it's not necessarily a problem, it may be ready to show his fangs."

Atalanta is... cautious.

There is no idea of ​​moving forward. "Cut.. Big sister, are you a little too vigilant? We are together, close and far together, one attack and one defense, there is no one that can't be defeated"

Achilles picked up his spear and just... walked towards the church.

Atalanta also began to walk carefully towards the church: "Be careful! Those... pigeon eyes are a bit strange!"

Inside the church "It looks like it should be true.."

Shindai Yi, who had just woken up, rubbed his somewhat stinging eyes, but did not open them.

He could feel his eyes changing.

A peculiar force is constantly being injected into it, and it feels a little rising.

Shen Daiyi didn't dare to open his eyes directly, because the twisted demon eyes are still in the process of transformation. If he opened his eyes directly, then the demon eyes during the transformation might go berserk.

The moment he talked to the suppression force just now, his mental power was directly replenished with their help, plus infinite magic power.

As well as restraining power and not suppressing his own power, he did not know how much damage this momentary rampage would cause.

But from now on...he can unlock another achievement.

A true hero...kills the enemy with his eyes! About two hours later, Ichigo Kamidai opened his eyes.

It was already dawn now. Hei Zhen didn't know where to stay, but Bai Zhen was lying on a bench and fell asleep.

"Try the power of the magic eye first."

God Daiichi looked at a tree in the backyard.

His pupils began to change, turning into eyes intertwined with bright colors such as red, pink, and green.

Originally intact trees were directly twisted into a pile of debris.

"The power is good.."

"Ah! Is there an enemy coming!"

The sound just now terrified Joan, who was still sleeping, and she instantly summoned the flag and looked around vigilantly.

The goddess looked at her contemptuously.

"You are a neutral existence in this Holy Grail War, do you need to be so vigilant?"

Although among the people who are still awake here, Joan of Arc is the weakest chicken.

It was also stronger than Yukinoshita Yukino, who had not yet woken up.

"That... your eyes."

Looking directly into the eyes of God Daiichi, Jeanne was a little surprised.

"so beautiful.."

"Eh! No.. not what I said.."

As soon as she spoke, she waved her hand.

Chapter 14 The Fairness...Blow the Black Whistle for Me

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