Leticia... that is the girl that Zhen Ritian is relying on now, because she has a very high affinity, so she will become her relying object.

She was very excited to be chosen as Joan of Arc's reliance this time. She just came here and met many famous people.

Siegfried.. Semiramis.. also witnessed the unknown side of this world.

Although the dragon slaying hero brought her a lot of shock, she also felt a little regret for the hero who died so hastily.

"Is this the magic eye?"

Although she doesn't know much about magic, she is at least a referee this time, so she has some eyesight.

"The twisted magic eye is a relatively powerful magic eye."

At least for... ordinary human beings.

"Have you seen inhibitions?"

After feeling the extra peculiar aura from Shen Daiyi's body, Joan of Arc knew why he got the magic eye.

"Well.. and also know that this Holy Grail War will have disaster, who is probably referring to."

When he thought of the words of restraint, a trace of tension appeared in Kamidaiyi's heart.

He doesn't have the old sword, the Holy Sword of the Stars, and he doesn't have any special attack to save the world. If Sajo Aige doesn't create the Beast of Disaster, it will be fine, but if he does, the outcome will be hard to say.


As a referee, she doesn't know what it is now. Could it be that the restraint force has already told everything to Kamidai Yi "Is it... a terrible disaster?"

It is so terrifying that it can only pin its hopes on the descendant of the outside world, Shen Daiyi, how terrible it must be. Because there has been an example of Zhu Yue, the current restraint force is already very resistant to existence outside the planet.

Even the satellites around the earth have plans to annex and suppress them, not to mention the existence of other worlds.

Although Joan of Arc doesn't think Kamidai Yi is a bad person, it's hard to believe that restraint will hand over the task to people from other worlds farther away than aliens.

"The most terrifying possibility is that we have to face it, do you say horror?"

Of course, if Sajo Aige doesn't cultivate the beast of 666, then...it's not too difficult.


When I thought that I might have to face that kind of... creature, Joan of Arc was... solemn.

She still knew the concept of beasts for the time being.

"It seems that after taking a night's rest, Master, your condition is...a lot better."

Semiramis walked over slowly.

"Hmm... the magic eye? It looks like I have gained something incredible again."

She glanced at Zhen Ritian who was standing aside, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Before Kamidai Yi's eyes were just ordinary eyes, although the resolution power has increased a lot due to the use of projection magic, but it will definitely not be like today.

"Eh.. I have a general understanding of the matter, and we estimate that there is still... a little more than two days."

That is probably after the construction of the courtyard in the sky.. "Then the Holy Grail War should be temporarily terminated first! Discuss with Black to resist the coming disaster together!"

Jeanne spoke up.

If you really want to face the beast, then it is too dangerous, and now you can't use the future of human beings to make jokes.

"Directly control the other Masters, first get the Command Spells of those... Servants..."

God Daiichi suddenly had an idea.

That is, just like before, he captured the command spells of Shiro Amakusa, and captured the command spells of other masters. Forget the weak ones. Those of Karna Achilles... Servants, it is best to recruit them.

"This approach... is not good!"

Joan of Arc was not very willing to accept the idea of ​​God Daiichi.

"In the war, the most difficult thing to integrate is... the discord of people's hearts. The red and black sides are enemies. What if one of them suddenly turns against the water when dealing with disasters?"

The most difficult thing for God Daiichi to accept is... betrayal, so this kind of thing still has to be strangled in the cradle.

Neither Amakusa Shiro nor Danick Preston Yogg Domirenia are too dangerous.

Those... Heroic Spirits may be able to fight for the sake of mankind, regardless of their lives, but those... Masters may not.

Amakusa Shiro has the determination to redeem all mankind, but God Daiichi can't trust him.

The main reason is that he pitted Amakusa Shiro so badly that he had to guard against it.

If it was himself, if he was tricked like that, he would definitely retaliate back with the mighty mighty waves.

"It might be of some use if I go and talk."

Kamidaiyi's thoughts are a bit extreme, although it is a correct choice, but now his body can supply the magic power required by so many heroic spirits, this is still a Holy Grail War.

She is... the referee, now let her listen to God Daiichi's thoughts indifferently, and then help him blow the black whistle? "As a saint who saved the country, you have done so much for France, what you finally get is what needs me more. say?"

God Daiichi just looked at Jeanne like this, waiting for her response.

"I am not you, and I will not have the idea of ​​selfless dedication like you. In order to ensure my interests, I will use some extreme methods, no matter how cruel the methods are."

Zhen Ritian had nothing to say, and Semiramis listened to God Daiyi's words with great interest.

Sure enough, as she thought, this Master is a very interesting person, gentleness and cruelty can not conflict, extreme and normal can be both.

Then to what extent will it be done in the future? "But..."

Joan of Arc couldn't utter a rhetoric that would make God Daiichi give up on this idea.

Once the disaster is over, don't the red and black sides still have to fight? If the black side stabs a knife in the back during the crusade, and then directly destroys Shendaiyi and the disaster together, what should I do because I have had a similar experience , so asking her to persuade him is really not convincing.

It's a pity that Joan of Arc is still unclear, Shen Daiyi is not the master of the red party, he is not either.

If the battle is over, maybe the first time the two sides will be... come directly to kill him.

He stole Shiro Amakusa's Command Spell and killed Black's, but both sides were offended.

"I need help."


Joan of Arc wants to refuse, but now she is the one who asks for God Daiyi, how should she refuse What if God Daiyi quits the job and runs away

Chapter 15 Blow the black whistle a million times!It's really cool to play cats

If you help God Daiyi, you will be so sorry for your identity, but if you don't help God Daiyi, what if the situation cannot be restored later? Fate will be there again.. "Just... just once!"

After thinking about it for a while..., in the end, Joan of Arc made a decision, she decided to help God Daiichi.

"So you're so funny! I've decided to save the world."

After Joan of Arc suavely, God Daiichi looked at Semiramis: "Shouldn't you be preparing for the ceremony of turning the courtyard into reality? Why are you so idle now?"

The Assyrian Empress chuckled: "The ceremony has already been prepared, what is needed now... just wait."

It turned out to be on-hook... He thought Semiramis would squat before that... ceremony, and then sang every day and every night for three days before he could sing the sky garden.

"Besides, there are two guys outside, who have already broken into the church, and now they are probably about to fall."

Two "white hair"

"Two with green hair."

You probably know who they are.

————Separation line————"Cough..Sister, we have been tricked."

Achilles said with a pale face to Atalanta who was also pale beside him.

I originally thought that the enemy would come and fight me for at least [-] rounds, at most... a little sneak attack, but I didn't expect to use poison directly! And it's this kind of poison that even a demigod like him can't resist.. You can imagine how terrifying this must be.

As for Atalanta, who was beside him, she was speechless for a long time now, and she didn't have much strength to even grit her teeth.

After all, I was still careless. I thought that with my keen sense of smell, I would not be attacked, but I didn't expect that the poison would be colorless and tasteless. The most terrifying thing is that this kind of poison is still in a latent form, which makes the She didn't respond immediately.

By the time the poison strikes, it will be too late, and they have now entered the interior of the church.

There is no escape now.. Unless the master uses the order, they will move away.

"Humph, I didn't think it would take so long, and the guy who didn't know if he was alive or dead came to the door."

Hei Zhen walked out from a passage.

Achilles and the others looked at Hei Zhen like this, but at this moment, because the poisoning was too deep, they could only stare at her with clenched teeth.

"It's all green hair"

Heizhen looked at them seriously: "Who is Achilles and who is Atalanta?"

Although she knew the names of the servants on both sides of the red and black, but she didn't know their identities or genders, and all she knew was only their names.

"The man is called the heel, and the woman is called Tamaow."

Shen Daiyi slowly walked out of the backyard.

"Ha, why is there such a strange name Heel Tower Meow"

Kamidai Yi walked in front of Atalanta, then stretched out his hand and pinched the ear of the other party. It was the beast ear on the top of his head! This feeling... is really indescribable! Feeling the murderous gaze from Atalanta, Shen Daiyi didn't care.. "Let go... My eldest sister!"

Achilles spoke reluctantly.

For... Atalanta, he is very respectful, but now that someone dares to take her like this is really unforgivable! "If it was Mordred, it would be more troublesome, maybe the whole church would be It's gone, but it's you who has a divine nature... and Ta Miao, who is not physically strong."

Atalanta is not divine, and has a little bit of magic power, although not very high.

"Divinity.. what do you mean"

Achilles guessed a terrible possibility.

"The poison gas placed outside the church is mixed with toxins aimed at divinity, and you... happen to be a demigod, so I don't need to say more."

The more I kneaded Atalanta's ears, the more addicted it felt.

I didn't feel it before, but now I finally know the fun of playing cats. It's no wonder that the second lady likes cats so much.

"It's just... the hair is a little dirty. If you wash it well, it will be a clean cat."

God Daiyi picked up a strand of Ta Miao's hair.


Atalanta's deep voice entered the ears of God Daiichi.

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