Summoning the crowned heroic spirit does not require any too complicated rituals, the ritual of summoning ordinary heroic spirits is enough.

As for the holy relic... that thing Shen Daiyi really doesn't have, but the problem is not big: anyway... he will definitely be able to summon the crown, as for which one, it doesn't make much difference to him. .

As long as it is the championship, it is enough, after all, in terms of expressiveness, the heroic spirit of the championship will not be too bad.

Now there are two Heroic Spirits on this side who need him to provide mana, and if there is one more, then the upper limit of mana output needs to be increased.

Moreover, existences like the crowned heroic spirits have a huge demand for magic power. However, the previous summoning ceremony has been changed by him into a special ceremony, so now he has to change it back.

Yukinoshita Yukino was sitting on a chair in the church, watching God Daiichi, who was at the front, redrawing the ceremony on the ground.

Her eyes also glanced at Atalanta who was resting from time to time.

Looking at the opponent's tail and the animal ears on top of his head, Yukinoshita Yukino swallowed a little unsatisfactorily.

The lion is also a cat, and she has the least resistance to... cats.

Just like the panda, it is obviously a bear family, but she also fell in love with this animal because there is a cat in her name, and now there is a person with animal ears and tail in front of her.

For Yukinoshita, who had been in a coma for a while and had not seen the cute kitten for a long time, she really wanted to come forward and touch her animal ears and tail.

"By the way.. Who took care of me when I was in a coma?"

The care she asked was obviously not just as simple as feeding, but also changing clothes and taking a bath. Shendai Yi, who was drawing the ceremony, shook his hand and made a wrong step, and then slowly said, "It's Zhen Zhen. De help you."

It's just that it was only last night.. Before that, I helped you.. "Really.."

Before the Holy Grail War, before Joan of Arc appeared, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't ask more questions, she already got the answer, and if they had to get to the bottom of it, then the two of them would probably be embarrassed.

With his back to Yukinoshita Yukino, it was not aware of her embarrassment.

red face.

Atalanta was lying on the bench, watching the two of them. The lion is a cat.. Why do you want to feed her dog food! After redrawing the ceremony, Ichigo God let out a sigh of relief.

After this Holy Grail War is over, he must go back and find a time to soak in the hot spring! "Declaration.."

If there is no holy relic, just watching the suppression force will send a heroic spirit to himself.

"Which name in history will it be again?" Yukinoshita looked forward to it.

In the Holy Grail War, not only heroes can be summoned, but even demon kings who have been subjugated are also possible! Just like the other side of Joan of Arc.

Soon.. God Daiyi felt that the magic power in his body was being sucked away madly, and the whole person felt a little light.

A heroic spirit of the crown... the amount of magic power required is actually as much as Semiramis and Heizhen combined.

This is equivalent to the magic power that he now needs to supply four Servants.

As the faint blue flame ignited, a tall voice appeared in front of him.

The height of more than two meters, the terrifying skeleton mask, the broken sword, and the black ancient robe are all telling the horror of this person in front of him.

Such a terrifying figure directly shocked the originally curious Yukinoshita Yukino, who just sat there and did not dare to move at all.

The somewhat vain God Daiichi, whose magic power was suddenly drawn away, sat directly on the ground and began to gasp for breath.

Noticing his under the snow, facing the fear in his heart, he quickly ran forward and helped him up.

"Contractor, the old man in the mountains should be summoned to show up! I don't have a name, you can call me by a name that is easy to call."

A deep voice came into the ears of God Daiichi.

He looked at the person in front of him with great joy: "Then let's call you King Hassan,"

The grandfather was drawn directly, which is not bad to be honest.

At least God Daiichi knows more about this heroic spirit than other heroic spirits.

This one is very powerful. He sneaked into the temple of La Er 2, chopped off the opponent's head, and gave Tiamat the concept of death.

Call it the strongest killing class, there is no problem at all! 'Wang Hassan..' I have never heard of this name.

Yukinoshita Yukino thought about it in her mind, but she still didn't think of any memory of Wang Hassan.

But just look at the appearance, this... should not be a good person, she looked at the... Wang Hassan's eyes, those eyes with blue flames.

Wang Hassan also glanced at her.

"Contractor, you are not from this world, but from another world"

Wang Hassan saw Yukinoshita Yukino's unusualness at a glance.

For the time being, there are some similarities with this world in Kamidai Yi, but the second lady is completely different from the world.

Fortunately, this time I have the restraint to speak.

"Yes, we are from another world, and we originally planned to go back after defeating the Holy Grail War, but the goddess of the ghoul appeared, so we need the help of the crown."

Shendaiyi is not... an old sword, he is not sure to backstab Sajo Aige, so it is the wisest choice to call for a crown.

"I already know about the Goddess of the World, so if you have anything, just tell me."

After saying these words, the originally tall figure disappeared as if it had been erased.

Yukinoshita Yukino watched this scene and took a deep breath again.

"Didn't you say that the threat level of the Goddess Ghoul is not that big?"

Just from the sound of their conversation just now, it feels like the Goddess of Ghoul doesn't seem like a non-threatening person.

"It is not harmful, but it is more troublesome to solve, so it needs the help of the crown."

God Daiichi can only fool a wave of Yukinoshita Yukino now.

Anyway, it is impossible for me to have an accident, because the autonomous protection function is still there:.

He looked at Atalanta, who was limp on the bench, and took out the antidote.

It's almost time..

Chapter 29 Please call me Lady God!

"The death of this is a very heavy loss for us, and we need to be extra careful with the followers of the red side in the future!"

Vlad III's hands are clenched tightly! In this Holy Grail War, their Black side has lost an extremely powerful Servant.

Siegfried... Vlad III is quite clear about his deeds, such a powerful Servant would actually die in the first battle.

He didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at the moment.

"It wasn't killed by Ying, he was killed by the one from Red Fang...Master!!"

Goldmujik Yug Domirenha repeatedly emphasized.

A Servant who was killed by a Master... how should I put it, it seems very funny, a powerful Servant! A hero who was enough to slaughter an evil dragon was actually killed by a human.

Danny didn't wrinkle, and looked at him coldly: "Gold, how long are you talking nonsense! How can a human be able to beat a Servant and kill Siegfried!"

From his point of view, Goldmujik Yug Domirenya is just... in nonsense, no matter how powerful the Master is, it is impossible to compare to a heroic spirit! Especially a powerful one like Siegfried Heroic Spirit! "No! Danny! What he said is not necessarily false! Nothing is completely impossible, and defeating Heroic Spirit with the power of a magician is doubtful, but it is not impossible."

Vlad III listened to Gold's words, one of the masters of the red side, really killed Siegfried! This thing... is really unbelievable, even for him.

There may be suspicions, there may be surprises, but only one thing is certain, then it is that Goldmujik Yug Domirenia has failed! As the Black Fang, he failed, and this cannot be erased.

It was inevitable that he would be ridiculed by others.

"The failure tells us one thing, that is, the power of the red side is not weak, and we cannot underestimate it!"

One Siegfried was dead, and Vlad III had to be more cautious now.

If one more general is lost, then the disadvantage will be even greater. Because... this time, not all of Black's followers are very powerful, for example! He has no strength.

"That...and, what should she do?"

"That..., can't be trusted anymore!"

In the situation where the Red Master clearly attacked her, she actually chose to follow her, that...there is a problem! A big problem! So now Vlad III decided to be careful in order to avoid any accidents there! Nick gritted his teeth, he was his Servant! It was also his last trump card, he had already figured out the plan for the three Command Spells! So now he is clearly the Master, but his servants are standing beside him.

Everything.. for the prosperity of Yog Domirena!! He took a deep breath.

Vlad III also noticed his eyes, and he knew his master's long-cherished wish long before that.

However, since there was no problem with this long-cherished wish, he didn't care, Danny was a good Master.

But he never thought about how deep Danny's obsession was! "Why is it so noisy because of what happened outside?"

Hearing the sound from the outside world, Vlad III frowned.

Could it be that the Servants of the red side are attacking? Impossible! It's still daytime! Those people from the... Clock Tower, it's absolutely impossible for them to choose to fight at this time! At least they have to wait until dusk. Now what's going on "I'll go and see!"

Danny picked up his cane and planned to go outside to take a look. After all, this is their base camp, and even if something happened, there should be news.

But before he could go down the stairs, someone came in.

A blond girl, with wet blood on her face and full of smiles, walked in so slowly.

"Ah, the master of Kuroko is also the enemy of Mr. Koujiro. If you take your heads off and give it to Mr. Koujiro, he will be very happy!"

A faint smile appeared on the girl's face.

But it was... such plain words, made them feel a chill in their hearts, and felt a chill strike.

"Who are you! Why did you appear in our Black faction!"

Danic stared at the strange Command Spell on Sajo Ai Singer's back.

It's extremely complicated, and if you look at the style alone, you can't tell that it's a Command Spell, because there's an aura on it that makes people feel palpitations.

His palms were already shaking.

Fear! Inexplicable fear! It seems that humans are born to be afraid and afraid! What kind of monster is this? Is that a Command Spell or an unknown engraving "Me? I'm just a girl who can go completely crazy for Mr. Koujiro. That's it, if you have to know my name, you can call me Mr. Kamidai's future wife, or Mrs. Kamidai!"

She covered her cheeks, her face flushed red.

Halo, like a young girl, although she is really... a girl.

"Breaking into my camp! Killing my people! Whatever your purpose! I'll execute you lunatic with my own hands!"

Vlad III felt the danger coming from the other side! This is not a Servant! But it gave him an extremely dangerous feeling! "Before that, I will dig out your heart."

She smiled sweetly.

Behind her, a graceful body gradually emerged from the air.

Looking at the appearance of the guy behind her, Vlad III widened his eyes: "This... this is..."

In another church.. "Hush! Are you a dog?"

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