As soon as she fed Ta Miao the antidote, she directly bit the palm of Shen Daiyi.

"Lions can bite people too!"

Yukino Yukino gave a small reminder.

Well.. she's right, not only lions can bite people, even rabbits can bite people.

Because what she drank was an antidote, although the poison was released, her strength still did not recover.

If you drink that kind of poison like Achilles did, you will regain your strength quickly.

Seeing that the other party refused to let go, Shen Daiyi's other hand climbed onto the pair of beast ears on top of her head.

: Now Feilu is becoming more and more strict, and it is not allowed to be involved in politics at all. In order to avoid being struck by lightning, after I travel back, I will try to dilute the content of the country, or even not write it, after all, it may be blocked if you are not careful. .

In the future, the plots of those countries will not be written more, or even not written at all. For details, please see the picture! If you can't see the picture, click on the table of contents and click on this chapter again ━━━━━━━━━━━【Book Mountain is under pressure Production ━━━━━━━━━.

Don't say that the protagonist is so arrogant, why the people in the country don't bother him anymore, I dare to write Fei Lu, I dare to seal it, if you have to care about it, I will not keep you.

Chapter 30 Heaven Has a Way You Don't Go

In the end, it was Atalanta who let go.

"I will kill you!"

Of course, this is just talk. After seeing the appearance of the crowned hero, she knew that God Daiichi would win this Holy Grail War.

Before that, there was that... Goddess of Ghoul... Atalanta didn't know who Goddess Ghoul was, nor how terrifying Goddess Ghoul was, but for the sake of seeing that even the crown has appeared.

She then understood that the... Goddess of Ghoul is definitely not so easy to solve, that is at least the same as that... level of existence.

Shen Daiyi looked at the teeth marks on his palm with some regret, it was bleeding, which means that Atalanta moved really hard, and the bite was really hard.

"It's okay"

Yukinoshita Yukino held up his bitten hand.

The teeth marks on the top are shocking, Atalanta is really cruel! But it is understandable, after all, she was poisoned and spent a long time here in a drowsy state, and her ears and tail were also suffering. Destruction, it is normal to want to vent the anger in my heart now.

You must know that Atalanta is neutral and evil! "Looks like you are ready, Master."

A charming and noble voice came over.

Then God Daiichi saw Semiramis coming.

Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no way to cast it! "Master, you seem very angry"

Semiramis said with a smile, she slowly walked in front of God Daiichi, her index finger lightly brushed his cheek: "Why are you angry? I'm helping you meet your lover again."

God Daiyi ignored the actions of the Empress: "If I really need it, then I will do it myself, you... it's too much!"

Looking at Kamidai Yi's eyes, Semiramis wanted to laugh out loud, but of course... she laughed too.

"Ahhahaha that's so funny! I don't know how long I haven't seen such an interesting person."

She lightly tapped her red lips: "Master, you are really the cutest person I have ever met."


How can I feel that my servants are all mentally abnormal. Semiramis is full of bad tastes, and Heizhen's mind is full of burning, so it's really hard to lead this group of people.

Fortunately, there is another king, Hassan, who should be his most serious servant.

At this time, a faint blue flame suddenly ignited from behind Shen Daiyi, and a tall figure appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Why did Wang Hassan suddenly appear "The Bell of Destiny has already sounded, and the Goddess of the World has come to the present world."

He has already felt the news of the inhibitions now.

Hearing Wang Hasan's words, Shen Daiyi was a little confused.

"It's not like it's going to take a while. I said three days at the beginning, and then it suddenly accelerated for a while... Now it's here!"

In the end, how did she dig out the way or directly crack it? Why is there no news about the inhibition force now? Or is it that it has been hidden now, and it has been solved. The so-called bell of destiny, is it the inhibition force? "I can't feel where she is..."

God Daiichi exhaled a breath, looking very calm on the surface, but still very nervous in his heart.

Panic is contagious.

"My contractor, I already know the whereabouts of the Goddess Ghoul, do you need me to take you there?"

Wang Hassan's eyes with blue flames stared straight at him.

Shendai Yi thought about it for a while..., but nodded: "Then I'll trouble you, in order to ensure that the beast will not be caught by Shatiao Aige, we must act sooner."

God Daiichi can't guarantee that he can solve the beast of disasters like those people.

Ordinary beasts have immortality and are difficult to kill! With his current means, although the destructive power is powerful, it is really not an easy task to kill beasts.

"What is the beast?"

"! That is the beast."

After flicking Yukinoshita Yukino for a while, Kamidai Yi gave Semiramis a vague look and warned her not to say anything.

The Empress had a smile on her face and did not speak.

Even though I felt that Kamidai Yi might have concealed his own ingredients, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't ask any more! Now, it can't be compared with before, this is a different world.

A completely different world! With a wave of Wang Hasan's robe, he directly covered Shen Daiyi's entire body, and then disappeared together.

Seeing that he was gone, Semiramis also left. She was not interested in this little girl without any characteristics. From the very beginning, she was awakened to prank the gods.

Now that he has warned her, she won't continue to cheat him so ignorantly.

Now, there is still the existence of the goddess of the ghoul, maybe.. there are really beasts! Yukino Yukinoshita watched her go to the backyard like this, and she did not dare to stop Semiramis, this one It's existence can no longer be measured by human beings.

Even his own mother is not as terrifying as the one in front of him.

She looked at Atalanta, who was a member of the Argonaut and a heroine.

"Don't look at me like that, that guy already said it, it's just a beast."

Atalanta closed her eyes and didn't intend to pay any attention to her.

Yukinoshita Yukino is indeed not suitable to know these things.

Although she ate a lot of dog food today, she could see that the girl was not bad at heart, she was much better than the others here.

Especially her man.

But isn't this girl's voice a little familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere.

————Separation line————Kamidai Yi only felt the darkness in front of his eyes, and when he saw the light again, he had already left the church where he was staying.

As for the scene in front of him, it was indeed a little small: it frightened him.

Looking around, there are corpses all over the ground, and blood is constantly flowing. There are several traces of magic with huge destructive power around.

It must be Sajo Love Song, there's nothing wrong with it. Modern magicians can't do such damage at all.

Unless it's a large-scale magic! It's just that this kind of magic requires a lot of time to prepare, and this is still Black's camp, and they can't destroy it on their own camp.

"Save.. save me.."

A weak cry for help came..

Chapter 31 The Beast of "Love", Kama!

There are people alive. Following the sound, he found a broken building, and below it was a person.. an acquaintance was pressed by a boulder.

Fortunately, because of his stature, Kamidai Yi recognized this man Gold... What's the matter with Gold, anyway, it's Siegfried's... Master.

The boulder that was holding him down was quite large, so Kamidai Yi used the strengthening magic, and then directly lifted the boulder that held down Gold.

"You seem to have been attacked, don't you?"

No.. it's not like it anymore! This is... attacked! The whole black camp is like this.. Survivors... don't know how many, maybe.. this is the only one.

God Daiichi looked at the... lifted boulder with words printed on it.

I've solved the black side, and I'll soon remove the red side's... unsightly guys for you! ——Shajo Aige Feeling This fat guy is... Sajo Aige deliberately stayed here, right? , If there is no his voice, then even if God Daiichi saw his body, he would not open the stone.

"Just one ghoul goddess, will it solve all of you?"

Kamiyoichi knelt down and looked at him.


The originally clear sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, and then light rain began to fall. These... The rain did not fall vertically to the ground, but slowly drifted to the hands of Shen Daiyi, and then gathered into a mass of water.

After drinking the water, Gold...he took a breath, he had been pressed here for a while.

Coupled with the dust that had been sucked for a while, the whole person was almost choked to death.

"Ha..that...the goddess of the ghoul..who is it?"

Gold looked at God Daiichi suspiciously.

"It's... the... blond girl who attacked you!"

Hearing that... blond girl, Gold's eyes flashed with fear, and her hands trembled.

"No.. not just her! There is also a person! A woman flying by her side! It's terrible! Just a shot, it kills directly! And also writes on the stone with Danick's blood! It's terrible .."

As he spoke, his tears just... kept flowing down, his eyes were full of fear.

"Is there anyone else alive here?"

Shendai Yi looked around, but did not notice any figures, nor did he perceive any breath flow.

In other words.. really only this person survived.. Gold did not speak, but the Thousand World Tree should not be the only one left now. "There is also danger over the Red Square."

Kamidai Yi looked at Gold: "Can I still walk?"

He looked at his legs, which were now broken due to being crushed by boulders.

"ok, I get it."

Although it is one, but it is directly put here no matter what...

Not too good.

Shen Daiyi took out his mobile phone, prepared to make a call to the second lady, and ran over.

But... this is from a different world, and in this kind of place, you may not be able to use your mobile phone.

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