
Why is it that the more I listen, the more I don't understand? At first, Yukinoshita Yukino still knew something, but after Joan of Arc's next explanation, she became confused.

From the beginning, the moth on human civilization has become an existence that hinders the development of human civilization. It is like an exam, but this exam is more rigorous. If you pass it, you will be able to get a certificate. After graduation, you can go to a higher school. , learn more knowledge.

But it didn't pass.. Then life is completely over. From a moth to a test! "Is that very strong?"

Yukinoshita Yukino still cared about that.

After all, the most cherished person who is currently being crusaded.

"Not very strong.."

Joan of Arc lied a little.

But this lie was checked by Leticia, because she was one with Jeanne, so she quickly realized that Zhenritian was lying.

"Since it's not very strong... then you have to hide it from me at the beginning."

Yukinoshita Yukino stared at her closely, wanting her to give a definite answer.

"Generally speaking, as long as seven champion heroic spirits fight together, there is absolutely no problem, but now, God Daiyi already has one by his side, so there is no need to worry!"

What the hell am I talking about!! Zhen Ritian feels that because of Letishia's influence, his mouth is a little out of control, and his IQ is also a little lower, so he can say anything! Seven 7 crowns Now there is already one next to God Daiichi! "Then... what about the remaining six?"

A bad premonition suddenly appeared in Yukinoshita's heart. If you need to rely on seven people to defeat the beast... "Is it... it won't come?"

It is estimated that.. After all, in the crusade, no two champion heroic spirits have been dispatched at one time, and one is dispatched every time.

, The seven 7 calamity beasts, against the seven 7 crowns, the restraint power is also enough, obviously as long as the seven 7 crowns come out, then you can easily slay a harmful beast.

But in order to save manpower, let a champion end.

I'm not afraid that the car will overturn and the world will be destroyed. "Can you defeat that... beast with only the remaining heroic spirits?"

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't see the battlefield at the moment, and didn't know what a brutal battle was taking place there.

That kind of... the picture was something she couldn't imagine, and she didn't know what happened to the current God Daiichi.

"Will do!"

Jeanne looked firm.

She believes in God Daiyi! She also believes in that one! In addition, there are two exceptional levels in the red side, other existences, and many heroes in the history of mankind, maybe it is really possible to defeat the evil of mankind.

Of course, it's only possible! Joan of Arc has never participated in the crusade, and I don't know much about the beast. Everything she said just now is what she knows.

"But haven't all the people on the black side already been killed, so how can the heroic spirits on the red side be much stronger?"

Joan of Arc was silent, she almost forgot that the black side was gone, and the only survivor was also sent by Kamidai Yi, now really only the red side is left to fight against that...? ——————“Hahahahaha!!”

On the originally turbulent battlefield, suddenly there was an unusually rough and wild laughter.

"With my love! Come rebel against the oppressors!"

With huge strides, he quickly ran towards where Achilles was.

"Destroy the oppressors with my love!"

With the big stick in his hand... he hit Achilles in the head.

Because Achilles, who was under influence, noticed the person who was attacking him when Spartacus was about to hit him.

God Daiichi looked at this muscular brother who suddenly broke in, and raised his hand.

Molecules in the air quickly reorganized, forming countless thorns, and then pierced him directly.

He came out at this time, this shit!! But since he's all here, then Shiro Amakusa is probably here too.

"How we join forces"

God Daiichi looked towards the source of the sound: "Oh why?"

"It threatens the survival of the entire species, which is not the same as my original intention, so before the end of the Holy Grail War, how about we join forces to defeat her"

"After all.. it's more difficult to deal with than me, isn't it?"


Chapter 38 A lot of Kama, but I just can't draw

Is Amakusa Shiro credible? Of course not! But one thing can be confirmed, that is, this guy really has redemption thoughts for human beings, and is considered an extreme righteous man! But his justice... It's really hard to agree, and it can even be said that it is no different from the third evil beast.

When desires are likely to be satisfied, that is the time when human society stops developing, and everyone has an endless lifespan, then how society will become. The descendants are no longer important, and social development has become dispensable, because No one can die, everything is equal.

The third evil beast is to degenerate people and satisfy their desires, so what is the difference between Shiro Amakusa's long-cherished wish? Weak! Even without you, we can overcome, if we can't overcome, then even with your help, what's the use?"

To tell the truth, in the case of not mentioning other aspects, only in terms of strength, God Daisuke looks down on Amakusa Shiro.

His strength is very weak, and he is tactical! In the Holy Grail War, from the situation of the last fight, Heizhen can completely defeat her.

It's just that because of his sneak attack at the time, Kamidai Yi was a little too sensitive and defended, so he let him escape.

'Something's wrong!' Amakusa Shiro also felt that the surrounding air became a little abnormal! And... it seems that it is not just the air.. A wind blew across his face, and then the originally weak wind instantly cut open his skin.

A stinging pain hit.. but then slowly disappeared.. Amakusa Shirou reached out and touched the wound on his face.

It's blood! "Being able to control the wind to such a degree.. There is still a magician as powerful as you in this world! It's amazing!"

He praised God Daiyi without hesitation.

The power he has displayed so far is already very terrifying. At least with this power, his destructive power will not be weaker than that of ordinary heroic spirits...

Spartacus, pierced through his body, stood up.

Although the current Achilles is still under the influence, it is not a problem to deal with a Spartacus in the current situation.

"Patroclus! No.."

The size of Spartacus is far from the Patroclus in his impression of Achilles.

In addition, he is also a famous hero in Greek mythology, so his willpower is also quite strong. If it takes a long time, it is estimated that he will not be able to bear it, but before the power of Kama has completely infected him.

It's not a problem to deal with this crazy beast! Or wait a while... and he will see it as his lover.

"Hey... it seems that we must get rid of you quickly!"

Achilles picked up the spear, taking advantage of the fact that his will is still a little firmer, he had no choice but to choose to solve this as soon as possible.

It's ridiculous, as a famous hero, this time the Holy Grail War, he can only fight a lunatic.. It's not right! At least he was right before! This can be regarded as an honor.

What a shit stirrer! It's better to just let this shit stirrer die now.

While Achilles was confronting Spartacus, Karna, King Hassan, and Atalanta were also guerrilla attacking Kama.

In other words, Mara is more accurate! As Kama's personality, Mara occupies a little more.

But now the crusade is, so whether to deal with Kama or Mara, it is the same for them.

Whether it's Karna or King Hassan, both are existences that are difficult to degenerate, which makes Kama, the Demon Lord of Desire, even more troublesome.

With the flame of desire, it is still incomparable to Karna's magic power.

"Wait for the evening bell, it has already sounded!"

Wang Hassan suddenly appeared right in front of Kama, and the simple great sword in his hand had already been raised.

"Death to the angel!"

The blow with death slashed directly across Kama's neck.

The Demon King of Desire fell.. She fell straight to the ground and kicked up a lot of dust.


God Daiyi was overjoyed.

"My contract with Kama is also broken."

Sajo Aige raised his hand, the original beast's engraving has now disappeared.

Just when Sajo Aige turned her attention to Karna, she saw something again! The body of Kama, which had originally fallen on the ground, had undergone a great change at this moment! Blue flames kept coming from her body. Emerged from it, and after a while... she was wrapped around her! Fortunately, the flames continued to spread, and they swept everyone in an instant.

Self-assurance .., "!"

God Daiichi prevented the system from reading the article.

Now if he crosses, what will the second miss do? He doesn't care about this world, but he can't ignore the second miss.

The hurricane began to spin around him, trying to keep out all the flames of desire. could this kind of flame be blocked by a physical hurricane? He was burned by this kind of flame.

However, there seemed to be a pair of hands that hugged him behind his back.

Blocked all his desires.

The flames dissipated, and Kamidai Yi turned to look, but there was no figure in sight, some were just an endless vacuum.. There were also countless Kama.

But one thing is certain, the person who hugged her just now is definitely not Kama! She would not be so kind to help herself to block her own attack.

"Sha Tiao Love Song"

Shen Daiyi looked around with some doubts, but found no sign of her.

This place similar to the universe has disappeared, and the place where the eyes are directed is all left the original world, right? God Daiichi can't feel the normal magic power here, the magic power in the air here Instead, there is a substance similar to ink.

It seems that as long as the magic power is absorbed, the body will be infected.

"Furious with love, because of love - this is the world of love that has stopped samsara, greed, slowness, vexation, leakage... all return to the Bodhi tree! - The world of love, the burning universe!"

The second form appears!,: The water Musashi card pool feels that the shipping rate is very high, this is one of my most European times.

Fifteen call signs will be shipped directly, but only a few subsequent rounds of luck will be normal.

, not even a four-star 44..

Chapter 39: The Root Form: Come on, let me do it!

I thought that there would be a second form in the game, just to increase the difficulty a little, so as not to make players feel good.

Just looking at the current situation, it seems that this second form really has something! In this space, even the magic in the air is full of love, and even the air is poisonous.

Fortunately... Wang Hassan is still here:! God Daiyi clenched the hand with the Crown Heroic Spirit Command Spell, because Wang Hassan was summoned by him, so he still holds a contract.

"What Mara is here!"

God Daiichi looked at Kama, and the one in front of the Demon King of Desire, not the God of Love! So his temperament is even more difficult to figure out.

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