"This is the universe that belongs to me! That maniac man."

Kama's face made no secret of his disgust at Sajo Aika! Calling him a lunatic! But thinking about it, the second time he was used as a tool, Kama's heart was naturally uncomfortable. In addition, the contract with Sajo Aika has now been broken.

So she doesn't have to worry that the woman will come to trouble her at all! "Hey! I prefer you to call me God Daiichi than that crazy man! Clothes.

Exposed woman!"

God Daiichi frowned.

He doesn't like Kama's tone very much! It's a pity that he is not from Zaan, otherwise, she must let her know what a troll is.

In this space, apart from the bottomless darkness, the only thing that can be seen is Kama.

I don't know where King Hassan and Karna are.

It is still unclear whether the person in front of him is the real body of Kama.

"No wonder that guy likes you so much..."

Kama glanced at Dai Yi, and then a smile appeared on his face.

She found the shining point, or the singularity, in Kamidaiichi.

There is an inexplicable aura on this human being, which is pulling the whole world! Kama, who is a part of this world, was originally unable to feel it.

But...she pulled Kamidai Yi into this world! This is Kama's inner universe! It's a world that belongs to her alone! And at this moment.. this world is also being attracted and affected by the abnormality of Kamidai Yi's body.

However, the entire universe has only one name, and that is Kama, the beast of love! When this world is attracted by God, it is when Kama is attracted by God.

Of course that...attraction is not the attraction of liking, it's just the kind of approach that wants to pull in the distance! And at this moment...because of the appearance of God Daiichi, this universe is showing signs of shrinking, that is, I want to shrink myself to make The other parts are closer to the gods.

Fortunately, there is still a master in this universe, so Kama himself! And at this moment Kama doesn't have himself! There is also Mara! When the two are combined into one, the willpower is constantly growing! In addition, the inherent skill book is anti-desire! So she can completely restrain her own desires! Even if God Daiichi has a great pulling force on this world! "Sajo Aika really likes me"

It's still a little hard to be sure.

This incident was really beyond his expectations at the beginning, and everything was developing in an unpredictable direction.

"Are you still doubting the authenticity of this matter?"

God Daiichi slowly exhaled: "Then where is Sajo Aiko now?"

Kama looked at God Daiichi with a face: "How do I know?"

She is the god of love, not the god of omnipotence and omnipotence, how can she know everything clearly————the dividing line————"What the hell do you want to do! Mr. Koujiro is still there Waiting for me!!"

Sajo Aige's eyes were full of anger.

Several times I wanted to tear up the woman in front of me! But...it was difficult to do it! "You should have noticed that it was not you, but the root cause, who was attracted by Yasushi Kamidai!"

The girl in kimono standing in front of Sajo Aika said softly.

The body of the two rituals, the personality! That is, the original personality! It can be called the root type! It is another girl who is connected to the root just like Sajo Aika! "So what?"

Sajo Aika doesn't care about the .. root-style argument at all! She has now found the meaning of her life.

How can it be fooled by the root style in a few words? Even if this love is based on the root's change, why should you care? It's her who gets the prize, and why should you care if the prize is won by herself, or someone else can Let herself win anyway...she's got the prize! That's enough.

"This feeling is hypocritical!"

The root style is still smiling softly.

Sajo Aika looked at her contemptuously, and at the same time was full of anger: "Oh! Didn't you also accept this false love just now! I saw you hug Mr. Koujiro with my own eyes!!"

When I think about what happened just now, Aika Sajo gets angry! This woman dares to hug Mr. Koujiro! He even dares to listen to Mr. Koujiro's heartbeat! Absolutely can't...forgive! This is something I have never done!! The Queen of Roots! She knows everything.

But it was precisely because she knew all this that she was very angry! She was very angry and wanted to kill the woman in front of her! Clearly, after you go to that world, you will lose all your power!"

What is different from the root style is that what Sajo loves singing is magic! It needs magic power! In this world, she has a magic circuit that is different from ordinary people.

But in another world, she is no different from ordinary human beings. At most, she has learned a lot of basic common sense because she has been connected to the root cause. She is still an ordinary person! "In the face of love, no matter how powerful the power is, it is not worth it after all. carry!"

Sajo Aige turned around and was about to leave this space.

The root style stood not far behind her: "With your character, you are destined to be unable to get along with other people, even if you are close to God Daiyi, he will not like you! Because you will not accept her People! Can never be God Daiichi's favorite person."

Sa Tiao Aige's footsteps stopped.

Chapter 40 Karna, bad for me...

"why why aren't you swallowed by desire are you a saint"

Kama saw God Daiichi unmoved, even though he continued to use his power to seduce him and arouse the desire in his heart.

But he remained unmoved.

Shendai Yi drank his eyes and relieved his dry eyes from keeping them open for a long time.

During the period when Kama was tempting him just now, he was not willing to blink.

But...because of the system, his spirit is still normal, and he won't degenerate to the extent that he doesn't even know what it is.

"Unfortunately, I don't have the power to kill you directly, so I didn't do it right away."

In his eyes, Kama is now another image.

Kama is not Kama's favorite person, so what he sees is naturally not her, even if Kama is really good, but... not much to say.

So I can only just look at her like this and let her scratch her head.

"Answer my question! Don't tell me you have the same concentration as Shakyamuni! You are just a human being!"

She's still a human with someone she likes, so why isn't it driven by desire? This kind of human should be loved and swallowed up by desire! But her power doesn't work.. Is it possible that this human's The spirit is not necessarily so powerful, how can it be compared to the love of the human beings all over the world, but it can fill the entire universe! Now it does not work on a human being! Or human beings in other worlds, all exist like this Has the power to be immune to love and desire! "How can I be comparable to Sakyamuni? I have someone I like, and now..."

Not even a boy's body.. There are only three types of people who can be protected from the power of the third evil beast. One is a saint with an extremely strong willpower like an enlightened being! The second is a level far beyond Kama. The powerhouse of her, so powerful that she will not arouse desire by her power.

The third category is... young babies, because their minds are incomplete, they cannot be seduced by desires.

And Shendaiyi is...a fourth type of person that is different from those three types.

Because there is a system in the body, it is like an anti-virus program, which inhibits the virus and keeps the body running.

The physical universe.. In this universe, Kama can't be killed. Unless she has the power of the Devil's Eye to directly kill Kama's spirit, she can't be solved by one person alone.

This universe is so big... so big that God Daiyi can't get out, and his strength is also limited, it is impossible to directly destroy the entire universe at once, so his situation at the moment is a bit embarrassing.

Can't break the barrier, can't go out...inflicts exact damage to Kama.

Even if it can physically kill a Kama, there is another one that can fill the entire universe with love. Kama has no desire, but there is endless desire here for her to use.

Here, then, Kama is... infinite.

In the case of Bilan, both of them are none.

However, if it is more powerful than output, even if the power of Kamidai Yi's one-time burst is higher, it will not be able to kill the third evil beast.

If there is a special attack to save the world at this time, it is estimated that it will be much easier, but he did not.

If you can't break Kama's universe, the only thing you can do is... attack Kama's spirit, which is the only way to break down the third evil beast.

Just when Kama was still there: while looking at Kamidai Yi jokingly, the air around her suddenly began to surge, and then a fire directly engulfed her body.

"It's useless.."

Behind Kamidaiyi, another Kama stretched out his hand and hugged him, leaning into her ear: "You can't kill me, my body can have countless here!"

"So you're going to be here and put me to death? It's impossible!"

Kama smiled and whispered in Kamidaiyi's ear: "Why do you have to be imprisoned until death to make you fall? Isn't it good that when you fall, that woman's expression will be very interesting, right?"

The calm gas in the space suddenly began to run at a high speed, directly cutting off Kama's hands.

God Daiichi threw away the two broken arms that were paralyzed on his body and looked behind him.

Her voice has disappeared.

"You can't kill me!"

The few Kama who were originally floating in the air flew by in an instant, trying to hold Kamidai Yi down.

The flames burned them.. But seeing more and more figures approaching him, the face of God Daiichi turned black.. The magic power is infinite, that's right, but the spiritual power is not! He can't stay for days and nights If you close your eyes, your brain will also get tired! The most important thing is that this is in Kama's physical universe. He can't take control of Dao like in the game. There is no one here who can take control of Dao. .

There is no parvati here either.. if there is a parvati.. or Shiva's trident, that would be great.

A ray of light swept across the sky above Kamidaiichi, and directly burned the group of Kama who were approaching.

It was Karna.. He was also brought into this physical universe.. "Karna!"

Seeing this sudden appearance, Kama's expression was a little ugly.

She was a little annoyed by this third party who suddenly broke in.

"Can your Noble Phantasm break this universe?"

Karna's Noble Phantasm is the most powerful Noble Phantasm against unique objects on the surface, and there is no defense that can stop his Noble Phantasm except in the world....

But... Kama's physical universe, even God Daiichi can't understand, this is the world, or something else.

If it's just space! Then Karna's power is strong enough to destroy this place and break through Kama's physical universe.

If it were the world.. "You can try it!"

Karna couldn't see Kama's true thoughts, after all, he was not an ordinary person, but a human evil! If... this strongest blow worked, then the outcome could be completely decided.

"Am I really just a master with feelings?"

There is no martial arts to fight with heroic spirits, and it seems that he has learned swordsmanship for more than a year.

, all learned in vain.

Sure enough...compared to these...the ancient heroes, their martial arts are still incomparable.

Unless... he also finds someone to be a teacher.

Chapter 41 The death of the physical universe

The raging flames ignited from Karna! He slowly flew into the sky! If Gilgamesh used the Deviance Sword: It would be able to break directly here! But there is no Gilgamesh now, and God Daiichi does not plan to Go face Gilgamesh now.

If this is the world, then Karna's Noble Phantasm is not enough to destroy this place. If this is a space, then Karna's Noble Phantasm can directly destroy this place.

The only thing that can stop his Noble Phantasm is the world! "Hmm..."

Kama, who was watching this scene, showed a nervous expression on his face! "It's ridiculous! Do you want to break this world just by you?"

One after another Kama kept flying towards Karna.

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