
As soon as he heard that he wanted to give him love again, the corner of Kama's mouth that had been slightly raised, instantly crotched, and his face became cold.

As the god of love, she really hates love the most, but she has to be full of love.

But if she is asked to give a person love now, then she will definitely be disgusted, and then directly reject it.

After all, although she is the god of love, not all the love in the world needs to be sent by her.

"Forget it, just kidding, even if it is given to you, it may not necessarily be effective."

The root-style expression became a little resentful.

It's a pity.. Now she's just a loli, and she has no competitiveness at all. She's just a child, at most her freshman life.

Compared to God Daiichi, he is several years younger.

Although age may be an irrelevant existence for the future God Daiichi.

If he said the original words, Kama would feel angry, but the words behind the root form also made Kama, the god of love, angry.

This is simply looking down on herself! As the god of love, her own job is actually looked down upon by others, which is simply insulting her! "You bastard, who are you looking down on! I am the god of love! Give all things in the world equal love Love God!"

Kama frowned and looked unhappy.

"Sorry, maybe what I said just now was a little hurtful, but please don't care, I don't mean to look down on you."

But the gentle and kind look on Genji's face, in Kama's eyes, has another meaning.

It's as if the root style is telling her: if you don't agree, you hold it back.

The person in front of me is the same as that woman, I don’t care about her anymore! The more I think about it, the more angry I get. In the end, Kama turned over and turned his back to the root style. look.

In the vortex of roots, Sajo Aika looked at all this, and felt full of anger, especially when she saw Yukinoshita Yukino hugging her body with one arm.

She couldn't help substituting herself into her arm, oh no! It was Yukinoshita Yukino! I imagined that she was lying on the bed while hugging the arm of Kamidaiichi.

So angry! The only thing that made her feel a little fortunate was that the woman who trapped herself was not in a very good condition at the moment.

God Daiichi doesn't seem to be interested in.. She seems to be not interested at all, is it because she is too young? Ha! You also have today.. But soon, she can't laugh anymore, because she almost forgot, and she is the same.

She's the same age as root, so she can't be happier now either.

"All of this is the fault of the two rituals!! If it weren't for her! Then the person lying next to Mr. Koujiro now is me! The two rituals are damned! Yukinoshita Yukino is even more damned!"

Sandjo Aika's eyes were blood red, trapped in the vortex of roots.

I can't wait to create a beast to destroy the world again! Fortunately, in the end, reason overwhelmed her anger, and she gave up the idea of ​​continuing to do things because of...

It's better to be a good girl, at least it will be more likeable. It's a pity. Even if Sajo Aige is connected to the root, it is impossible to have that kind of... favorability system.

It is also impossible to see the favorability of God Daiichi towards her.

Chapter 47 What is the wish of the poisonous woman?

"I'm relieved to see you back."

Seeing Wang Hassan appearing in front of him again, it became clear to God Daiichi.

King Hassan is estimated to have defeated Karna.

Speaking of which, the little sun is really pitiful. He is obviously one of the three golden targets. He is a powerhouse with the same strength as Gilgamesh and Ozymandias.

However, it has always been more defeats and less wins, although sometimes it is because of the Master that the strength is not fully exerted.

"Are the spearmen lucky since ancient times?"

Could it be because Karna is a spearman, that's why he is like this? He clearly has an exceptional Noble Phantasm... "The head of the enemy has been removed."

Wang Hasan had nothing to say, although the crowned heroic spirit was an existence to be dealt with, but now that he has been summoned, he naturally wants to help his contractor to the end.

If there is no new crown, the strongest player in this Holy Grail War has already been decided, that is... him.

"Then... let's start the final war now!"

Even if there is no sky garden, they are still victors.

But after all the materials are collected, but if it really doesn't come in handy, it's really a big loss.

If this is the case, not only is it that Kamidai is not reconciled, but Shiro Amakusa is probably also not reconciled. He has been picking up garbage for sixty years, but it turned out to be useless.

Therefore, in order to make him feel that his efforts were not in vain, Jindai Yi planned to use the magic cannon of the sky garden to kill the last enemy.

There is no harm now, but Joan of Arc can't be happy now.

, ".."

Looking at the already formed sky courtyard, she had to pray for the other masters in the red side.

I hope they won't meet someone like Kamiyoichi in the next Holy Grail War.

With the presence of the champion heroic spirit, how could the people from the red side be able to beat him? Semiramis was already sitting on the throne in the center of the sky courtyard.

It's been a long time since God Daiichi saw this woman.

"The red side has been dealt with, which is good news. Now they have only one left, and they still have the ability to fight. Victory will eventually be ours."

"Not dead yet"

God Daiichi thought about it, Achilles, who was fighting Spartacus before, was still alive and well.

Isn't he affected by it? Why is he still alive? "Although he is still alive, he doesn't have much fighting power."

She can see clearly through the images passed by the familiar! She is playing guerrilla warfare with Heizhen, which is not an easy battle for Heizhen.

Atalanta is not... Hei Zhen, she is a heroine in Greek mythology, and the environment in which she grew up was... the jungle.

In terms of leading troops to fight, she is not good, but if it is compared to one-on-one combat.

Although it is not possible to directly defeat Heizhen, it can still be done by taking advantage of the terrain to bring trouble to Heizhen.

"Mordred is still very good. Her Noble Phantasm is only an anti-military-level Noble Phantasm, but the Sky Courtyard is a high-level anti-world Noble Phantasm, a high-level magic cannon, not... a pit-daddy sword that can only be compared to a +-level."

Now Achilles is not quite sure what it is, but judging from what Semiramis said, it is estimated that it is now abolished, and the combat power is definitely not as strong as before.

"Master, although the current situation of the red side's followers is not very good, but... do you know that the black side's heroic spirits have not all disappeared?"


, I almost forgot, Master Jack the Ripper, but she was replaced, so naturally, she also left the Black side's camp! However, even if she left the Black side's camp, she was still a member of the Holy Grail War , No one can guarantee that she and her master will continue to participate in the Holy Grail War.

"She is a vengeful spirit, to be honest, it is very dangerous to leave her in this world!"

Jack the Ripper is a wraith, and her master is an ordinary human who can't do magic. After signing a servant contract with her, she can't supply magic power at all.

So in order to ensure that he can stay in this world, Jack will inevitably use some extreme methods.

The magician's heart is her best target.

Thinking of this, God Daiichi touched his heart, which was different from that of an ordinary magician.

His heart can provide a steady stream of magic power, which is very important for a wraith like Little Jack. If the news spreads, it is estimated that she will come to the door soon.

If you come to the door.. "Can you go through the familiar and find the location of that..."

Kamidai Yi looked at Semiramis, this is also one.

, but.. Compared to Little Jack, Semiramis is a bit more watery.

, As an assassin, only agility, but magic power is a level.

No, but she understands magic better than everyone else, the red and black combined are not enough for her to fight with one hand.

"Why are you actually interested in one?"

Semiramis looked at him in surprise.

Right now, the enemy that God Daiichi is facing is either a beast or a demigod hero, no matter how bad it is, he is also a heroine in Greek mythology.

But that... is just a grievance, not too much of a threat.

, "Prevent it before it happens! After all, there is only one victor in the Holy Grail War!"

There is only one chance to make a wish to the Great Holy Grail.

Semiramis somewhat understood what he meant.

"You mean, you want to use it for yourself after you get the Great Holy Grail?"

This time, she is not... just for the sake of the Master, and she has appeared in the world.

Semiramis also has his own wishes.

"I have no interest in ruling this world. After I get the third method, if you need it, I can give you a body. What you want to do after that has nothing to do with me."

Is it possible that Semiramis' desire is power? It's hard to be sure, but if she does something too radical, her inhibitions will make a judgment.

"Rule the world"

Semiramis smiled and said nothing.

In the past, she would probably have an idea, but now she can't, because the inhibitory force is watching the world all the time.

If they want to bring the world back to the era of the former Assyrian Empire, they will not agree.

Chapter 48 Joan of Arc: I...I am the judge...

"The third method is your goal"

Semiramis can't say anything, after all, it doesn't have much to do with herself, she doesn't know the third method.

But it is to know the existence of magic! After all, the third method is something researched by magicians of later generations. For an ancient magician like her, it is really too far away.

What is the third method, she doesn't know! But Dare to put the goal above magic, Shendaiyi is definitely not the first person! Nor will it be the last person.

Whether it will be successful or not, it is hard to say.

She has seen too much of this world. Compared with the Assyrian Empire that she ruled before, the world is really beautiful now, but this beauty is also mixed with a lot of hypocrisy.

The most ridiculous thing is that she actually dislikes those...hypocrisy, after all, she used to be a hypocritical person who loves vanity.

'Sure enough... I still want to see the scenery of another world.

'She couldn't help but feel a little curious in her heart after knowing that God Daiichi came from a different world.

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