She has a very thorough understanding of the current world, and the common sense given by the Holy Grail is also perfect, but human beings are always curious about the unknown, even if they will sacrifice their lives for it.

She is a demigod, a demigod with god and human blood, and is naturally attracted by the unknown, but in the past, as a queen, she needed to strictly control her reasoning.

No, I really don't need it now, because the Assyrian Empire has already been destroyed! Semiramis didn't feel the slightest heartache, or even the slightest emotion, for the destruction of his kingdom.

If you lose yourself, you can't continue the kingdom well, so don't worry about it.

To rule the world, this is my dream after all, and I don’t need it now. When I’m alive, since I can’t rule the world, what’s the point of doing it again after I die? “Master, do you know that in my eyes, You are like a child!"

Semiramis is very interested in... Kamidai Yizhen.

He has ambition! He also has the charm that can make the Goddess of Ghoul's heart move. He is really unusual.

Even now, she hasn't figured out why Sajo Aige is interested in Shindaiichi.

"very childish"

God Daiichi is a little puzzled, why his behavior is considered naive, he is just simply pursuing power.

It's not the kind of... Demon Lord who thinks about destroying the world or ruling the world all day long.

"There is indeed a childish element, but in more cases, I still think you are cute. After all, you are just a young child."

Whether she can't read minds, she wants to see whether God Daiichi is really young or an old monster, which is too easy for her.

Ah.. why are you always talking crazy, I don't understand at all.

God Daiichi gave up thinking.

Let him understand the mind of a king. Is it more difficult than the Holy Grail War? It is said that a woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea, but what is the heart of a poisonous woman? And never get out.

She is a very dangerous person, and the level of danger in this Holy Grail War is second only to that of the Ghouddess, God! Compared with her, Karna, who is an enemy, is safer! A Servant who may eat the Lord! "Young children are also right! Compared to you... ancient Heroic Spirits, my age is indeed much younger..."

To be treated like a child, who would be glad that Semiramis was not his mother.

In the eyes of Kamidai Yi, she is not a vicious person. Both of them have their own minds. If Semiramis wants power, then a body to return to the world is essential! This is to get the first The god Daiyi after the three methods can give her.

Semiramis raised his hand, and the pigeon flew into her hand.

One man and one pigeon looked at each other, as if they were communicating something.

It's a pity that Yatoshi Shindai doesn't know the animal language, and he doesn't know the magic that can communicate with animals.

"That... the location of the resentful spirit has been found."

After a long while, Semiramis spoke up.

She is a demigod raised by pigeons, and she naturally has an unparalleled affinity for pigeons.

Because of this, she can see more things through the perspective of this animal.

Before that, she had inadvertently observed the existence of the original Black, but quickly ignored it.

Because their group is really too weak, even the master is not a magician, and the Servant wants enough magic power, and can only supply it through special means.

It's just that their behavior is getting more and more extreme, so this is the second time that Semiramis has noticed them.

"Let the past solve that... grievance, I believe she will not sit idly by...


Shen Daiyi closed his eyes and started, calling out Bai Zhen.

It didn't take long.. "Hey! Let me go! I.. I am in this Holy Grail War."

It's okay to blow a black whistle or something, but this time, it's a bit too blatant to let the referee go off the court and hit someone.

Guoguo told those people that this judge... is malicious and partial. In this case, will the restraint force allow me to become one in the future? Eh.. This time, it seems that partiality to God Daiyi is also required by the restraint force, but it is a disaster before appearing.

Now that everything is over, she should...maybe...just make a small request and do what a judge should do Really! If the black whistle blows too much, she will be ashamed! "The existence of the black side has destroyed the stability of some areas. She has killed many magicians with cruel methods."

Compared to Little Jack's methods, Kamidai is also ashamed.

Disintegration of the Virgin or something... God Daiichi is not a Virgin or something, and he doesn't care about... those... dead magicians, but the one from Black... It's better to find a way to solve it.

, Little Jack is cute.. but who can guarantee that her intestines will be pulled out as soon as she gets close.

You want to hug her, but she thinks about your bowels.

This is the Holy Grail War. Who would have overflowing sympathy? After listening to Shen Daiyi's explanation, Zhen Ritian nodded: "The black side is indeed endangering unrelated people, and I will solve it."

Chapter 49 Where's That Crazy Woman?


Hei Zhen kicked open the door of the church and walked in with a look of resentment.

She chased Atalante for a day, but what happened! She still ran away, which made Heizhen, who had spent a lot of effort, angry to death.

The up-and-down appearance attracted the attention of God Daiichi.

"It's been a while since you've been there, but Atalanta has spent so much time."

"Hey! If it wasn't for that wild cat jumping up and down, I would have killed her a long time ago!!"

Hei Zhen kicked a bench away with a displeased face.

Knowing that she was still angry at this time, Shen Daiyi didn't say anything more, after all, Hei Zhen is not Bai Zhen! Bai Zhen was bullied, maybe it was too much to just shout.

But if it was Heizhen, she might burn it directly! Anyway... Now that the courtyard in the sky has been built, she can destroy the church as she pleases.

"Hey! That... crazy woman!"

Looking around, he didn't find Sajo Aige's figure, Hei Zhen asked.

Didn't Shen Daiyi bring her back? It's estimated that even if he didn't want to bring her back, that woman would post it shamelessly. "Crazy woman, are you talking about Sajo Love Song? She was imprisoned by another person, short In time, it is estimated that it will not appear.”

Shen Daiyi is very curious. He is also a person who is linked to the root. Why is Shatiao Aige imprisoned by the root style? A pair of magic eyes is possessed by the root style, not two rituals.

When the two ceremonies of physical personality switching will be held, she can only rely on what may happen in the future to help her awaken the demon eye.

Could it be that she was overcast by Genji, and she was said to be pink and black, and Genji was also wearing a pink kimono? In the vortex of Gengen.. Sajo Aika listened to the conversation between the two, and her heart was depressed to death.

That's right! Both of them are also incarnations of the root, that's right, but the root-style magic eye of death is powerful! Or in her hands, the magic eye of death is really powerful.

He directly killed all the magic he unleashed! Because of the same personalities, both sides knew what the other was thinking, so under normal circumstances, they were evenly matched, but the root style had an extra pair of magic eyes.

Not only that.. there are two restraints standing behind her.

When the two sides have equal strength, support is very important.

Aige's heart is bitter, she wants to tell the gods! But being trapped here, she can't help it.

Two restraints, coupled with the existence of an isotype, could not break through this confinement, and she could only watch Shendai Yi and Yukinoshita Yukino talk about love, she was almost sore.

The only thing that is fortunate is that... the root form that has been imprisoned has not taken any advantage.

"You two guys, do you really believe that woman?"

Aika Sajo couldn't help roaring at the two restraints.

I'm very dangerous, isn't that woman dangerous? Of course not! Compared to the native-born local, Sajo Aika is only an existence in a parallel world.

Secondly, the root style is very rational, it is really much better than the existence of Sajo Aige when he crosses over and carries one existence.

Naturally, the two cannot be compared.

I must go out! I must leave this place! Aige thought silently in my heart.

Above the courtyard in the sky... This Noble Phantasm of Semiramis is... a castle! In terms of appearance alone, Ichigo can create the same shell, but if you want to make it look like this courtyard If it flies up and has the same function, then it is naturally whimsical.

Exceptional Noble Phantasms can no longer be projected by the amount of magic power, otherwise those... Noble Phantasms would be too bad.

God Daiichi thought about taking this garden back with him.

But the only problem is..., this courtyard is attached to Semiramis, and if she is gone, no one can control this courtyard.

It really is no different from an ordinary building.

If it's just an ordinary building, then why did he bring it back? "When I stand here, I will remember what you did before."

The second lady came over, and she looked down at the scenery on the ground from a high altitude.

"What have I done"

Kamidai Yi was very curious, in the heart of Yukinoshita Yukino, what did he do that deserves to be remembered.

"Standing on the street light.."

"Stop! I see.."

Kamidai Yi interrupted what Yukinoshita wanted to say next, it was simply a proper black history.

Back then, he was young and ignorant, but now that he has calmed down, he feels full of shame! Even if he were to stand on the street light again, it would be impossible. "Why is that something you have done before, now What is this expression?"

She looked at God Daiichi with some amusing.

"Didn't you ever want to correct this distorted world? Wouldn't it be better for girls to be better than boys?"

In terms of shame, Kamidai Yi never felt that Yukinoshita Yukino would be worse than herself, and she once had a very second speech, although only when facing herself.

"That kind of thing..."

Yukinoshita frowned slightly, and then looked at Kamdai Yi: "I don't think there is anything wrong with my idea."

"So your secondary illness has not been cured until now."

————Separation line————“It seems that you need my help very much.”

Amakusa Shiro finds Achilles who disappeared after the battle with Spartacus.

"It's you"

Achilles looked at this man, because of Kama's power, his current spirit was greatly traumatized.

Fortunately, he is immortal, so Spartacus' self-destruction did not kill him.

But now his situation is not optimistic! In the battle against Kama, he suffered the most serious damage.

The white-haired priest in front of him, he is very distrustful! Achilles knows that he has his own purpose.

"Although I can't completely remove the influence, I may be able to make you feel a little more relaxed."

Heaven, Kusashiro stretched out his hand to Achilles.

He is a member of the Church of Sanctuary, and he knows a little bit of purification magic.

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