"Second Magician... This guy wants to swallow the Great Holy Grail for himself."


Zelrich just nodded and ignored it.

"Now the Goddess of Ghoul is in the vortex of roots, it is very dangerous to leave her in this world!"

He looked at the root style.

Maybe that day Shatiao Aige will break through directly, so this time bomb can't stay here.

: Try to end this volume before going to bed today and return to the daily volume.

Chapter 57 Kama: You will bleed to death!

"I know.."

After all, it is impossible to imprison Sajo Love Song forever, and it is impossible to understand the root cause.

The current love songs are like a demon, once they break free from their captivity, no one knows what they will do after returning to the watch world.

"Are you here to speak for Inhibition?"

Jewel Weng nodded, it was indeed the restraint that told him, otherwise he wouldn't know about the Goddess Ghoul.

"So everything is up to you."

Listening to the words of the root style, God Daiichi only felt that his right eyelid kept jumping.

Wouldn't it be unkind to ask me to quell her anger? It was you who locked her up.

"You also said back then that you were going to another world with your love song, didn't you?"

Hey, why do you say something like "What are those people doing!"

Achilles, who was working with Atalanta to deal with King Hassan, felt like his body was about to fall apart.

They are all here working tirelessly to fight the crown, but the masters were chatting and laughing before! "! Let's release the Noble Phantasm together! Solve him!"

Atalanta is also very troublesome, Wang Hassan may disappear at any time, and then may appear directly behind the next second.

The next second, Wang Hassan once again disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

Atalanta turned around quickly, but did not see his figure.

However, Wang Hassan stood behind her with a sword in hand.

"Hand over the head!"

His great sword slashed directly at Atalanta's neck.


Achilles roared and rushed over.

Amakusa Shiro gave up the fight, and the result was already there.

God Daiichi has already made a wish towards the Great Holy Grail, he has no chance, instead of continuing to struggle, it is better to just give up.

"Have you given up struggling?"

Kama smiled and looked at Shirou Amakusa who had given up to continue fighting.

"If I want to realize my wish, I have to wait [-] years.."

Amakusa Shiro also sighed faintly. After waiting hard for [-] years, he turned his attention to Kamidai Yi. The qualifications for the competition were robbed, the Servants were robbed, and he was not able to do anything to Kamidai Yi himself. .

How can he make his long-cherished wish come true?

But... Did I hear some incredible news just now? For example, it seems that God Daiyi has learned the third method, the materialization of the soul. If he has learned it, then letting him complete the redemption of all mankind is not a kind of Method? "Huh?"

Kama curled his lips, then raised his bow and arrow, and shot a sword towards Amakusa Shirou's heart.

Pooh! Didn't notice that Shiro Amakusa was hit directly in the center.

Steal..Sneak attack! Looking at the arrow on his chest, he had a deep suspicion on his face.

"You really don't think that I will attack when you notice it. It's not right to be distracted when fighting!"

The arrow of the god of love naturally has her power! Whether it is the god of love or the beast of love, they actually like to watch others fall.

It just so happens that Shiro Amakusa is her favorite to degenerate a saint who is aspiring to purity.

"How could I... be polluted by mere desires!"

Amakusa Shiro pulled out the arrow stuck in his chest...

"In this case, you will die from bleeding too much."

Kama looked at him in surprise.

Originally, the arrow of love had already hit his heart. Although it caused a wound, it also blocked the wound so that the blood of the heart would not flow out directly, but now he directly pulled out the sword.

The wound was not blocked, and it was still the location of the heart, so.. the results can be imagined.

Amakusa Shiro is suffering now! Even with enough magic power, he can't recover from the injury.

It wasn't because of the pain, it was because of excessive bleeding.

"..no chance, the last time left, I want to..look at the world again."

Amakusa Shirou covered his wound.

He doesn't think that God Daiichi can accept his point of view and help all mankind complete the materialization of their souls, and the Great Holy Grail has also been snatched away, so he has no chance.

"Tsk...what a fool."

Just look at this world, why do you still need to pull out the arrow? Are there really people in this world who are not afraid of pain? Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen, who were rushing over here, also saw it, bleeding from the chest. Amakusa Shiro, and Achilles who was about to die after defending Atalanta.

Achilles does have an immortal body, but a powerful immortal body is also useless to King Hassan! "Is it over?"

Seeing the Holy Grail War, it seems that it has ended, and Joan of Arc went to the gods.

"It's not over yet! Asshole!!!"

There was a roar from the sky.

There is a faint black spot in the sky, which is constantly expanding, continuing to expand... Mordred! After the black spot turned into a shadow, God Daiichi finally saw the true face of the shadow.

Almost forgot.."!"

Red Square!, the molecules in the air began to move rapidly, and then instantly condensed into a...hard wall in front of him.

Xiao Mo's great sword slammed directly on the wall, making a loud noise.

"Bastard! A bastard who only hides in a turtle shell!"

Mordred kept hacking at the wall.

In an instant, the wall that had originally protected God Daiichi dissipated.

Instead, it is a constantly changing magic circle.

Right in front of Mordred.


As the voice of God Daiichi fell, the magic circle was activated instantly, and the purple light exploded directly.

Whether it was the dust on the ground being rolled up, the lion Jiejieli who was running over saw a purple light appear, and he closed his eyes subconsciously.

When he opened it, he found a huge pothole on the ground in front of him.

As for..., he can't feel it anymore.

"It's really cool to release such a big magic at one time!"

After flexing his muscles, he looked at those... the thugs brought in by the clock tower.

"Then, the magician representing the Magic Association, will we continue to fight?"

The battle was joking, looking at the pothole that was more than ten meters wide and thirty meters long, and I didn't know how deep it was.

They beat them with the head! Even the second magician didn't plan to help them, what the hell! Looking at it again, Achilles, who had been slashed with a sword, had lost his fighting power, and he was holding a sword and looking at King Hassan, who was with himself and others.

"The Thousand World Tree has now been destroyed, and the magicians on our side of the Clock Tower have not all died. That's enough."

Chapter 58 Long time no see, Miss Aige!return!

"God..you..how did you become like this!"

Yukinoshita Yukino was so excited that she wanted to step forward when she saw Shindaiichi coming back.

But when she saw his face directly, she was surprised.

I haven't seen each other for a while, why is there such a big change? "I've become a little more handsome, and I've become a little stronger, what's wrong with Yukinoshita?"

He reached out and squeezed the second lady's face.

Comparing her skin again, he almost had the illusion that he was a girl.

I didn't expect such a big change. Fortunately, I don't look like a girl, but the skin is a little whiter.

Semiramis on the throne looked at the two people who were sprinkling dog food, and tapped the handrail a few times with his index finger in dissatisfaction to warn the two of them.

"Since you have won, Master, let's talk about the matter between us."

Shen Daiyi looked at the empress: "If you want to say what you want to say, if you want to rule the world, I won't care about you, but the completion still depends on you, the only thing I can do is... .give you a body."

Semiramis' current body is still made of magic power. Generally speaking, the Holy Grail War is over, and she should return.

"Oh, what power should have been dissipated with my passing long ago. As for my current thoughts... I want to go to the other world where you are and have a look."

Even without the rule of gods, the human beings in this world are still influenced by those magicians.

She has seen enough of this era, and now she wants to go to another world, not a similar parallel world, but a completely different world.

That world may be a little more interesting than this world.

"..you're serious"

For... Semiramis' idea, Kamidai Issei has a certain degree of skepticism.

'Could it be that she is ready to go to that world because she can't achieve supreme power in this world?' That world has no roots and no restraint. Even if human technology is very advanced, no matter how advanced the technology is, With their fragile bodies alone, they still can't stop the magic, and they can't stop her poison! "No doubt, I'm the queen of Assyria! As a king, I don't bother to lie!"

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