Semiramis wasn't very dissatisfied with... Kamidai's suspicions.

After all, her reputation is there, even if she has made great achievements, those... bad things are more of a concern to the commoners.

Ten good things are not as powerful as one bad thing.

"Well, since that's the case... then I have a request! You must not destroy the society of that world! You also cannot appear among the commoners as the Assyrian Empress!"

Cause too much panic, which is not what God Daiichi wants.

Since it's a calm world, it's better to have less storms.

Too many questions will give him a headache.

"Is that all?"

This is nothing to the extravagant Semiramis, it is a very common request, just hope that he will not have an impact on that world.

"Yes! That's all!"

He will not have any excessive requirements, because Semiramis, who is the queen, naturally cannot accept those... excessively strict requirements.

————Separation line————In a room in the sky courtyard, Yuanyuan closed his eyes: "I can let you out now, but... On the contrary, there is also a request! Calm down! "

Three seconds later, Gengen opened his eyes.

A faint blue vortex appeared.

Then a blond girl walked out slowly, she looked at the roots of the eyes, full of killing intent.

"If the gods knew that I died in your hands, what do you think she would think of your well-behaved and sensible Miss Sajo"

After listening to her words, Shajo Aige's hands were clenched tightly, and the killing intent in her eyes became even more intense, but even so... she could only stare.

The root style is not weaker than her, both of them are the incarnation of the root, with the same aptitude, even if it is magic, they know the same amount.

The restraining power of this world is obviously on the side of the root. If she dares to tear her face, then they will probably dare to lock her up again! Now that God Daiichi is about to leave this world, if she tears her face, Then what if you can't leave with him at that time? It took so much effort, and how can you get nothing! "Humph! I will remember this revenge! I will definitely take my revenge back in the future!"

——————The dividing line————“It seems boring to stay in this world, doesn’t it? After all, it’s your place.”

Kamidai came out of a tunnel.

"What do you mean!"

Zhen turned to look at him.

"Since there is no place for you in this world, why don't you go to another world with me?"

Sure enough.. Heizhen or something, it is still difficult for people to refuse. Not only is he strong, but he is also good-looking, has a good figure, and is arrogant.

"Other world! Why should I go to another world with you?"

Hei Zhen snorted softly, but did not refuse directly.

Could it be that there must be a place for her in another world? For someone like her, I am afraid that only hell can hold her. She is the witch of the dragon! Not...that...the so-called Joan of Arc!" I don't want to see the Dragon Witch leave my sight. After all, you have been summoned by me now, and it doesn't mean that you will be able to return to the place where you were summoned before, right?"

Heizhen was originally located at the singularity, which was the place to be corrected. She went there and waited to be beaten, and the Throne of Heroes might not admit her.

"Hey... who cares!"

——————Dividing line——————"Thank you, Mr. Koujiro."

Leticia bowed to the gods, and she saw a lot of things in this Holy Grail War.

This will definitely be a memory she will never forget.

"No need to thank you. After all, Joan of Arc used your body and helped me a lot. It's not too much trouble to send you back."

Joan of Arc has left her body, so the current Letishia has once again changed back to that ordinary person.

She has already learned from those people what kind of magician God Daiichi is, that is an existence that is more noble than all magicians, that is, the pinnacle of magicians.

Such a person would actually come to see off a little person like her, I really have some confidence.

"By the way.. This is what Zelrich gave me."

Shen Daiyi took out a check: "This thing is useless to me, just give it to you."

Originally, Zellrich planned to give him a sum of money and let him play around in this world.

But God Daiichi was not interested.

In terms of entertainment level, this world is about twenty years weaker than the world before him: ah.

What fun can there be, it's better to go back and play 3 games.

"I can't take this thing!"

As soon as she saw that it was a check, she quickly waved her hand with a face of rejection.

Being able to meet so many characters is already very rare for her. How could she be so embarrassed to collect money now? Of course.. There is also a feeling that Joan of Arc was in this Holy Grail War. , helped God Daiyi a lot.

It can be said that from the original judge, she has become a thug on the side of Shendaiyi, and then accepting the money from Shendaiyi always makes her feel like she has been bribed.

"This money is of no use to me. I will go to another world soon, and this thing will not be available at that time."

In that world, there is no such person as Jewel Weng, and it is useless to keep this check.

"And... as a student, this little money will help... your life."

God Daiichi grabbed her palm and put the check on it.

When Letishia was about to return it, he had already dissipated like a bubble.

Seeing that there was no one in front of her, she felt a little lost. Because from today, she will once again become an ordinary person, and the distance from the magician will once again become two worlds.

Leticia pulled her suitcase and walked towards the airport.

Kamidai Yi stood on the roof of a building and watched her slowly leave: "You said... after the Holy Grail War, she can still go back, or she is willing to go back to that... ordinary world "

He looked at the people around him.

————The dividing line————“The Holy Grail War is over, fortunately, your Yog Domirenian family was destroyed this time, and only the part of the people who participated in the Holy Grail War has not yet been exterminated. ."

Standing in front of Kamidai Yi is the only survivor of the Black side this time, Goldmujik Yug Domirenia.

After a few days, his spirits were almost better.

"Thank you! I will never forget your kindness!"

Gold looked at him excitedly.

I can't forget, I really can't forget this time.

This time, the Thousand Boundaries Tree is considered a waste. Not only is the patriarch gone, but also a large part of the elite magicians are missing, and a lot of artificial humans have also been lost.

But even so..he survived.

"I just want to hurry up now and go back and see my son."

"Uh... your son!"

"Yes! My son - Goldruf Mujic!"

God Daiichi looked at this man in surprise.

Goldruf Mujik! This name is a bit too familiar. "I hope you can be optimistic about your son in the future."

Don't be deceived by a fox, spend your whole family, buy a Chaldea that is about to be destroyed, and the world will end in a few days after buying Chaldea.

"thanks, I will!"

Mistakenly believing that he was caring about himself, Gold once again thanked God Daiichi.

————Separation line————Send again... After leaving Gold, Issei Kamdai came to the garden on the uppermost floor of his sky garden.

"It's time to relax."

He sat on the bench and looked at the sky leisurely.

"Mr. God"


Hearing someone stop him, Shen Daiyi responded subconsciously, and then immediately realized that something was wrong! He sat upright and saw Sha Tiao Aige standing on the side.

"Kamiyo-san, we... finally meet again."

"...Long time no see, Miss Sajo."

the next day.

A dazzling white light streaked across the sky, and the huge courtyard that had been floating in the air disappeared.

In the vortex of roots, knowing the two restraining powers they left, they can finally stop worrying.

The two women were sent away...: This volume was written so badly, I regret it so much now, but unfortunately it's useless... It's been so long, and I should start with the eldest lady.

Chapter 1 Are you going for plastic surgery?

"Mother, I still haven't found any news about Yukino and Jindai."

Yang Nao, who was alone at her sister's house, reported the news of the past few days to her mother with a sad face.

If it wasn't for the fact that their bodies hadn't been found, and she still had the last ray of hope, she would probably have cried a long time ago.

But even so, she was extremely frightened in her heart.

"Ah.. I just hope that the gods can protect Yukino."

Mrs. Yukinoshita didn't know what to do either, their family was a small family after all, and it was impossible to compete with a country.

Even the Shinomiya family should be weighed, not to mention the mere Yukishita family.

This point, Yukinoshita Yono is also very clear, so there is no other way except.... to endure everything.

Yukinoshita's family is really too weak, so weak that even bigger companies need to be cautious, not to mention a country.

"Definitely! His power is very powerful."

Yang Nai hung up the phone, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, but she held back her tears.

Over Chiba City, a bolt of lightning flashed, and then a huge courtyard appeared over the city.

Soon, this huge courtyard disappeared directly, as if it had never appeared.

However, this scene was still seen by some night owls, just because the sky courtyard appeared for too short a time, and when they remembered to take pictures, it disappeared.

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