Isn't that the only thing? As early as the moment the door rang, God Daiichi used a series of magic tricks, packed everything up, and left no evidence.

However, in Yukinoshita Yukino's ears, these words had a different meaning, that is, nothing happened to the two of them last night.

Just a simple sleep.. but still super upset! "Since you're up, go wash up."

Yukino Yukino was about to grab Yono and leave the room.

But God Dai Yi took her hand: "Your sister cried for a long time last night, she just fell asleep not long ago, let her rest for a while."

Sister, did she cry again? Listening to the words of God Daiichi, Yukinoshita Yukino felt a little guilty. It was all because of herself that made her so sad. "But it's not good to occupy your room like this. Let's take it to my room."

At the moment, Yukinoshita Yukino regretted it very much, if it wasn't because he fell asleep.

Then Yang Nao will never be allowed to sleep here! This position does not belong to her!! "Forget it, she is sleeping now"

Shen Daiyi opened Yang Nai and pushed Xuenai out of the room.

Yukinoshita Yangnai secretly opened one eye, looked at Liren, and then closed it again.

As soon as he finished taking a shower, his cell phone was switched off.

When I saw the call... it was Mrs. Yukinoshita... It seems that she knew that she was back, Kamdai Yi glanced at the door of his room, and then answered the phone.

"Hello! Madam, what's the matter?"

Yukino Yukino in the kitchen slammed her hands: and then continued to prepare breakfast as if nothing had happened.

"Kamiyo, are you and Yukino all right?"

Madam Yukinoshita's anxious voice came over.

Well, it seems that she still cares about Miss Er: "it's okay, she's doing well now, it's just..."

"just what"

"The driver is dead."

The driver was already dead the moment he was bombed.

Because there is no soul in this world, the brain carries everything, so once you die, it is impossible to live unless you directly turn back time.

It's just that after possessing the materialization of the soul, he can help the human beings in this world... who do not have souls to create souls.

It's a pity that he didn't materialize his soul back then, otherwise that person could be resurrected.

Even God Daiichi cannot help a corpse create a soul.

Mrs. Yukinoshita was silent for a while... Then she said, "I will arrange a new driver soon. I will trouble you to take her to school today."

"Okay! Madam."

"By the way, what about Yang Nai, how is she now?"

Shen Daiyi glanced at his door again: "Miss was so excited last night, so she slept relatively late and hasn't woken up yet."

If it was Mrs. Yukinoshita herself, after hearing the news, I'm afraid she would be too excited to fall asleep, so now that Yang Nai hasn't woken up, it's not that she can't understand.

Of course.. if she knows another thing, then she probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

"Then let her sleep a little longer, by the way, if there is any need, just say it."

Shendaiyi didn't hesitate: "Madam, do you still remember those... government bonds you bought? I hope you sell them as soon as possible, I'm going to take revenge a little."

Then what kind of revenge is she needs to remind her to sell those things as soon as possible, Mrs. Yukinoshita is a little worried, whether God Daiichi will directly destroy the country.

"Okay, I know."

After that incident, Mrs. Yukinoshita was also very annoyed and angry. Since it was Kamdaiji who planned to do it, she would not stop him.

——————Dividing line——————"Wait...! Can't we just walk over there?"

Looking at the sports car at the door, Yukinoshita Yukino's legs became weak again.

It seems that the memory of the last time is still very deep! Even now, she remembers it clearly.

Being God Daiyi's sports car, I'm afraid it will be the same as last night when he hugged him directly and fell from a height of several thousand meters.

I just have to go to school today, so there is no need to make such a terrifying act. "If you are walking now, it will be too late."

Shen Daiyi also sensed the second lady's fear, and has no plans to continue racing with her.

Sure enough.. the second lady's courage is still too small, and she doesn't even dare to race.

But it is impossible to compare people at will. Although she has many advantages, no one is perfect, and there is no absolutely perfect existence in this world.

God Daiichi glanced at the sky.

Through the clouds, he could see the huge courtyard.

The sports car that was parked at the door disappeared in an instant, and the two had to walk towards the school step by step with their schoolbags on their backs.

Chapter 5 Kaguya: Treat me like a fool!

"Eh! God! Eh!"

On the way to school, Miura Yumiko suddenly noticed Yukino Yukinoshita not far ahead.

Since that was Yukinoshita Yukino, the boy standing beside him must be Kamidai Yi.

When she came to Shindaiichi and saw his appearance, the smile on her face suddenly changed to surprise.

"Although the change is a little bigger, there is no need to be so surprised. I am not an ordinary person."

Fortunately, the voice was still familiar, otherwise even Yumiko Miura would not be able to guarantee that the person he saw was really...

This appearance.. the face that I have seen before is too different. "You.. why did you become like this!"

Looking at the face of the generation of gods, she was really frightened, in the end it would turn into such a look.

Originally, 90% of the faces were already [-]% and [-]% of the time, but now they are [-]%! Now in the school, no matter how popular Hayato Hayama is, he can't be as popular as him. "Because of one thing, so A little bit stronger, and I personally evolved towards perfection."

This body is perfect for... human beings.

But there is still room for improvement, there are so many worlds.. 'With this appearance, you can be a cowherd!!' "By the way, what happened to you a few days ago, I heard that someone attacked you"

There are still people who dare to attack Shendaiyi, which is something she can't believe.

Aren't you afraid of hitting a stone with an egg? If it doesn't work, isn't it afraid of his power? "It's nothing.. It's resolved now, and in a short while, it's estimated that the result will come out."

The suspect is also dead, but it's not a big problem. It's impossible that no one provided the explosives they prepared! He already understood all this. After winning the Holy Grail War, he got not only the two laws, but also the The power given by the system.

The power of the mind.. this is not weak. Compared with the other two powers given by the system, this power is very powerful.

Spiritual ability, this greatly improves his spiritual power, and along the way improves his control of fluid manipulation and molecular manipulation, and can exert more powerful power.

"You must not let those guys go, they dare to use it to do such a thing!!"

Miura also looked indignant.

It's just that she didn't know that God Daiichi dropped dozens of meteorites last night, and there was a big storm that broke out somewhere in the neon.

The three of them were just walking on the road.

Such a combination of handsome men and beautiful women naturally attracted the attention of many passers-by and other students.

Under the gaze of so many eyes, Yukino Yukinoshita and Yumiko Miura didn't feel anything, maybe because they were stared at so much, they had already become accustomed to it.

"Then.. who is that why and why would I go with Yukinoshita?"

"It seems to be the 2nd year group's God, I heard that Yuki Miura and the others have always been around him."

"It seems so.. It looks really handsome when you look at it!"

"But he didn't have an accidental face.."

"Even if it's plastic surgery, it can't be adjusted like this, right?"

There was a lot of gossip along the way.

Hearing the chirping voices of these people, Shen Daiyi also felt a little upset, and directly created a magic that blocks perception.

Miura Yumiko, who had been receiving attention at first, suddenly felt that everyone around her looked away.

He glanced at Dai Yi, and saw that he had no reaction.

"God generation! I'll come back to you at noon"

Because it is a different class, it is impossible to stay in the same classroom with her.

Sensing that someone was sitting next to him, Kaguya Shinomiya glanced at it, and then withdrew his gaze as if nothing had happened.

In the end, he was suddenly shocked, and turned around again to look at God Daiyi who was sitting in the seat: "God... God generation! You come back!"

She looked at God Daiichi, who had just returned to campus today, and was full of surprise, even though she had long thought that he would be fine.

, but now I see him again.. Si Gong blinked in disbelief, how is it so different from the face in his impression! This.. I'm afraid it's not a direct change. "Well, it's been a long time. No see, Shinomiya-san."

God Daiichi also greeted her.

How can it still be like this? After learning magic, can you still take care of your skin? Shinomiya Kaguya compared his own hands and glanced at the back of Dai Yi's hand.

Which girl doesn't love beauty. She Shinomiya Kaguya is born beautiful, she was born... the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family, living in the most advantageous environment.

It is precisely because of this that she is not only very beautiful in appearance, but also has perfect skin care.

But.. now I'm being compared by others. If it's a girl, then forget it, but God Daiyi is still a man! Miss Kaguya's heart is full of unwillingness after losing to a man.


Looking at Kaguya Shinomiya, who seemed to be hit by something while holding his head, it was still difficult for Kaguya to understand their thoughts.

The body that has been transformed through the third method is not so scary. It can make the arrogant young lady look like this. "Is there a day when Miss Kaguya will be jealous of others?"

"I don't..."

He was planning to refute loudly, but when he thought that he was still in the classroom, and the target was still Yasushi, Shinomiya Kaguya held back.

"Where did Kamdai-san go for maintenance? Why does it look so..."

So handsome.. Isn't it a bit too foul with the current Kamidai Yi? When I saw his appearance at first, Kaguya Shinomiya was just a little surprised, but it was nothing, but now.. as expected.. even himself has become Is it good looking? "Shouldn't Miss Kaguya be more concerned about my situation in the last few days than my appearance?"

Seeing Kaguya Shinomiya's reaction... he also knew how terrifying the change of the third method on the body.

God Daiichi glanced at the second lady. If she also completes the materialization of the soul in the future, what will it look like? The third method will transform the body into a perfect body commensurate with the soul. Maybe... Maybe in the future, the second lady Need to change clothes.

"Yes! Are you okay these days! What the hell happened!"

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