Shinomiya Kaguya woke up like a dream.



Be a fool!

Chapter 6 also fought a Holy Grail War

Something must have happened in the past few days! Otherwise, why does the whole person seem to have bleached a bit? There must be something wrong! Shinomiya Kaguya looked at God Daiichi with suspicious eyes.

However, no matter how her eyes looked, it was useless.

He just looked at Shinomiya Kaguya who was staring at him like this, and always felt.. This lady Kaguya has become a little strange. "Don't say it, don't say it.." She wouldn't tell her.. Kaguya Shinomiya looked at Yukinoshita Yukino's back, but she didn't forget that it wasn't just Kamidaiichi who disappeared.

————The dividing line————“Too much! I cared about him with good intentions, but he didn’t tell me anything!”

In a corner, Shinomiya Kaguya stomped her feet angrily, wishing she could directly step out a hole in the ground.

Hayasaka, who was standing beside her, was expressionless: "Miss Kaguya, this is the latest news, please take a look."

"Let's put all the information aside. Now I just want to know where God Daiichi has been in the past few days! Why did it change so much when I came back!"

Shinomiya didn't care about the few documents that Hayasaka Ai was holding in her hands, she disappeared inexplicably, and she was inexplicably concerned for several days, but she didn't say anything.

Even though he was panting heavily, Kaguya Shinomiya was still without ups and downs.

"It's about the gods!"

Listening to her words, Kaguya Shinomiya silently took the sheets of paper in the hands of Ai Hayasaka.

After flipping through it for a while, her face changed slightly: "This... this is a bit too scary, why even the meteorites came out?"

How many more powers and magics are there even in the magic of manipulating meteorites? I'm afraid it's not like watching a magic movie again. "Besides him, there is no one else who can do it."

Ai Hayasaka is also very curious about the changes in Kaguya Shinomiya's mouth, Yasushi God.

I haven't seen each other for a while.. "Then what about this? Last night, a strange flying object suddenly appeared over Chiba. What kind of alien is this? Why doesn't it even have a picture!"

"Miss Kaguya, the meteorite fell after that flying object appeared, and it was also because of that... the flying object appeared."

Hayasaka Ai remembered very clearly that God Daiichi said that he was the only magician in this world.

Then since he is the only magician, then the anomaly is probably created by him! "You mean there is a connection!"

Sigong Kaguya also looked at the sky, but thousands of miles were covered with clouds, and there was no trace of it at all.

, Is there any... the connection still needs to be guessed? Except... God Daiichi, is there anything else that can be found out? Or is there really an alien ".."

After reading it carefully for a while... After these materials, Ye took a deep breath.

"Xiao Ai.. go to the service department and get some news."

"Okay! Miss Kaguya."

Hayasaka Ai took out the bento that she had prepared a long time ago and walked towards the service department.


Where did this bento come from! In the service department... "Really!"

After listening to Yukino Yukino's story of her journey through another world, Yubihama exclaimed, what could be more attractive than another world. For her, maybe there really is.

Not only her, but also Yumiko Miura.

"anything else!"


Yukinoshita Yukino didn't speak, and looked at God Daiichi. After all, she hadn't been out at all in those few days, just...stayed in the church to rest, and then went to the sky courtyard to rest.

I saw people who had never left there.

There was a knock on the door of the service department, and Ai Hayasaka walked in with a bento box.

"I don't mind having one more, there are too many people in the class"

She pouted, looking expectant.

"come in."

Shen Daiyi did not refuse, the service department is not his, but the second lady listens to him.

Ai Hayasaka! Yumiko Miura has not forgotten this person. Although she is a transfer student, she quickly gets along with the rest of the class. She is a very strong hot girl.

However, she didn't seem to associate the one she saw at the Kendokan with...Smith Hasaka.

After all, in addition to... blond hair, she also spent a lot of effort on dressing up.

Not only the hairstyle is different, the clothes, and the makeup on the face are different, this time there is no pad! And there are many people with blond hair, you can find one on the street, even Yumi Miura herself is blond, so she definitely won't Found.

However, Yukino Yukinoshita has some understanding. The last time... Smith Hasaka was from Shinomiya Kaguya, and this Hayasaka Ai.. Kamidai Yi also said that this is Shinomiya Kaguya's.

Although the gap is a bit big, it is not impossible to disguise.

"Everyone seemed to have something to talk about just now, why didn't they say it.."

Hayasaka Ai looked at Kamidai Yi, who was blocked by Yukinoshita Yukino, and was immediately stunned.

With just such a glance, she wondered if she was hallucinating.

This... Ai Hayasaka, who couldn't believe it, rubbed her eyes and took another look.

"Don't doubt, I'm God Daiichi... don't ask too much, ask is... magic."

'I just revealed the magic thing to her.' Miura Yukiko and Yubihama Yui looked at Kamidai Yi suspiciously. Could it be that even she knows about magic? How many people know about it? Things..of course they are still more interested in the situation in the strange world.. "Don't look at me, I rarely go out."

What she does when she goes out in such a dangerous place may be in danger even if she hits the spot, how could she just go outside foolishly. Since Yukinoshita Yukino didn't say anything, then it's okay, "It's nothing, it's just.. .It's just a little war."


Thinking of the war, Yumiko's mind came to the story of Oda Nobunaga.

"Then you win or lose"

".. can you still see me if you lose?"

Kamiyoichi glanced at Yuihama Yui.

"That's a win!"

Hayasaka Ai thought about it, and it seems that there is no problem, the power of God Daisuke is there, can anyone who can destroy the world be weak? "By the way! I saw one in the sky last night, that... did you make it up?" "

Chapter 7 Is the Hanging Garden Really in the Air?

Listening to her words, the others immediately turned their attention to her.

After staring at many eyes, Hayasaka Ai whispered: " friend saw it."

This is also fake, God Daiichi can feel Hayasaka Ai is lying, and such a low-level lie, only a fool will be deceived, "Will aliens be on earth?"

Miura asked curiously.

"Hey! Isn't that too dangerous!"

Yubihama Yui also shivered. I watched too many science fiction movies, and when I thought of aliens, I thought of the invasion of the earth.

However, how can aliens who can travel through the universe see the earth? "Don't you want to know the story of a friend from nothing?" "Impossible... When I came back yesterday... ah"

God Daiichi suddenly remembered one thing, that is, he came back in the sky courtyard last night.

In the eyes of ordinary people, what is the difference between the sky garden and the so-called sky garden? Who would believe that the sky garden is really "you know" flying in the air

God Daiyi's tone, this attitude, has already shown everything clearly, and what appeared last night was also true! And it really has something to do with him.

"Well... that's the sky garden."

The Hanging Garden is not a small garden, but it is very well-known. Even if I don't know the Kingdom of Babylon, I have heard the term Hanging Garden more or less.

Semiramis' Noble Phantasm is the sky garden in vanity.

"The one we sat back with last night"

Yukinoshita Yukino's castle was still very impressive, but she had stayed there for a while.

Maybe she is the only ordinary person who has stayed in the Hanging Garden so far.

"Xiaoxue, have you ever stayed on it!"

Yukihama Yui looked envious when she heard what Yukinoshita Yukino said.

Is this considered a ride? Sure enough, there is a strong boyfriend who is... well, you can see a lot of novel things, and you can even ride.

"Is it the... Hanging Garden in the Kingdom of Babylon?"

Ai Hayasaka is obviously not as ignorant as Yui Hama, not to mention that this is a famous place like the Hanging Garden.

"Yes.. but not either."

That... is indeed the Hanging Garden, but it is vanity, because in fact the Hanging Garden has nothing to do with Semiramis, the reason why she can possess that Noble Phantasm.

It is also entirely because of misleading some disciples, and then obtaining this Noble Phantasm, but in fact, it is still very troublesome to build this courtyard.

For example, it takes three days for the ceremony, which is the most troublesome.

In a Holy Grail War, if you encounter a European emperor who directly summons a champion heroic spirit like Billy Nimsfia, then there is no chance to wait for these three days.

"Although that courtyard is a flower in the sky.

But its user was not Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon, but Semiramis, queen of Assyria."

It's also a pity that he directly occupied Shiro Amakusa's things, and if he was a different magician, if he didn't have strong assets, he should give up the plan to summon Semiramis.

The material alone is... a big expense, that would really go bankrupt! "You... are you kidding me?"

Hayasaka Ai raised her eyebrows, she was not someone who didn't understand anything.

In terms of history, she does not say that she is the first in the school, but she knows a little more about it.

Let's not say that Semiramis has nothing to do with the Hanging Garden, but Semiramis alone is outrageous, okay! That's just a legend, and it's still uncertain whether there is such a person in history. Now it is suddenly said that this person is real, and the sky garden is also real.

This is not the same as: spreading magic in a world where science is supreme, okay! God Daiichi knows magic, so those in myths...the gods will not exist, and it is uncertain.

“The sky garden is beautiful”

Although they haven't seen it before, it doesn't stop them from imagining.

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