I saw Ouyang Murphy let go of the 'chaos', held the white bone sword in both hands, and charged forward.

  The hurricane came out from the great sword like a hammer, and rushed towards Doneto's body.

  At this time, I can finally know what happened in the short period of time just now.

  The wind blew Doneto's body apart.

  A piece of meat was blown away by a strong wind.

  This time not only the body, but also the head.

  Ouyang Murphy chopped Doneto into evenly sized pieces of meat.

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the pieces of meat that were blown apart by the wind pressure and disintegrated by the wind in the air, and said, "I can't be resurrected this time."

  If it's still resurrected at this level, there's really no reason for it.

  "Now go see Izumi and Ari."

  Ouyang Murphy picked up the 'chaos' stuck on the ground and walked away from his place.

  The place he went to first was Yi Bing, after all, it was the closest place to his core.

  And it is also the only way to get rid of the head.

  Only when she arrives.


  Holding the big sword, Ouyang Murphy looked at the scene in front of him at a loss.

  I saw Yi Bingcheng carrying a very exaggerated barrel on his shoulders.

  It is said that it is a new type of T-Human that was transformed by A and B for Yi Bing.

  The power has been increased several times.

  But the style of this violent girl is really a bit embarrassing.

  Not only that, Yi Binglin also seemed to be very cool.

  With that very arrogant smile on her face, she was very different from the usual cute girl, a natural cute girl.

  "Insect, get up and fight!"

  Yi Bingjin shouted while bombarding the chanting [-] meters ahead.

  With each shot, a pile of minced meat exploded.

  The investigators and the soldiers around her subconsciously stayed away from her.

  This style of painting caught them off guard.

  "I'm a little worried now what will happen to the CCG in the hands of this kid."

  Arima Guishou suddenly walked behind Ouyang Murphy.

  He just arrived.

  Although he is the fastest person to solve the core, but the distance is too far.

  Therefore, he is slower than Ouyang Murphy.

  "Hehehe...hehe." Ouyang Mofei smiled awkwardly, "You have learned to joke now."

  "I'm serious."

  Arima Guishou shook his head.

  Ouyang Murphy looked at General Arima Gui, and then at Yi Bing, who was obviously bombarding High.

  He was silent for a while, then said, "She's still a child."


  Arima Guishou did not speak.

  The bombing lasted for more than ten minutes.

  Well, that's how it got killed.

  He, who was originally a BOSS, was simply killed by fixed-point bombing.

  Except for the extremely strong healing power, nothing is shown.

  He couldn't move forward at all.

  Land and air amphibious bombing, he couldn't advance half a step at all.

  So the official is not incapable of killing the dragon, but the price is too high.

  If it really reached the point of no return in the end, they could only kill the dragon at the cost of the city.

  They have such strength.

  Even if there is no official neon, other countries will attack.

  After all, once the dragon, a monster that releases poisonous gas, is rampant, the ghost knows whether it will affect its own country in the future.

  To put it simply, the transformation of all human beings into brotherhood that Jiu Duo Erfu envisioned at the beginning is impossible to achieve.

  With such a dragon alone, he cannot resist the attacks of various countries.

  "Looks like you're going to die again."

  The angel-winged Hezi who stepped on high knocked Jiutuo Erfu to the ground again.

  Ji Duo Erfu fell to the ground, but there was no expression of failure on his face, he still had that disgusting smile.

  "Do you think you won? Do you really think you're some kind of shit one-eyed king?"

  Gao Teng clasped his hands and looked down at Old Duo Erfu: "You are really no different from a defeated dog now."


  The high-stepped wings waved, and the general part of Jiutuo Erfu's body was cut off.

  All he had left was his upper body.

  "Fix it here...you."

  Gao Tie wanted to solve the old Duo Erfu directly, but he felt a heart palpitation.

  "Gudu... gudu"

  Gao Teng looked at his Hezi in surprise.

  Changes are starting to appear!

  The angel-winged Hezi changed and became dim.

  Even different crystals began to appear.

  Exactly the same as the dragon's body.

  Soon, the white gold wings turned into a dark red similar to Old Duo Erfu.

  Not only that, but new Hezi began to be exposed constantly on her body, and began to wrap her whole body.

  Excessive intake of poisonous gas!

  Gao stepped on the inside of the heart.

  She can already feel the RC cells in her body are proliferating like crazy.

  Her Hebao was also operating at overload at this time.

  Continue to produce excessive Hezi.

  Her body is temporarily unable to move!

  "It looks like you lost this time, hahaha."

  Old Duo Erfu was lying on the ground laughing wildly.

  "To shut up!"

  Gao Cao gritted his teeth, and the blue veins on his face burst out.

  He blushed terrifyingly.

  She felt like her body was about to go wild uncontrollably.

  Behind him, Hezi is constantly erupting and wreaking havoc.

  A Hezi slammed hard on Jiuduo Erfu's body.

  Old Duo Erfu shrugged and didn't care.

  Even if many parts of his body became a mess, he didn't care.

  He didn't care about the pain.

  Relying on his broken body, he climbed back into the core.

  A transparent pale red cover enveloped him again.

  Old Duo Erfu squinted his eyes and said, "Thank you for killing the other cores, so that I can now completely control this dragon."

  The moment he came in again, Old Duo Erfu felt that he was able to completely synchronize with the dragon.

  In other words, all the other cores were killed, leaving only him.

  "Of course, in return. I'll give you the so-called one-eyed king, the same power as mine."

  Old Duo Erfu's expression was a little crazy.

  "Crack, snap, snap!"

  Suddenly, the fleshy lumps on the dragon's body began to burst.

  The difference is that now there are no dragon abandoned sons, but pure poison gas.

  A thick red poisonous gas began to appear in the air.

  It is several times stronger than the poison gas just now!

  "How can one dragon be enough? One more!"

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