I saw Jiu Duo Erfu lying in front of the red transparent cover, exaggeratingly looking at the high step.

  He was laughing wildly.

  This is his purpose, to make the one-eyed king in front of him become a dragon like himself.

  Human and brother-toe tocher porcupine

  Stop joking!

  He wants to turn everything, everything, into brother Zheng

  He's going to make more, more dragons!

  "Cough! Cough! Cough!"

  Gao Tread wanted to hold her breath, but she found she couldn't.

  Those poisonous gases will still enter her body, and even just touching the skin can have an effect.

  This concentration of poisonous gas is no longer the same level as before.

  Even wearing protective clothing won't help.


  Gao Teng gritted his teeth and wanted to take all Hezi back, but he couldn't.

  The proliferating RC cells must be released.

  "Hey hey, this is a dragon. I have used all the poisonous gas from the dragon. How could it be possible for you to escape!"

  Old Duo Erfu laughed and looked at the changing high tread.

  I saw Hezi, who was behind Gao Stepping, rushed out like crazy, and then began to wrap her body.

  Layer, layer, layer.

  Hezi is constantly expanding...

  Soon Gao stepped into his original Hezhe transformation.

  But it didn't stop.

  The shell of the Hethman is constantly expanding and twisting.

  The original bone claws became stronger and sharper.

  The volume is also constantly increasing.

  Soon, Gao Teng fell off the dragon's head because of its large size.

  The red poisonous gas still entangled her.


  I saw a pair of bone-like wings growing out of the monster's body.

  Wings cover the sky.

  The body that stepped down violently quickly reached the same height as a dragon.

  Even it... surpasses the dragon.


  Another heart-shattering roar.

  "That's it, that's it!"

  Old Duo Erfu looked at the monster in front of him, which was obviously more terrifying than the dragon, and laughed excitedly. .

Chapter 188

  "There is no doubt that the newly-appeared monster is a highly disabled person!

  Dixing A and B opened a video, and the content above is the whole process of Gao Teng's incarnation into that kind of bi-pteran.

  "What a joke, one is not easy to solve, and there is a bigger one!"

  The military leader slammed the table angrily.

  The CCG present, and the personnel of Bronze Tree did not speak.

  The situation has indeed exceeded - their expectations.

  According to the original idea, they could solve this trouble by breaking the four cores.

  But no one expected that this would happen.

  Gao stepped into another dragon.

  A more destructive dragon.

  In the city at this time, the original dragon was laying eggs.

  Produce more dragons and poison gas.

  And high stepping energy.

  It was hovering over the city, not rushing towards the ground, causing huge damage.

  Compared to a dragon with a clear purpose, the high step is more like pure destruction there.

  The huge red one-eyed constantly shot out purple-red light, as if cutting a cake, and everything that was swept by the light was cut in half.

  "If there is really no other way, we can only report the application to abandon the city and its residents."

  Military leaders gave an ultimatum to those present.

  Arima Guishou said: "The matter has not reached the point of being irreversible, give me a little more time."

  "Isn't this irreparable?!" the military leader scolded, "You can't deal with the original dragon, let alone this one!"

  "Give us a little more time and don't give up here."

  Arima Guishou adjusted his glasses, but his expression did not change.



  Before the military leader could finish speaking, he was stunned by Ouyang Mofei with a knife.

  "what are you doing!"

  The rest of the military raised their pistols at Ouyang Murphy.

  The air suddenly became anxious.

  Ouyang Murphy rubbed his wrist and said, "Obviously, let this guy get a good night's sleep."

  "Are you kidding me, why don't you have to pack..."

  Another officer was knocked unconscious by another person before he could finish speaking.

  How much.

  "Boom, boom, boom!"

  The brothers in the room started to attack the officers holding guns around them one by one.

  Compared to brother Zheng, the strength of these officers is still too weak.

  No resistance at all.


  The CCG investigators tried to do it, but were stopped by Arima.

  "Do you know what you're doing?"

  Arima Guishou looked at Ouyang Murphy and said.


  Ouyang Murphy put the officer in his hand on the table.

  "Although that girl has made a mess now and done some very wrong things, but..."

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the investigator who was holding a weapon and said, "My children can only teach me a lesson, and it is not the turn of outsiders to intervene."

  Arima Guishou asked, "Do you have any way to stop Gao Ting?"

  Ouyang Mofei shook his head and said, "I don't know."

  "Then how dare you say such a thing!" The investigator team began to shout, "Do you know how many people are going to let that guy go?"

  "Probably a lot."

  Ouyang Mofei's tone seemed a little unconcerned.

  "You bastard!"

  The investigator was obviously a little impatient, and was ready to attack Ouyang Mofei.



  Ouyang Murphy suddenly appeared in front of the investigator.

  A straight punch.

  Strong storm.

  Ouyang Mofei's fist brushed the investigator's cheek.

  It was just the wind that had left bloodstains one after another on the investigator's face.

  Now Ouyang, some monsters are incomprehensible.

  In fact, only he himself knew what was going on.

  That group of 'Akasha's Will' is beginning to affect itself.

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