Ouyang Murphy is sucking her blood.

  The power of the True Ancestor is boiling.

  The flames in the catalogue were completely lit.

  A scarlet light bloomed on Ouyang Mofei's body.

  That is the embodiment of demon power!

  The rays of light dissipated, and the poisonous gas in the surroundings was instantly purified.

  "Can you still stand up?"

  Ouyang Murphy hugged Yi Bing, and asked.

  Yibing stood cautiously on the ground.

  Although a little vain, it can still stand firm.


  "Okay, then I'll go and come back."

  After speaking, Ouyang Murphy let go of Yi Bing, then half squatted and jumped up...  

  As if a cannonball had happened, he jumped into the air.

  Yi Binglin clutched his neck and quietly watched the distant red light.

  "Yi Bing, where's Ouyang?"

  At this time, Arima Gui drove them over as well.

  Yi Binglin looked at them, pointed to the sky, and said, "He's going to teach my disobedient sister."

  "Is that Ouyang?"

  Arima Guishou looked at the sky, a red light like a shooting star.

  He felt that thing, giving him a sense of being out of place.


  The dragon flapped its bones in the air, and she roared.

  "Girl, I told you, don't be surprised when a lady speaks!"

  Ouyang Mofei rushed to the high step of the evolved dragon and punched.


  Even Long didn't react.

  It only felt a terrifying force hit its left abdomen, and then lost its balance.

  It started to fall.

  Ouyang Mofei floated in the air, his body was filled with scarlet demon power.

  "As expected of a monster of strength, just one punch like this has this effect."

  For the first time, Ouyang Murphy felt the power of the True Ancestor.

  If he is alone, he wants to deal this kind of damage.

  It is estimated that it takes all the strength of the whole body to hit a shot to open the sky before it can be done.

  And now, with just a light blow, it has that effect.


  The dragon reacted, it stabilized its figure, and then the big eyeball aimed at Ouyang Murphy.

  It's going to kill this guy.

  Purple-red rays shot out from the pupils.

  No one has calculated the specific energy of this light.

  Because the destructive power is too great.

  The detectors are simply inaccessible.

  "Also, don't play with something as dangerous as a laser!"

  Ouyang Murphy stretched out his hand as he spoke.

  The scarlet demonic power condensed in front of his palm.

  Condensed into a misty sphere.

  Then the purple light hit it.

  It's like hitting something really hard.

  The ray did not penetrate Ouyang Murphy, but began to spread out from the foggy ball.

  No matter how the dragon releases the light, it cannot penetrate it, and can only bounce around from the ball. .

Chapter 190

  "what is that?!"

  Even Arima Guishou not only started to marvel when he saw this scene now.

  At this time in the sky, Long was dealing with Ouyang Mofei.

  It is said to be a deal, but it is only a unilateral beating there.

  Every ray was blocked by Ouyang Murphy's red fog ball, and sometimes even bounced back to attack himself.

  As for the poison gas, it has no effect at all.

  Ouyang Mofei's demonic power directly swept away those poisonous gas.

  Can't disturb him at all.

  under the support of great power.

  Every time he punches, he leaves a heavy scar on the dragon.

  Under the radiance of the bloody moon.

  This is simply a monster of a monster.

  "Who is Mr. Ouyang?"

  Amen Gangtaro raised his head and stared at Ouyang Murphy.

  "It's really a very strange force."

  Di Xing A and B turned on the energy detector and found that the surrounding energy waves were very exaggerated.

  Although like the ray, it quickly exploded.

  But obviously more powerful than the ray 19.

  Not only that, he couldn't even analyze the principle of composition.

  It's really weird.

  "In this case, Gao Step will be handed over to Ouyang, and we will find a way to deal with the other monster."

  Arima Guishou withdrew his gaze and said to the remaining people.

  Yi Bingjin finally glanced at Ouyang Murphy who was fighting, turned around, and went with the large army to find a way to solve the old duo Erfu.

  In this case, leave it to the two of them.

  Long kept charging Ouyang Murphy.

  But they were all avoided by Ouyang Murphy.

  Although the original body is Yu He, the speed of the dragon is very fast.

  However, Ouyang Murphy seemed to be faster under the blessing of demon power.

  Every time he moved, a phantom was left in place.

  Dragons often thought they had attacked him.

  But he found that he had fluttered in the air, and then was attacked fiercely by Ouyang who was detouring behind him.

  It's like a cat teasing a mouse.

  Ouyang Mofei stepped on the dragon's head, and the big red eyeball was under his feet.

  Ouyang Mofei squatted halfway and said, "You should be a little lucky after fighting like this."

  The dragon didn't react to Ouyang Murphy, but kept shaking his head there and stretched out his claws to slap.

  "It's really not obedient at all."

  Ouyang Mofei shook his head helplessly.

  He jumped up, dodging the paws that were about to hit him.

  "Since you are still unwilling to listen to others, then I can only use some tough measures."

  Ouyang Murphy stopped in front of the dragon.


  With a dragon roar, the dragon swung his paw to Ouyang Mofei.

  Ouyang Murphy didn't dodge this time, and he already had almost mastered this form.

  Although the monster's power is very strange, he adapts quickly.

  Probably just think of it as something like internal force in martial arts novels.

  Although the demon power is more powerful.

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