
  Ouyang Mofei resisted the dragon's claws with one hand.

  The dragon's single eyeball also revealed a little surprise.

  Did you block it with one hand? !

  He looked at the dragon faintly and said, "I said it before, it shouldn't disturb the people."

  Then Ouyang Mofei's hand began to emit a faint red breath.


  The white paw was cracked by him.


  Like broken glass, the dragon's white claws were crushed by Ouyang Mofei.


  The dragon began to howl.

  "Secondly, remember to pay attention to personal hygiene, cut your nails frequently, and brush your teeth regularly."

  Ouyang Mofei charged with one blow and punched.

  The strength of the whole body is concentrated in one point.

  Cun Jin was mixed with demon power, which made Ouyang Mofei leave shadows in the sky.

  Then it appeared on the dragon.


  For a moment, the dragon's shelling seemed to be dented by Ouyang Mofei.

  Obviously there is no focus in the air, but such a terrifying attack is launched.

  "Don't come out in the middle of the night!"

  Left hook.

  "Don't make any noise!"

  Right hook.

  "Don't be careless."


  "Don't be playful."


  "No pigeons"

  "don't want……"


  Again and again.

  Ouyang Mofei was "education" there, while playing a set of combo skills against the dragon that he couldn't even see the shadow of the fist.

  If it weren't for the sound of the beating, and the shattering of the dragon's shell.

  Long couldn't resist at all. As soon as he wanted to raise his hand, he was beaten down by Ouyang Mofei.

  "Finally, don't be disobedient to me!"

  The last punch seemed to have an increase of thousands of punches in front.

  A red vortex-like energy flow appeared on Ouyang Mofei's fist.

  "Sit me weirdly!"

  The fist hit the dragon's body.

  With that as the center of the circle, a layer-by-layer energy wave swayed.

  After a loud bang.

  Long was directly shot down by Ouyang Murphy from the air.

  A huge pit was smashed into the ground.

  Everyone saw this scene.

  Especially Old Duo Er Fu.

  "how is this possible?!"

  Old Duo Erfu stayed behind the dragon's core barrier, his face full of disbelief.

  The one-eyed dragon he created was shot down so easily.

  What a joke, fake it!

  Yet the facts are beyond doubt.

  Gao stepped into a dragon and was really shot down by Ouyang Mofei.

  And it didn't even hurt Ouyang in the slightest.

  "What the hell is that guy!"

  Old Duo Erfu's face was a little grim.

  The body of his controller Long rushed towards Ouyang Murphy.

  Never let him kill the one-eyed dragon.

  Ouyang Mofei turned his head lightly and saw the dragon rushing towards him like a madman.

  His expression was very cold, even a little annoyed.

  After all, it was this guy who made the high tread look like this.

  "Bug, stay with me!"

  Ouyang Mofei's voice was very cold.

  There was contempt in his voice.

  At this time, he was like a high-ranking king, disgusted by the clown.

  I saw him turn around for a roundhouse kick.

  The red magic power was attached to the legs, and then...

  The legs are in contact with the dragon's body.

  At that moment, the dragon's body was visibly twisted.

  Although He Long was two individuals, the old Duo Erfu in the core also felt the huge pain.

  A terrifying strange force came out from the kick.

  The wind pressure brought by the roundhouse kick screamed wildly around him.

  Then, the dragon couldn't resist and flew out backwards.

  It was kicked into the air, wriggled disgustingly in the air, and then struggled to the ground.

  It hit the ground, causing a lot of dust.

  Ouyang Murphy turned his gaze back to the high step on the ground again and walked over. .

Chapter 191

  Gao Teng opened his eyes vaguely.

  "Hey, you're awake."

  I saw a green-haired, petite girl squatting in front of her, looking at her with a smile.

  Gao Tread was very familiar with that face.

  That was the high step before the age of 14, when she never met Ouyang Mofei.

  The Fangmura Aite who was not given the name of Gao Tie.

  Gao Teng sat up with difficulty.

  For some reason, she felt her whole body aching.

  It was as if someone had beaten him hard.

  Weird feeling.

  Gao Tie shook his head, looked at himself next to him, and said, "Where is this?"

  "Who knows."

  Fangmura Aite shrugged and said mysteriously.


  Gao Teng didn't say a word, directly pierced his heart and penetrated himself in front of him.

  The other party's small body was lifted up by the high step.

  Gao stepped on her unique eyes, which were exposed, and she said coldly, "Don't make this look in front of me."

  She knew very well what kind of existence she was in those days.

  In the words of Ouyang Murphy, he is a dead kid with a bad attitude.

  At that time, instead of focusing on her own goals, she was more willing to torture and abuse others.

  Wu Xu's wife, as well as himself, is a good example.

  With this expression, the ghost knows what she is calculating.

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