Neither side liked them very much.

  "This is really more troublesome."

  If even the leaders are so radical, it is undoubtedly impossible to achieve the situation on the Neon side.

  "Would you like to kill those leaders?"

  Ouyang Mofei suggested.

  "I think so too. Since the problem cannot be solved, the person who caused the problem will be solved."

  Gao stepped on her eyes, she agreed with Ouyang Murphy's proposal.


  Yi Binglin protested loudly. She looked at Ouyang Mofei and stepped on high, and said, "Can you two stop being so exaggerated?"

  "Just kidding."

  Ouyang Murphy and Gao Tsai smiled at Yi Bing, who was furious, in sync.

  [-]% sync.


  Yi Bing's eyes widened, staring dissatisfiedly at these two guys who were playing with him.

  In the midst of a lot of noise, both sides explained the situation on their side clearly.

  But that's all they can do.

  They don't know each other's specific situation, and they can't help much. They can only pray for each other in their hearts.

  Hope the other party's situation will be better.

  In this way, the three ended the call between them.

  The second daughter also explained to Ouyang Mofei that they would come to Ouyang Mofei to see the situation after they had dealt with some things.

  Looking at the extinguished flame, Ouyang Mofei was silent for a long time and said, "Get that bitch out quickly."

  If the two girls really see that they have hidden a baby in the room, they have to demolish the house.

  In case Gao stepped on to show a little more brotherhood, the world is not going to be turned upside down. .

Chapter 212

  "Well, I remember that there is no character like you in this research institute."

  As evening approached, Ouyang Mofei was about to leave the Void Research Institute, but unexpectedly saw a yellow hair standing in front of the gate uninvited.

  The surrounding soldiers seemed to faint.

  "What you are doing is a crime, little brother."

  Ouyang Murphy said casually while posing in a fighting posture.

  The memory of Guilty Crown is a bit old.

  Excluding these important figures, he is not very clear about some things.

  Such as the thick eyebrows in front of me.

  In his memory, he seems to be able to use the so-called power of the king~.

  I think the reason is probably that the third share of Wang Zhili was taken away by him.

  But excluding these, he himself seems to have many strange abilities.

  What it was, he really couldn't remember.

  After all, it's just a villain who doesn't play too much.

  It is impossible for Ouyang Mofei to remember too clearly.

  But one thing is for sure, this guy is a bit of a nuisance.

  "Don't worry, I just let them pass out, I didn't kill them."

  The thick eyebrows smiled and touched the soldier who fell to the ground with his toes.

  "And I still have a bit of cooperation with GHQ, so don't worry about that."

  "is it?"

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the little devil in front of him.

  "That's not the point."

  I saw thick eyebrows floating in the air, staring at Ouyang Murphy: "I'm more curious, who are you? I always feel that you have a very strange aura."

  Thick eyebrows narrowed his eyes.

  They professed to be the spokesmen of God, the will of the world.

  Very sensitive to some foreign things.

  "As you can see, a big colonel who is fishing for fish, a head of the security department who is about to go home from get off work, sees lawbreakers forcibly breaking into the research institute."

  As soon as Ouyang Mofei finished speaking, he suddenly rushed in front of the thick eyebrows.


  A punch with explosive power.

  After going through the third reinforcement (brother, Lan Zhen and Xian Xian), Ouyang Mofei's physical fitness is terrifyingly unlike that of human beings.

  The thick eyebrows looked calm, and he wiped it in front of him casually.

  A wall of air appeared in front of him.

  Ouyang Mofei didn't stop because of this.

  At the moment when he punched, a green light appeared faintly on his hand.

  That was a gift from the World Tree.

  While giving him the power of immortality, it will also unlock the limitations of his body and increase the strength of his body.

  "It's so irritable, Mr. Director, it's a pity that this is..."

  Originally, the thick eyebrows wanted to ridicule Ouyang Mofei's behavior.

  But the next moment, he himself was shocked by what the other party did.


  The air-like defensive cover was shattered by Ouyang Murphy.

  Like broken glass.


  Thick eyebrows watched this scene in disbelief.

  This defensive cover of his own can even block the impact of the shells.

  Why was it easily shattered by a human being in front of him?

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the shattered protective cover in front of him, as well as his fist that was smoking white smoke.

  When it was smashed just now, he felt that his fist definitely suffered a lot of shock damage.

  But now it doesn't hurt at all.

  Is it the ability of that World Tree?

  Ouyang Mofei remembered the words of the will of the world.

  He is blessed by the world tree and will have infinite life.

  "That's really telling me there, I can go anywhere."

  Ouyang Mofei clenched his fists and looked at the thick eyebrows that were obviously dull in front of him with a half-smile.

  He reached out and clasped an arm with thick eyebrows.


  The thick eyebrows have also reacted at this moment.

  But it was clearly too late.

  A beautiful over-the-shoulder throw was used by Ouyang Murphy.


  The ground of special material was hit deep by Ouyang Mofei.

  Smoke is everywhere.

  Should be harmless by convention.

  Ouyang Mofei didn't withdraw from the smoke, he raised his foot and stepped on it hard.


  There was only a scream and the sound of blood spitting out of the air.

  Not harmless now.

  Ouyang Mofei narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the physical condition of the thing in front of him.

? ????????? asking for flowers????? ??

  The body is very strong.

  This is his most subjective view.

  According to his current physical quality, if it goes on like this, the average human being will definitely have a comminuted fracture.

  The thick eyebrows in front of him did not seem to be seriously injured.


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