This is a wave of fluctuations in the space.

  It came from that thick eyebrow.

  Ouyang Mofei's attacking posture immediately changed to defensive.

  The next second, a powerful air barrier pushed him away.

  It's like an inexplicable force field.

  "I don't remember that there are... monsters like you in this world."

  With thick eyebrows covering his stomach, he stood up with difficulty.

  Ouyang Mofei's two sets really hurt him.

. . . 0

  Familiar yet unfamiliar feeling.

  He hadn't felt the pain of this kind of injury for a long time.

  "You are also quite a monster, this kind of inexplicable power."

  Ouyang Murphy reached out and poked the air force field in front of him.

  The defense is pretty good.

  Just now, he used nearly [-]% of his strength, and under the blessing of flames, he shattered this thing perfectly.

  "Can I explain a little bit, what exactly is your origin? After all, this is my territory too."

  Ouyang Murphy loosened his collar. If the other party was disobedient, he might have to take some tough measures.

  However, some worry that the other party has some strange abilities.

  "God's spokesman, the will of the world."

  Thick eyebrows looked at Ouyang Murphy proudly.


  Ouyang Mofei was a little embarrassed to hear that.

  God's spokesman?The will of the world?


  I don't know the will of this world, and I know if my own child speaks like this, will he greet him with a slap.

  God, this word, Ouyang Mofei has no concept.

  But from the attitude of the will of the world, they do not like this existence very much.

  The thick eyebrows in front of me say so.

  The true will of the world must be angry.

  "I always feel that even if I don't care about you, you will be cleaned up one day."

  Ouyang Murphy rubbed his wrists while groaning lightly.pill.

Chapter 213

  "If you can, I hope you can be obedient. After all, I also want to know something interesting."

  Ouyang Murphy pulled out a military-style dagger.

  "Then come and try, Mr. Director."

  Thick eyebrows attacked first.

  "It's full of loopholes."

  Ouyang Mofei shook his head, the dagger in his hand was flying in the air like a butterfly.


  A silver-white light pierced the dimly lit room.


  Ouyang Mofei frowned when he saw the scene in front of him.

  I saw that the thick eyebrows in front of him seemed to have turned into silver-white strips, spread out, and then appeared on the other side of Ouyang Mofei.

  The attack just now really hit him, but it was nullified by the other party's strange ability.

  The thick eyebrows changed back to their original shape not far away on the other side.

  He said in a slightly sarcastic tone: "As a human being, it is really excellent to be able to do this."

  "However, that's all."

  I saw thick eyebrows waving a big hand.

  The space on his side was like a wave had been set off.

  There was a little purple brilliance in the waves.

  It is very similar to the crystals brought by the apocalypse virus.

  "Crack, snap, snap!"

  The dagger in Ouyang Mofei's hand began to swing quickly.

  The powerful fluctuation caused his body to retreat a few meters.

  But fortunately, all the purple crystals that came with it were chopped down by him.

  When he looked at the thick eyebrows again, he had disappeared in place.

  "It's interesting."

  Ouyang Mofei's eyes narrowed.

  The dagger that was drawn out hooked up and stabbed to his left side.

  And there, the bar just now also immediately turned into a human shape.

  This time, the dagger hit the thick eyebrows!

  The clothes with thick eyebrows were cut by Ouyang Mofei's dagger, and blood slowly seeped out from there.


  Thick eyebrows looked at his scratched right arm.

  "It doesn't seem like the whole process is invalidated."

  In an unpredictable posture, Ouyang Mofei made a horizontal [-]-degree flip of his entire body.


  A terrifying whip kick hit the thick eyebrows' abdomen like lightning strikes a storefront.


  His thick eyebrows widened his eyes, and he coughed up blood again.

  He was like a kite out of line, and was kicked and flew out by Ouyang Murphy.

  "Your ability is quite strange. You can ignore my attack directly, and you can also make waves."

  Ouyang Mofei slowly walked towards the thick eyebrows lying on the ground, the dagger in his hand was dripping blood.

  "But that's all, your stealth skills seem to be worse than mine."

  Although the opponent's ability made him a little confused, he was able to clearly capture all the actions of this guy.

  "Cough, cough..."

  The thick eyebrows stood up, obviously suffering a serious injury, but still smiling there: "Although it was a bit unexpected, I didn't expect to become Adam's competitor."

  "Oh, are you planning to say something?"

  Ouyang Mofei looked at this guy curiously with a dagger in his hand.

  "However, this is only after you can survive!"

  I saw silver-white brilliance suddenly appeared on the two hands with thick eyebrows, and that strange long-shaped object was wrapped around his hands.

  At the other end, there were the soldiers who had fallen to the ground before.

  The long strips were quickly condensed, and the thick eyebrows were holding two long knives in their hands.


  Ouyang Mofei squinted, he naturally recognized what the thick eyebrows were holding.

  Guilty Crown's most iconic king power.

  "Oh, you actually know this kind of thing." Thick eyebrows waved the long knife in his hand and looked at Ouyang Mofei unexpectedly, "I'm a little curious about your identity."

  While Ouyang Mofei was curious about the thick eyebrows, the thick eyebrows were also curious about Ouyang Mofei.

  "If you tell me, I don't mind granting you the qualification to become king."

  The thick eyebrows played with the void in his hand, and looked at it with a half-smile: "The power of the king after being able to arbitrarily extract others, the body of the mind."

  Ouyang Mofei took a deep breath.

  The weapon in the opponent's hand did give him a slight sense of oppression.

  The embodiment of the mind - the void.

  This weapon will have different powers and forms according to the master's mind.

  It's a very powerful weapon.

  An ordinary person, with a powerful void in his hand, can even easily block countless cannonballs.

  "Welcome to the baptism of God."

  The thick eyebrows smiled wildly.

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