The two long knives in his hands were swung down.

  This is no ordinary long knife.

  Lightning strikes!

  I saw the golden thunder light wrapped around the long knife, and then rushed towards Ouyang Murphy like a thunder snake.  …

  Ouyang Mofei did not choose to confront him at this time, but avoided its edge.

  Although he has immortality himself, he doesn't want to take over that weird electric light easily.

  I always feel like I'm going to be electrocuted into an explosive head.


  The special ground, like a paper paste, was pierced by golden lightning spots.

  "Don't run."

  I saw that silvery white strips appeared around the thick eyebrows again.

  He is extracting the void of others again!

  Soon, the void took shape.

  One after another, dart-like weapons rushed out of the soldiers on the ground, and then hit Ouyang Murphy under the control of thick eyebrows.

  Looking at the rapidly spinning weapon, Ouyang Mo couldn't imagine it.

  If you use this dagger to play, it is estimated that your hand will be cut off by that thing.

  This is the suppression of weapons.


  Ouyang Mofei jumped up and walked around the wall like flying eaves.

  Those darts also hit the wall.

  The wall was punctured.

  "Also, don't stop."

  He looked at Ouyang Murphy playfully with thick eyebrows.

  He took out another Void.

  Something similar to a floating cannon appeared beside him.


  A purple laser shot out from the floating cannon and hit Ouyang Murphy.

  "The power is really strange."

  Ouyang Mofei easily avoided every opponent's attack by relying on his excellent movement skills.

  But that's all it is for now.

  Thick eyebrows kept drawing various voids from the soldier.

  Those numerous abilities made it difficult for Ouyang Mofei to approach him.

  Ouyang Murphy relied on his body's mobility to avoid all attacks.

  He has been passive like this all the time, and he doesn't want to play a little bit.

  Although reckless, he can also kill the opponent very easily.

  After all, he has immortality himself, just rushing up like this, he can wipe out the thick eyebrows with one blow.

  But now, he just wanted to test his newfound power.

  "Try Ah Rin's flame."

  I saw Ouyang Murphy standing there, and the navy blue flame in the illustrated book was mobilized.

  But not the green, and the navy blue area, but the pale pink area.

  That was the power that Yibing gave him.

Chapter 214

  ——Brother is Neon Lan

  At this time, Yi Bing, who was stepping on the way home with Gao, suddenly felt a palpitations.

  "Huh? Pink hair, what's wrong with you?"

  Gao Tie frowned and looked at Yi Bingri, who suddenly covered his chest with a wrong expression on his face.

  Yibing's flames began to burn in her heart.

  "You are..."

  Gao stepped on for a while and didn't understand what was going on.

  A very happy smile appeared on Yi Bing's face: "I feel that Murphy is using me."

  Gao stepped on his eyebrows and shook his feet.

  Is he there to provoke her?

  - Guilty Crown

  A pale pink flame burned in Ouyang Murphy's body.

  If it is the will of the world, it can be seen that Ouyang Mofei's transparent flame is being filled with a pale pink flame.

  In addition to the pink flame, there is a layer of transparent zone.

  This is probably why only he can draw power from the flames.

  Because only his flame can accommodate other flames.

  19 The characteristic of his flame is to materialize the flames of these different people.

  Just like the void.

  However, the flame output is obviously more mysterious and strict.

  It is not like the void, it is destined by birth, and it will change with the growth of people.

  have greater plasticity.

  In a way, the flame is more able to represent a person.

  A pale pink flame slowly burned on Ouyang Mofei.

  very gentle.

  It's different from that group of "Akasha's Will".

  The moment Yi Bing entered the flames, he seemed to be able to feel Yi Bing's heart, know the other party's emotions, everything.

  It's like heart to heart.

  The flame gave him the feeling that Yi Bing was attached to him by his side.

  This kind of flame burns, it is really a bit high.

  Compared with "Akasha's Will", it is obvious that this flame fits Ouyang Murphy better.

  Nothing out of the ordinary.

  It was as if everything was tailor-made for him.


  The thick eyebrows looked at Ouyang Murphy and frowned completely.

  He couldn't see the flames, but he could feel the fantastic power coming from Ouyang Mofei.

  If it was only a little abrupt at the beginning, then now, the aura of incompatibility is simply obvious.

  That's not the power of this world!

  Thick eyebrows are pretty sure.

  It is absolutely possible for the world to possess such powers that it is completely incomprehensible.

  Probably felt a bad breath.

  The thick eyebrows drew a lot of void from the soldier's body, all of them attacked Ouyang Mofei.

  But something amazing happened.

  Those voids passed straight through Ouyang Murphy's body as if they were hit by an illusion.

  He is like a phantom.

  Pink dots fell on Ouyang Murphy's body.

  The flame, the attachment of a girl.

  Let Ouyang Mofei's body at this time be between an illusory and real state.

  Simply put, he became a phantom existence.

  In the mirror, the reality is reversed.

  Is what you see real?Or fantasy?

  No way of knowing.

  "what is this?!"

  Thick eyebrows looked at Ouyang Mofei's current state in disbelief.

  He couldn't feel the human breath there.

  But Ouyang Mofei was just standing there without moving a little bit.

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