Chapter 248


  I saw a strong wind passing in the middle of Zuo Heyou.

  Just wiping, there were several tears in their clothes.


  Zuo Yuyou, who was talking, stopped abruptly.

  They were discovered, and there was only one person who made such an attack - Ouyang Murphy.

  "Don't be sneaky like a mouse all the time."

  Ouyang Murphy said while staring at the two in the sky.

  Without any other small movements, Zuo Yuyou immediately landed from the air.

  "Can... can fly?"

  Thrush watched in disbelief at the two people floating down from the sky.

  God, her worldview has been refreshing these days.

  The other three didn't show much when they saw Zuo Heyou.

  Shinomiya Ayase has mainly seen it, and she has seen even more exaggerated things, so she has no reaction.

  It seems that it is not the first time that he and Yu have met.

  "I'm bothering you."

  Zuo's attitude was as respectful as ever.

  He seemed to be Ouyang Murphy's retainer.

  Ouyang Mofei waved his hand casually, looked at You, and said with a smile, "Is your arm okay?"


  Yu snorted coldly and turned his head away.

  Tsukigami looked at the two who suddenly appeared.

  These two people, he knew one of them.

  That boy named Yu.

  It was Yu who told him about Goku and the power of the void.

  It's just that he didn't expect that Heyou was obviously a person from the same place, and his attitude towards Ouyang Murphy was so respectful.

  Jigshenya couldn't help but wonder what kind of existence Ouyang Mofei was in their eyes.

  "Tell me, what are you doing now?"

  Ouyang Mofei walked to the bridge and asked while looking at G Qi who was killing all directions in the distance.

  This sword swinging action is really lame enough.

  It is completely dependent on the characteristics of the void.

  Ouyang Murphy couldn't help shaking his head when he looked at the bad swordsmanship.

  "Naturally, it is to witness the moment of the king's birth."

  Zuo raised his head and explained.

  "The birth of a king?" Ouyang Mofei heard it and rolled his eyes, "The word king, for you, is really a middle-class and cheap."

  Anyone who is injected with a genome is called a king by them.

  "The kings compete for Adam's position, which is the process of elimination."

  Zuo looked at Ouyang Murphy and added another sentence.

  "But because of your presence, such a process is meaningless."

  Jishen Ya was shocked, what is such a high evaluation?

  He looked at Yu.

  Finding the other party, although there is unwillingness on his face, he can only nod his head.

  For now, he doesn't think anyone can deal with the monster in front of him.

  Originally possessed elusive power, terrifying physical skills.

  Now not only has the power of the king, but also has a flame-type void that can strengthen and liberate the void.

  Even Eve, who was assisted by the apocalypse virus, was easily defeated by him.

  Yu really couldn't find anyone who could beat this man.

  Not surprisingly, he is Adam.

  As long as Eve comes, their mission will be completely over.

  As for how this man wants to make a fuss, that's not something they change.

  This is Zuo's code of conduct, and Yu must abide by it.

  Jigshen Ya put his eyes back on Ouyang Murphy.

  What kind of power does he possess to allow these two guardians to make such a reaction?

  He was curious and wanted to try to have it.

  "I'm not as good as you guys say." Ouyang Mofei shook his head and said, "But I'm still very interested in the so-called battle of kings."

  He originally planned to find a way to mass-produce the Void Genome and inject it into the little guys he was optimistic about.

  This time, it seems that even these so-called divine senses are like this.

  - on the battlefield

  G prays feet in the air.

  This experience is the first time, and the girl thinks it is wonderful.

  A new enemy was discovered, and the mechas began to attack the flying objects regardless of the [-].

  The bullets poured out like a waterfall.

  "Is it G pray?!"

  The staff of the funeral agency were speechless when they saw the girl walking in the air.

  "I remember that."

  The girl found in her mind the memory of Ouyang Mofei wielding the sword at that time.

  The sword in his hand swung.

  The wind pressure wrinkled, and the terrifying slash smashed all the bullets that were inclined to fly like a tornado.

  But this is not the end.

  The ripple-like slash slid toward the mecha without any hindrance.


  The next second was just a continuous explosion.

  The fire completely enveloped the area.

  The loud noise caused severe tinnitus to those in the vicinity.

  The screams kept coming.

  G Qi stood in the air, looking at the scene he created.

  With just one blow, the entire battle was turned upside down.

  Several mechas that dominated the battlefield were slashed by her, and the soldiers of the GHQ were bathed in flames and screamed.


  With a cry, the members of the Funeral Society began to carry guns and attack the GHQ soldiers.

  "First knock down that thing in the sky and change it!"

  GHQ listed G Qi as the primary target of attack.

  But in the face of the world's most terrifying and mysterious forces.

  These machines have lost their former prestige.

  G Qi began to keep swinging the great sword.


  As long as she's around, none of GHQ's attacks will work.

  No matter how much firepower it is, it will be chopped off by G Qi at the moment it is fired.

  She was there to take GHQ's life.

  Looking at the life that ended on her sword, an emotion called sadness appeared on the girl's face for the first time.

  People are always fighting each other so sadly.

  And is Wang Zhili intensifying these contradictions?

  "Let the child's hands be covered with blood, it's really scum."

  Ouyang Mofei laughed.

  I don't know if I'm laughing at myself, or laughing at Zangshenya, or the gods.

  He gave G Qi this ability.

  Tsukigami forced G Qi to do such an action.

  And the gods are the driving force behind this scene.

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