"It's boring, you can decide what to do next."

  Ouyang Mofei kicked his legs and leaped with the help of Shinomiya Ayase's void.

  He lowered his head and looked down at the jigshenya, and said, "Zangshenya, I'll give you a piece of advice, don't let down your funeral for something that's not worth it."

  After speaking, he left the center bridge.

  Shinomiya Ayase stared at Ouyang Murphy.

  Naturally, it wasn't that there was any kind of love, but she was very concerned about the void on her feet.

  Jishenya heard that, and his brows were very furrowed.

  This man clearly knows a lot. .

Chapter 249


  With the addition of G Qi, the rivalry between the two forces was over like the autumn wind sweeping leaves.

  GHQ's visitors were slaughtered, and the members of the funeral club suffered heavy losses.

  G Qi stood in the center of the battlefield, looking at the surrounding corpses and struggling companions.

  She didn't know what to say or how to look.

  The only thing she knew was that she hated seeing such a scene.

  The other members of the funeral society looked at the girl in the distance.

  While being shocked by the beauty of the other party, she also felt fear.

  She has a terrifying power~.

  Tsukigami Ya also quickly arrived at the scene.


  A man with blood on his body shouted.

  The man is Argo, one of the main battles of the Funeral Society, an expert in daggers and fighting.

  "Are you all right?"

  Tsukigami supported Argo.

  Argo said: "Many people have been shot, but fortunately the drugs are fine."

  "That's good."

  Tsukigami breathed a sigh of relief.

  Not only is GHQ worried about riots due to crystal disease, but Tsugumi is also worried.

  Once the personnel inside the funeral society are not properly treated, the organization will also be very fragile and disintegrate.

  "But what's wrong with her?"

  Argo looked at G Qi, who was still standing in the center: "What is that big sword?"

  Tsukigami looked at the girl and said, "The power of the king."

  The next day, Tsutsugami's office.

  "What, you want to go undercover to GHQ?!"

  The thrush looked at Zang Shenya in disbelief: "Why do you have such an idea?"

  G Qi stood at the table of Chi Shen Ya, still without any expression on his face.

  For her, it was just another mission.

  "We need to know what the man wants to do with the rest of the Void Genome, and whether it can be taken."

  Tsukigami knocked on the table: "Also, I hope G Qi can get some information in GHQ, so that we can be more proactive in future actions."

  "So, are you planning to use the beauty trick to let G Qi seduce the colonel?" A man with long white hair and glasses sarcastically said, "It's really worthy of a career."

  The man is called the quadrant, the military division of the funeral club.

  Sanji Shenya didn't care and said, "You have already seen the power of the void, and we must hold all this power in our own hands."

  "That colonel, I didn't realize that you could dig him over."

  Thrush shook his head, absolutely unrealistic.

  In these few contacts, she felt that Ouyang Murphy treated the funeral agency as if he was playing with it.

  Didn't pay attention to them at all.

  "But he's not a GHQ guy either."

  Tsukigami said: "If he was really loyal to GHQ, he would not let them go, and would not cooperate with that director."

  Thrush and Quadrant nodded.

  Indeed, if Ouyang Murphy was from GHQ, he would have wiped them all out yesterday.

  There's G praying to do it.

  "So we must ensure that the remaining Wang Zhili cannot fall into the hands of GHQ, and it is best that our funeral agency accepts it all."

  Tsukigami said firmly.

  If Ouyang Murphy heard it, he probably couldn't help but applaud for Chi Shen Ya.

  It's crazy to say that you have dreamed to such an extent.

  Also use G to pray for undercover, this kind of stinky chess.

  Are you playing Infernal Affairs?

  "But have you ever thought about how we should send G Qi in?" Quartet asked rhetorically, "We don't have anyone in GHQ who can operate it."

  "Depend on him."

  Tsukigami pointed to the door.

  The crowd looked over.

  I saw a mass of void-like matter entangled there, and a human figure appeared.

  It's Tomb Keeper Yu.

  Yu smiled and said, "Hello, good afternoon, everyone."

  "he is?"

  The quadrant looked at Yu warily, his hand already reaching for the pistol at his waist.

  He felt that this guy was a little bad.

  Tsukigami explained: "He has some strength in GHQ and can help G Qi get in."

  "Why did he help us?"

  "I'm not here to help you, it's just that Wang should stay with Wang, it's interesting. Isn't it?"

  Yu smiled, giving the impression that he was making a bad idea.

  He did have some bad ideas out there.

  Of course, these ideas are also allowed by Zuo.

  Because G Qi became a king and became a candidate for Adam, it would be difficult for Sakura's real name to come down again.

  But it would be different if Ouyang Murphy was next to him.

? ????????? asking for flowers????? ??

  Even though Yingman's real name hates Ouyang, the apocalypse virus in her body, the power of the void longs for this Adam.

  As their contact time increases, the consciousness of Sakuraman's real name will once again cover the replica called G Qi.

  This is not to interfere with the process of elimination, it can only be said to speed up the pace.

  The quadrant looked at G Qi and fell silent.

  Tsukigami's decision is obviously unchangeable.

  Even if he felt something was wrong, he couldn't say anything.

  In the final analysis, he is only military, and he advises leaders and should not interfere too much in their decision-making.

  "G pray, are you willing?"

  Tsukigami Ya asked the girl's opinion.

  What should I say, he has improved?

  In the past, G Qi's tasks were directly assigned, and she would not be asked for her opinion at all.


  Girls will not have any objection.

  But now it's different, he always feels that he can't treat girls in the same way as in the past.


  G prayed nodded, as in the past, did not raise any objection.

  If you have a task, just do it.

  own will...

  Ouyang Murphy's words began to echo in her mind like a spell.

  The girl's brows furrowed slightly.

  Why did I think of the man's words again?

  "In this case, G Qi will be handed over to you."

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