Those programmers were shocked to see that the chairman who wrote this language and system was so young and didn't have the hairstyle (bald) of a strong man.And he is so handsome. In their impression, the appearance of such a god-level character should be messy, like a bald uncle.

Lin Yue glanced at it, there were real people and there were videos in the meeting.Then, regardless of what other people think, he started explaining directly.

After a few hours of speaking, Lin Yue said goodbye to Violet and was about to leave the company.

Before leaving, Lin Yue patted Violet's head and said, "Take care of the company for me. Violet can get any reward she wants."

Violet felt the warmth of Lin Yue's palm, a hint of redness appeared on her face, and there was a ripple in her heart.The heart was beating thumpingly.

Violet opened her eyes wide, this feeling was not because she often heard some female employees talk about it as 'love'.Violet couldn't help thinking.

Is it against the owner of the house. . . .This. . .A bit outrageous.Violet!Violet, what's the matter with you?How can I have such a thought to the owner of the house.Violet kept reminding herself in her heart.

Then Lin Yue and Medusa got into the car and left the company.

Violet looked at the direction Lin Yue was leaving, and the reluctance and affection in her heart became more intense.


On the way, when passing by Misakicho, Medusa stared at a playground outside, her eyes were full of curiosity, and she seemed to have the urge to experience it.

Seeing Medusa's appearance, Lin Yue directly asked Sierra to drive to the playground.

"Don't look, I'll take you there to play now." Lin Yue touched Medusa's head.

"Really?!" Medusa said in surprise.

"Yeah." Lin Yue nodded.

"You are so kind, Yue." Medusa kissed Lin Yue.

A few minutes later, Lin Yue took Medusa to the playground, and Sera continued to sleep in the car.

Arriving at the entrance of the playground, Lin Yue saw a little girl with long black hair, blue eyes, and a ladylike appearance.Standing at the entrance of the playground, he kept wandering, looking at the interior of the playground with longing and curiosity in his eyes.

Seeing the little girl who looked like this, Lin Yue probably guessed that the little girl should have never been in the playground, or that her parents were stricter and prevented her from entering such a place, which made the little girl very curious.

Lin Yue walked over with Medusa and asked. "Little sister, do you want to go to the playground?"

After the little girl heard the voice, she turned her head and saw a very handsome and handsome young man looking at her with a smile.

The little girl looked at the charming smile of the young man, and couldn't help feeling a little strange in her heart, and her little face also turned red and very cute.

"Yes, big brother, but... my father won't let me play." The little girl thought of something and said with a sad expression.

"Is that so... Is your father here?" Lin Yue asked.

"No... I... sneaked out." The little girl said embarrassedly.

"So, how about I take you in to play?" Lin Yue said with a smile.

The little girl looked at Lin Yue's handsome face and a spring-like smile, and nodded with a blushing face.

Seeing that the little girl agreed, I took her to the gate of the playground to buy a ticket.

"By the way, my brother's name is Lin Yue, this sister's name is Medusa, little sister, what's your name?" Lin Yue introduced herself and Medusa to the little girl with a smile.

"My name is Tono Akiba, I am 6 years old." No, the little girl, Tono Akiba said with a sweet smile.

After Lin Yue heard this, her hand suddenly paused.

thought in mind.Tono autumn leaves. . .Tono family. . .As if she was the youngest daughter of the Tono family.

Thinking of the Tono family, Lin Yue suddenly thought of the two sisters Amber and Jade.And his plan is to destroy the entire Tono family.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue looked at Tono Akiba with complicated eyes. .

Chapter 54

Akiha Tono has nothing to do with the ugliness of the Tono family.

But when Lin Yue thought that she had to destroy the Tono family, she couldn't help but have a headache.After all, he will soon become the little girl's genocide enemy.

Kill this Tono Akiba, or let her go?Lin Yue was thinking constantly.

And Medusa and Tono Akiha didn't notice Lin Yue's thinking, they were sitting happily on the merry-go-round.

Tono Akiba was very strictly controlled by his father, and he didn't know how to play at all. Now that he has experienced this feeling, he is very happy, and the smile on his face continues.

Lin Yue looked at the girl and thought of her future fate. In fact, the only targets he wanted to destroy in the Tono family were Tono Makihisa and Tono Shiki, and Tono Shiki was just incidental.As for Tono Akiba, she actually treated Amber fairly well in the original plot, at least she didn't treat Amber like her father and brother did.

Lin Yue found a reason for herself to let Akiha Tono go.

Thinking of this Lin Yue also relaxes, Tono Akiba is also a pitiful person. Born in Tono's family, he will be swallowed by Tono's blood at any time and lose himself.

Tono Akiba saw what Lin Yue was thinking, and then came to Lin Yue's side, holding Lin Yue's hand with a blushing face.

"Brother Lin Yue, come and play together." Tono Akiba showed a cute smile and looked at Lin Yue.

Lin Yue touched Tono Akiba's head and said with a smile, "Okay, then I'll hold Xiao Qiuye and play together."

Then Lin Yue directly picked up Tono Akiha and sat on the merry-go-round.

Tono Akiba was a little overwhelmed by Lin Yue's embrace, and secretly looked at Lin Yue's handsome face, Tono Akiba's heart trembled.His face became even more red.

Then the three came to the roller coaster project. A staff member saw that the three of Lin Yue were mistaken for a family of three.

"This is a roller coaster, this dad must take good care of his daughter." The staff said with a smile.

After hearing this, Lin Yue laughed dumbly, and she was mistaken for Tono Akiba's father.Medusa next to her didn't expect Lin Yue to be mistaken for her father, so it was obvious that she had become a mother. Thinking of this, Medusa's expression was a little shy.

Tono Akiba heard that the staff regarded him as Lin Yue's daughter, and his face was slightly red.Retorted: "It's not. It's just my brother." Tono Akiba glared at the staff.I silently added in my heart that I didn't want Brother Lin Yue to be my father.

After hearing about it, the staff apologized embarrassingly, saying that they had misunderstood.

Lin Yue waved her hand and said it was okay.To Lin Yue's surprise, the little girl Tono Akiba actually refuted it directly.

"It's so sad, I still like Xiao Qiuye's daughter. It turns out that Xiao Qiuye doesn't like me." Lin Yuewan pretended to be sad.

Medusa rolled her eyes and looked at Lin Yue's deceiving little girl.

The simple Tono Akiba was immediately confused by Lin Yue's expression, and saw Lin Yue who was sad because of her rebuttal.Tono Akiba suddenly panicked, what should I do? Brother Lin Yue misunderstood that I didn't like him.

"No... Brother Lin Yue, I don't dislike you. It's just... it's just..." Tono Akiba said weakly.Tears kept falling from his eyes.

Seeing the appearance of Tono Akiba, Lin Yue couldn't help but feel distressed, this girl seems to be very concerned about her own thoughts.He seems to have overplayed himself.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Qiuye, brother lied to you." Lin Yue comforted Tono Akiba.

"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore, you won't be pretty if you cry anymore." Lin Yue stretched out her hand to help Tono Akiba wipe away her tears.

"Really?!" Tono Akiba's eyes were red, and his small mouth was tightly pursed.

"Really, okay, brother apologizes to you. Forgive brother, okay?" Lin Yue touched Tono Akiba's head.

"Well, I forgive you." Tono Akiba was touched by Lin Yue and said blushing.

Then it was Lin Yue's turn and they got on the roller coaster. Medusa sat next to Lin Yue, while Tono Akiba was hugged by Lin Yue.

When the roller coaster started to come to a high place, perhaps because of the first experience, Akiha Tono was very nervous.Looking at the ground from a high altitude, there is a trace of fear in my heart, and the little face is very pale.

Lin Yue knew when Tono Akiba looked like this, it was the first time.Then he comforted: "It's okay Xiao Qiuye, brother will protect you, just hug brother tightly."

Hearing Lin Yue's words, Tono Akiba stretched out his hands and hugged Lin Yue's neck tightly.

With Lin Yue by her side, she immediately felt at ease.No longer afraid, bravely finished the roller coaster.

After getting off the roller coaster, Tono Akiba was very happy, his eyes were smiling like crescent moons.

Lin Yue looked at the time, it was time for lunch now, although he and Medusa didn't need to eat much, but Tono Akiba needed it.

"Little Qiuye, it's time for dinner, let's go, brother, take you to dinner." Lin Yue said to Tono Akiba with a smile.

"Okay!!" Tono Akiba followed Lin Yue to the restaurant inside the playground.

The three of them entered the restaurant, and everyone was watching Lin Yue and the three of them.After all, this pair of handsome men and beautiful women plus a beautiful little girl is eye-catching no matter how you look at it.

Especially Lin Yue, noticed that after Lin Yue, some women who came with their children or boyfriends all looked at Lin Yue with peach eyes.

"It's a pity that this handsome guy has a child."

"Have a child??!! It doesn't matter, if you can get a favor from this handsome guy, you can be a lover."

"So handsome! It's a pity that I already have a child. I don't know if the handsome guy would mind. If you don't mind even a one-night stand."

Some women sighed regretfully when they saw Tono Akiha mistakenly believing that it was Lin Yue's child.Some couples directly ignored their boyfriends with an angry look on their heads, and continued to issue a derailment declaration.Some wives who were feeding their children stared at Lin Yue, not even noticing that the spoon they were feeding was fed into their children's noses.

Lin Yue noticed the situation at the scene and didn't care much at all.Because I'm used to it.Hey. . .This damn charm ex.

Then found a table, sat down, and ordered.

Since there are no private rooms in this restaurant, you can only eat in the hall.Lin Yue was eating under various gazes.Women are all eyes of admiration, and men are eyes of hatred. After all, after his girlfriend or wife came in from Lin Yue, they no longer looked at themselves, but all stared at Lin Yue, as if giving them a tip. Like the green hat, can you keep them from being angry?

Lin Yue was helpless, smiled slightly, and faced those who were staring at him.

Seeing Lin Yuexihe's smile, the women all turned red.


"My husband is watching and smiling at me!!!"

When the men heard it, they were all suffocated to death, their faces flushed red, and they clenched their fists tightly.Make them feel ashamed.

Some even couldn't help but yelled directly at their wives.

"Damn bitch!! You're still watching!! Divorce!!"

"Divorce??!! Divorce is divorce. Just like you, you can't equal half of the handsome guy. Usually, you don't even have three minutes. You're embarrassed."

After the man was disdainfully dismantled by the woman, he was shameless.The other male compatriots looked at the man with sympathy.

Lin Yue listened to these movements with sweat on her forehead, and Medusa looked helpless. Although she heard the two ceremonies and they said that every time Lin Yue appeared in public, it would cause a lot of commotion, and even the couple broke up on the spot. , Loving couples have divorced.But she also listened to the two ceremonies and they did not see it.

However, I saw it today, and it was even more shocking than the appearance of her sisters.

Tono Akiba looked alert, and looked at these women fiercely and thought to himself.These women all have unreasonable thoughts about their elder brothers and must protect them.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Yue and the three of them finished eating and settled the bill.As a result, the waiter also mistakenly thought that the three were family.

"Sir, this is a gift from our restaurant. If you bring your children to dinner, we will give it to you." The waiter brought a plastic bear-shaped pendant the size of a finger.

Lin Yue was helpless, just when she wanted to clarify her relationship with Tono Akiha, she saw Tono Akiha staring at the ornament with big eyes.

Lin Yue had no choice but to make mistakes and accept the gift.

"Do you want Xiao Qiuye?" Lin Yue held the pendant and shook it in front of Tono Qiuye.

Tono Akiba looked at the bear pendant and nodded with a longing look in his eyes.

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