"Okay, I'll give it to you." Lin Yue directly gave the ornament to Tono Akiba.

Tono Akiba took it over and played with it carefully, as if he had obtained a rare treasure.

Then I continued to play the rest of the project with Tono Akiha.


When the time came close to dusk, Lin Yue and others left the playground and drove Tono Akiha back to Tono's house.

Tired from a day's play on the road, Tono Akiba fell asleep directly on Lin Yueshen (Harmony).

The car came to a house parked outside a Japanese-style house with a Tono family sign hanging outside the house.

"Get up, I'm home, Xiao Qiuye." Lin Yue touched Tono Qiuye's head and called softly.

Tono Akiba seemed to hear Lin Yue's call, his eyelashes trembled, and he opened his eyes.I saw myself coming home.

Tono Akiba got out of the car and looked at Lin Yue with reluctance.

"Brother Lin Yue, Sister Medusa, thank you for taking me to play today." Tono Akiba said with a satisfied expression.

"Brother Lin Yue, can we meet again next time?" Tono Akiba thought of something, and looked at Lin Yue with a hint of reluctance.

When Lin Yue heard this, she murmured in her heart.See you next time. . .Probably the enemy.

Lin Yue sighed in her heart.

But he still smiled and nodded.Then the car started and left immediately.

Tono Akiba has been standing at the door watching Lin Yue's car, and when Lin Yue's car disappeared from view, she returned to the house.In her hand, she tightly held the bear pendant that Lin Yue gave her.

I'm really happy today, I met Lin Yue, the handsome and gentle elder brother and sister Medusa.He even took me to the playground.Today is my best memory.Tono Akiba thought warmly in his heart.

Just thinking of going back to that icy home now, I miss Lin Yue even more in my heart.

Although he has two older brothers, the older brother is a little uncomfortable when he looks at him, while the second brother is a little dumbfounded.It's still eldest brother Lin Yue.Thinking of Lin Yue's handsome face and extraordinary temperament, Tono Akiba couldn't help smirking.

As soon as Tono Akiba entered the door, he met his strict father, Tono Makihisa.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen anyone for a day." A sharp light flashed in Tono Makihisa's eyes, and his sharp eyes pierced Tono Akiba.

For a moment, Tono Akiba seemed to see a little grimness in his father's expression, as if he wanted to eat himself.

Tono Akiba was a little scared, and said tremblingly, "No... nothing... I just went to my classmate's house to study together."

Tono Makihisa took a deep look at Tono Akiba and then did not pursue it, and then returned to his room.

When Tono Akiba saw his father leave, he hurried back to his room.Locked directly.She suddenly felt a little scared about her father.

On the other side, in Tono Makihisa's room, his face suddenly turned hideous, and he picked up what was in his hand and smashed it.Probably smashed for a few minutes.Tono Makihisa's expression returned to normal.

"It's getting more and more frequent. We have to find the descendants of Wu Jing's family as soon as possible." Tono Makuhisa said with a gloomy face.


Time came to night, in a dim alley.

A girl with purple hair and red eyes was surrounded by a group of gangsters.

"Yo, Miss, is it pretty? Would you like to come and play with us?"

"Yes, yes, I promise to take you to bliss."

The gangsters smiled lewdly (harmoniously) and glanced at the girl whose eyes kept looking.

The girl didn't understand what these gangsters were talking about. She kept backing away, shouting no.Until he retreated to the corner and found that there was no way out.

The girl's face showed despair, as if thinking of what she was about to face.

The gangsters saw that the girl was like a little sheep, and the smiles on their faces became even stronger.

"Please, let me go..."

"I...I'll give you money."

The girl kept begging, but unfortunately the gangsters ignored it.

The girl sees that gangsters don't eat this set, although she has the ability to bend objects without touching it since she was a child.But since he got painless once, his ability has been blocked.But she really couldn't control her ability, otherwise she wouldn't fall here and be surrounded by a few gangsters.

If there is a time when God or light is needed, then the girl at this time needs it.

The girl looked at the gangsters approaching, making the girl very desperate.

"Who!!! Come and save me!!!" The girl shouted with her last strength.

The gangsters were shocked by the girl's sudden shout, and then looked around.No one was found.

Then there was a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha!! What!! Do you think there will be heroes??!!!"

"Hahaha!!! That's right, that's right!!! Why don't you give up, Miss. This is a rare place."

"We squatted for a long time, and finally squatted to a top-quality item."

In the face of the scoundrel's ridicule, the girl seemed to give up, just when the girl's heart was about to fall into the abyss.Passed together.

"Tsk, wait for the rabbit? It's still a lot of perseverance. Wouldn't it be better to do something else with this perseverance?" A sneer fell into everyone's ears.

The gangsters were startled by the sound and looked around in a panic.

"Who? Who's pretending to be a ghost, come out."

A glimmer of hope ignited in the girl's heart, and she looked around.No figure was found, and then she raised her head, and suddenly the girl's eyes stopped moving.His eyes became obsessed. .

Chapter 55

The girl was obsessed with looking at the young man floating in the air with his arms around his chest, and the eyes as deep as the universe on his handsome face. The girl's eyes could no longer contain others.

The gangster next to him saw that the girl was no longer paying attention. They only looked at the sky, and couldn't help but follow the girl's gaze to the sky.

They looked at the sky, their faces became stiff, and an emotion called fear was transferred from the girl to them.

"He... is flying... a person is actually flying in the sky..." a gangster pointed at the young man in the sky in disbelief and said.

At this time, everyone's three views collapsed, and they actually saw a person flying in the sky.

The gangsters suddenly felt that they seemed to be involved in something.

"That...this...hero...can you kill us?" a gangster knelt down and said tremblingly.

As one person's panic-to-desperate emotions infected others, some thugs also knelt down and kept kowtowing.

"Please...let us go..."

"Please, you want money...we'll give it to you."

"We don't want this woman anymore, please let us go."

The handsome young man in the sky curled his lips in disdain. The young man was Lin Yue who had just returned home and was preparing to bring the girls to dinner.

When Lin Yue was preparing to eat, suddenly [Super Listening] heard a call for advice.With the attitude that I would rather take a trip and not miss it.Lin Yue came here, and then saw this happy scene.

Lin Yue thought about a familiar scene, but he couldn't remember whose experience it was, but he vaguely felt that it should be the main character of the plot.

While Lin Yue thought about it, she kept looking carefully at the girl below. Lin Yue vaguely seemed to remember that there was this girl in Xingyue, but she just couldn't remember the name.

The girl was stared at by Lin Yue's eyes, her heart trembled, but the difference was that she did not feel disgusted, but rather shy.

Lin Yue didn't think about it anymore, slowly descended, and came to the girl.Reach out and pull up the girl.

The girl held Lin Yue's hand and felt real peace and warmth in her heart.

The gangsters kneeling around were all lying on the ground, their bodies trembling.But he didn't dare to raise his head at all.

"My name is Lin Yue, how about you?" Lin Yue looked at the girl and asked.

"I... my name is Asakami Fujino." The girl, no, Asakami Fujino approached Lin Yue, smelled the breath on Lin Yue's body, and said with a blushing face.

After hearing the girl say her name, Lin Yue suddenly realized who this girl was.

Asakami Fujino is also a very pitiful person, with [Twisting Demon Eyes], his left eye is turned left, and his right eye is turned right, which can distort the objects he looks at.If two rotating shafts are turned on at the same time on an object, the object can be twisted from the junction.

It's a big killer. Although it can only physically destroy things and cannot destroy conceptual things, it is also a very powerful magic eye.

It's just that Fujino Asakami was also persecuted by the villagers as a cursed child because of this ability. He lost his pain and even lost his ability when he was a child.

In fact, her ability was sealed by her stepfather Asakami Kangzang after she suffered from neuromyelitis optica, using painkillers and sealing sensations.Afterwards, Asakami Fujino suffered from appendicitis again. The pain in her abdomen and her family's deliberate concealment made her unaware of her condition.

However, this is only part of her experience. After that, she was kidnapped by a group of gangsters who were dropouts, and was bullied/(harmonious) humiliated and abused by bad groups of violence for a long time.Then I realized that Araiya Zonglian was used by Araiya Zonglian to deal with the two ceremonies.

In short, it is a poor person who was discriminated against by family and friends, tortured by illness, and then experienced dark experiences when he grew up.

Lin Yue thought of this, and now this situation should be the beginning of her nightmare.Looking at the gangsters around, it's just that due to Lin Yue's intervention, Fujino Asakami was not kidnapped by the gangsters at this time.

As for Huangye Zonglian, it is estimated that even a single cell is gone. After all, taking a bath in the sun does not mean that you can soak it.

Lin Yue looked at Asakami Fujino with a smile.Now that you've met, let's save you.Lin Yue thought to herself.

Asakami Fujino was a little embarrassed to be looked at by Lin Yue, lowered her head and dared not look at Lin Yue.

"You close your eyes first." Lin Yue said to Asaka Fujino.

After Asakami Fujino heard about it, although he didn't know what Lin Yue wanted to do, he still closed his eyes obediently.

Lin Yue understood that Asakami Fujino closed his eyes, a red light emitted a scorching light in Lin Yue's eyes, and the [thermal vision] directly shone on several gangsters.

The sound of 'Zizi' kept coming.Every time it was accompanied by a man's scream.

Although Asakami Fujino closed her eyes, but hearing those screams, she could probably guess what happened.

Stopped with a scream. "Okay, you can open your eyes." Lin Yue said.

Asakami Fujino opened his eyes, looked around carefully, and did not see the scene of corpses everywhere in his imagination.Seeing that there were only her and Lin Yue on the field, it was as if those bastards had never been here before.

It is impossible for a corpse to exist, and it is impossible to leave anything under the attack of [Heat Vision], and it evaporates directly.

Lin Yue saw Asakami Fujino's puzzled look, and did not explain too much.

"You seem to have analgesia, neuromyelitis optica and appendicitis." Lin Yue said seriously looking at Fujino Asakami.

Asakami Fujino was very surprised when he heard that, this man could see through his illness at a glance.It's just that Fujino Asakami was a little puzzled that he should have analgesia and neuromyelitis optica, and why there is appendicitis.

Asakami Fujino looked at Lin Yue with a bewildered expression.

Lin Yue smiled. "You don't seem to know you have appendicitis."

"I..." Asakami Fujino was about to speak, but then he thought of something, and his face changed.

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