Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 10 Is this a wizard?

Blackstone Mining Area is located in the southwest of Blackstone City. There are more than ten mines in total, covering a very wide area.

The mining of shallow veins has hollowed out the surrounding mountain walls, forming an inward concave valley. Looking inward from the mouth of the valley, there are large tracts of red-gray and lead-black rocks that are eye-catching.

There are minecarts and railroad tracks everywhere in the valley. It can be seen that the original lord invested a lot of resources in the construction of this mining area. Unfortunately, decades later, this place has long become a desolate and deserted ruins, and the minecarts and railroad tracks have also disappeared. Full of rusty dust.

Key and Sunan stood side by side in front of the valley entrance, looking at the environment inside.

Behind him were more than a dozen knights and hundreds of soldiers.

Out of concern for the Blackstone mining area, Key deployed nearly half of Blackstone City's troops at once.

Of course, ordinary soldiers did not play a big role in this operation.

Their task is to hold the retreat and ensure logistics.

The real main force of the battle is Sunan, Keyi and more than a dozen knights.

"Is it really okay?"

Qiao Dun glanced at the dark entrance to the mine and muttered worriedly:

"I heard from the veterans that those iron-swallowing beasts are very powerful. Wouldn't it be too risky to go in with only our few people?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the other knights flickered.

To be honest, they were all surprised when they heard the lord said that he wanted to clean up the iron-swallowing beasts in the black stone mining area.

The Blackstone Mining Area is well known in Blackstone City, and they have also heard some news.

It is said that several previous lords have thought about solving the black stone mining area, but they all failed in the end and lost a lot of manpower.

As time went by, no one wanted to explore the black stone mining area anymore.

No one expected that Key suddenly planned to restart the black stone mining area.

If Lord Su Nan hadn't said there was a way to deal with the iron-eating beast, they would have raised objections long ago.

But even so, many people are still a little worried at this moment.

"Qiao Dun, if you waver in the military morale again, I will punish you not to drink alcohol for a month when you go back."

Key turned and glared at him.

Qiao Dun shrank his head and remained silent.

What he likes most is all kinds of fine wines and spirits. He can't have fun without wine. Forcing him not to drink for a month is as good as killing him.

Seeing that Qiao Dun had settled down, Keyi turned back to look at the mine, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

After all, he had never seen an iron-swallowing beast with his own eyes. If these monsters were more terrifying than the veterans said, that would be troublesome.

However, after looking at Sunan beside him, Keyi finally chose to believe in his brother and did not show his worries.

Sunan touched the scales on his body.

This is the only piece of scale armor in Black Rock City, and it is more valuable than a complete set of fine iron armor.

It was originally Key's equipment, but Key was afraid that something would happen to him, so he just put the scale armor on him and stuffed him with a long sword.

Although Sunan's swordsmanship was terrible, it was better than nothing.

"Let's go!"

Following Key's order, everyone lit torches and filed into the mine, leaving only the soldiers guarding the entrance.

The shallow veins in the Blackstone Mining Area have long been mined, and several deep wells were drilled into the ground to mine the underlying mineral layers.

The mines are criss-crossed under the rock formations, and every few hundred meters, you can see an oil lamp hanging on the rock wall.

It’s just that the oil inside has long evaporated.

A knight held up a skin bag, poured oil into the lamp, and then lit it.

Soon, streaks of fire lit up in the mine tunnel, and the separation of light and shadow outlined a winding trajectory at a very far distance from each other, guiding everyone to move forward.

As they went deeper, everyone gradually slowed down.

These underground tunnels are uneven, and the light is dim. If you are not careful, you will fall and break your head.

Although the knights present were all physically powerful, no one wanted to be beaten to death.

There was silence all around, except for the footsteps and breathing of everyone, no other sounds could be heard.

There is no breath of life in the cold and silent underground. If an ordinary person walks alone in such a place, he will definitely feel instinctively terrified.

After walking some distance further, the surrounding rock walls finally changed.

A knight held a torch close to the rock wall. By the light of the fire, one could clearly see that the surface of the rock was coated with a layer of deep, cold black.

"It's black stone iron ore!" Qiao Dun's eyes lit up.

No need for him to say anything, everyone present could see it.

Everyone immediately mentioned being very careful.

Going further, there is a layer of mineral veins that have not yet been mined.

It is very likely that the miners back then had to stop mining because they encountered an iron-eating beast.

In other words, they will soon meet the target of this trip.

It turns out they were right.

After walking four to five hundred meters, everyone soon heard a rustling sound coming from the front, as if something was moving forward against the ground.

"Be alert! Prepare to fight!" Key said in a deep voice.

Everyone raised their weapons solemnly and stared ahead as if facing a formidable enemy.

Soon, cats emerged from the darkness.

They gracefully walked through the darkness and entered the light range of the torch, staring at the group of uninvited guests in front of them with a pair of gray gem-like eyes.

The iron-eating beast!

It was exactly the same as the portrait Su Nan had seen.

More and more iron-swallowing beasts appeared in the darkness, more than ten after a quick count, and there were a few pairs of shimmering eyes swaying outside the dividing line between light and shadow.

More than a dozen iron-eating beasts loomed into a semicircle, surrounding everyone.

"These beasts have quite a big appetite. It seems they want to keep us all here!"

Knight Brad said in a low voice, tightening the huge steel shield in his hand.

He is the most powerful knight in Blackstone City second only to Key, and he is only one step away from being promoted to a senior knight.

Standing two meters tall, he is good at using shields. He is the knight with the best shield skills in Black Rock City and is also a famous warrior on the battlefield.

After seeing the iron-swallowing beasts at close range, Brad could feel that the aura of these monsters would never exceed the level of a junior knight, and he immediately felt relaxed.

"It would be a good thing if that were the case. I'm afraid these beasts will escape."

Key also noticed it and breathed a sigh of relief.

Their lineup is enough to deal with more than a dozen junior knight-level monsters.

The question is how to keep these iron-eating beasts and prevent them from escaping?

The reality left them no time to think. The iron-swallowing beasts quickly launched an attack and pounced on the crowd!

The battle broke out instantly!

The tunnel suddenly echoed with the endless sound of gold and iron clashing!

Brad raised his shield and smashed an iron-swallowing beast away. The opponent flew more than ten meters and hit the rock wall with a bang, and the stone powder suddenly fell straight down.

But after the iron-swallowing beast stood up, he just shook his head and continued to pounce as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, Brad frowned immediately.

On the other side, the knights were also locked in a hard fight.

The body of the iron-swallowing beast is so hard that even if a sword containing fighting spirit is struck on it, it can only leave a not very obvious crack.

Only Key, as a senior knight, can cause significant damage to the iron-swallowing beast.

If the narrow space of the tunnel had not restricted the movement of the iron-eating beasts, preventing them from displaying their swift and agile speed, it would have been even more difficult to deal with.

The battle was not as easy as they expected, and it was a stalemate for a while.

At this moment, Sunan took action.

He whispered weird syllables in his mouth, and at the same time stretched out his finger, and instantly saw a ball of acid the size of a basketball formed out of thin air at the tip of his finger, and then shot out, accurately hitting an iron-swallowing beast and smearing its face.


A large amount of pungent white smoke suddenly appeared on the face of the iron-swallowing beast, and its body rolled crazily on the ground, trying to wipe away the corrosive liquid on its face.

There is no weak attack spell.

Although acid splash is only a zero-level spell, its corrosiveness is even more terrifying than aqua regia.

A ball of acid the size of an egg is enough to corrode an ordinary human adult male, leaving no bones left!

Even though the body of the Iron Swallowing Beast is extremely hard, it would not be uncomfortable to receive such a shot to its vital parts!


A figure flashed over and stabbed the wound on the face of the iron-swallowing beast with a sword. Then with a powerful spit, the iron-swallowing beast's head suddenly exploded, and its headless body shook on the spot a few times before falling to the ground.

Keyi drew out his sword and turned around to glance at Sunan in surprise.

The other knights could not hide the horror on their faces.

They have personally experienced how hard the iron-swallowing beast's body is, which is no less than real black stone iron.

But even with such a hard body, half of his head was corroded in just a few breaths!

What kind of terrifying power is this? !

If a flesh and blood body takes such a blow, what's the point?

Just thinking about that scene, everyone present felt their scalps go numb!

Is this the wizard?

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