Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 11 Puppet Creation

Just when everyone was shocked by Sunan's thundering means, the person involved was still not satisfied.

"If the mental power was higher, the acid splash just now would have killed the iron-swallowing beast."

Sunan felt a little regretful, stretched out his hand and pointed, and another acid splash flew out, attacking an iron-swallowing beast like an arrow.


Although the iron-swallowing beast dodged in time, it was still hit in the side abdomen, and most of its waist and abdomen were corroded in an instant, and its movements were inevitably affected.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Key flashed forward and cut the iron-swallowing beast in half with a sword.

The two brothers cooperated tacitly and killed four iron-swallowing beasts in a short while.

The morale of the crowd was immediately boosted when they saw this.

The iron-swallowing beast seemed to realize that something was wrong and gradually retreated.

Noticing this, Key hurriedly shouted: "Don't let them escape, stop them!"

The knights rushed towards the iron-swallowing beasts.

Sunan narrowed his eyes and cast a sleeping spell on the last iron-swallowing beast.

But to his surprise, the iron-swallowing beast was not affected at all.

"The spell didn't work?"

Sunan was stunned.

At this moment, an iron-swallowing beast suddenly jumped up and crashed into the rock wall as if falling into the water, and disappeared. The whole process was so smooth that no one had time to react.

The other iron-swallowing beasts followed suit and disappeared into the rock wall.

Seeing the last iron-swallowing beast also jumped up and crashed into the rock wall, the stunned Sunan finally reacted, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

In an instant, the elegant posture of the iron-swallowing beast stopped abruptly, and the whole thing was fixed in mid-air, as if it was tightly grasped by an invisible giant hand, and it couldn't touch the ground or the wall at all.

No matter how it struggled, it couldn't break free from the invisible restraints on its body.

"Kill it!" Sunan said in a deep voice.

The people who were staring at the bizarre scene in front of them suddenly woke up and took action.


The iron-swallowing beast in mid-air was instantly shattered to pieces.

"Sunan, you just..."

Key looked at Sunan with a look of surprise.

If the secondary dragon blood potion was still within his understanding, then the miraculous means that Sunan had just displayed were far beyond his cognition.

Sunan knew what he wanted to ask, and explained calmly: "This is a spell."


Everyone present chewed on this word silently, and felt that a whole new world was slowly unfolding in front of them.

Sunan didn't care about other people, and quickly came to a iron-swallowing beast that was cut in two, squatting down to check.

After a moment, a strange look appeared on his face.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Seeing Sunan's expression, Key asked hurriedly.

Sunan shook his head, stood up and said, "I roughly know where these iron swallowers came from."

When the sleeping spell didn't work just now, he actually felt something was wrong.

There are generally only two situations in which one can be immune to spells.

One is that the spell resistance is high enough, such as the dragon race.

The dragon race is famous for its natural high magic resistance. Adult dragons can be immune to all spells below the third ring.

The other is that the life form of the creature happens to be immune to a certain spell.

Take the sleeping spell as an example. Elemental creatures, undead creatures and puppet creatures are all immune to the sleeping spell.

And the iron swallower can obviously only be the latter.

"I thought it was a metal-shaped creature, but I didn't expect it to be a puppet creature."

When checking just now, Sunan found enchanted runes in the fragments of the iron swallower's body.

It is impossible for enchanted runes to exist in a naturally born life form.

The only explanation is that the iron swallower was artificially created!

And the only one who can create a puppet is a wizard (apprentice)!

"There is probably a wizard's inheritance deep in this mine!"

Sunan was filled with ecstasy.

He had originally planned to go out and search for the whereabouts of the wizard's inheritance after he was promoted to a second-class wizard apprentice, but he didn't expect that there was one near Black Stone City.

This is undoubtedly a huge surprise!

After Sunan's explanation, Key and others showed extremely shocked expressions.

No one expected that these iron-swallowing beasts, which have the combat power comparable to that of knights and the strange ability to drill into the rock wall, were actually puppets created by wizards!

Magical potions, terrible spells, powerful puppet creations, these things that are unimaginable in the eyes of ordinary people, are actually from the hands of wizards!

What kind of group is this?

The more they understand, the more they can feel the mystery and power of wizards.

It is said that thousands of years ago, wizards once ruled the entire continent and created an unprecedented prosperity.

In the past, they only thought that this was an illusory legend, but now it seems that this is very likely to have really happened!

Everyone had different thoughts, and the tunnel fell into silence for a while.

Sunan didn't care. He said something to Keyi and sat on the ground, meditating to restore his mental strength.

In the previous battle, he had cast a lot of spells, and his mental strength was almost exhausted.

Considering that there would be a fierce battle next, it would be safer to wait until his mental strength was restored before continuing to explore.

About two hours later, Sunan ended his meditation.

The team continued to move forward.

Fear comes from the unknown.

After knowing the origin of the iron-swallowing beast, everyone's fear of this monster suddenly decreased a lot.

Especially after killing five iron-swallowing beasts in the battle just now, the team's morale reached its peak.

However, what was confusing was that on the way, the Iron-Swallowing Beasts seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again.

"Where did those monsters go?" Joton smacked his lips in dissatisfaction.

Key also frowned.

If the remaining Iron-Swallowing Beasts just hid like this, they really couldn't do anything to them.

Trying to find a group of Iron-Swallowing Beasts that could drill through the walls in the dimly lit underground tunnels was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Sunan was thoughtful.

High-level puppets have autonomous consciousness and artificial intelligence that are not inferior to humans, but Iron-Swallowing Beasts are obviously not one of them.

They are low-level puppets at first glance, and generally follow a certain specific program to act.

For example, when encountering an enemy that they can't deal with, they prioritize their own safety.

This also explains why successive lords have been unable to eliminate the Iron-Swallowing Beasts.

Facing a group of monsters that are "bullying the weak and fearing the strong" and have first-class hide-and-seek abilities, even the Great Knight can't do anything.

However, the fact that the previous lords had no solution does not mean that Sunan has no solution.

He closed his eyes and concentrated on sensing the energy particles in the air.

If nothing unexpected happens, these iron-swallowing beasts should be the guards of the unknown wizard heritage deep in the mining area.

As long as they find the location of the wizard heritage, the iron-swallowing beasts will definitely appear to stop them, and then they can annihilate the other party.

And where the wizard heritage is, the concentration of energy particles must be much higher than other places.

As long as you go to a place with a high concentration of energy particles, you will most likely find the target location.

Not long after, Sunan opened his eyes, pointed to the tunnel entrance on the right and said, "Go that way."

Ke Yi was just stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted, and took the lead to the right without hesitation.

Everyone came back to their senses and hurried to follow.

Along the way, the team walked and stopped.

Whenever they encountered a fork in the road, Sunan would stop and sense for a while, and then decide the direction of travel.

In this way, they didn't know how long they had walked, and everyone suddenly stopped.

This time, it was not that they encountered any monsters, nor did they find a fork in the road, but that the road was gone.

To be precise, a dark door appeared in the middle of the tunnel.

The closed door blocked the entire tunnel.

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