Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 12: Wizard Heritage

Some strange patterns were engraved on the dark iron door, intertwined and entangled, with a hint of mysterious charm.

Kei and others were confused, but only Sunan recognized these patterns at first sight.

Enchantment runes!

The structure of the runes is not complicated, and it looks like a simple magic trap.

Once someone touches the iron door, it will issue a warning and attack the toucher.

However, these runes are already dim and obviously have long been ineffective, probably because of the long years of erosion.

No matter how exquisite the enchantment runes are, they cannot resist the erosion of time.

"Is the place behind that iron door where the iron-swallowing beasts are made?"

Kei looked at Sunan, who nodded and reminded him again.

"Be careful, those iron-swallowing beasts will not watch us go in."

As if in response to Sunan's words, as soon as his voice fell, a group of iron-swallowing beasts suddenly emerged from the rock walls on both sides of the iron door, rushing towards everyone with evil wind.

Everyone was prepared. They shouted and went forward fearlessly.

Only Brad stepped back a few steps, holding a heavy shield in front of Sunan.

After seeing Sunan's methods, everyone understood that Sunan was the main force to deal with the Iron Devourer, and naturally would not ignore his safety.

Sunan's lips uttered strange syllables. This time he did not use acid splash, but changed to the magician's hand.

More than ten meters away, an iron devourer that was about to pounce on Key suddenly stopped, and its body seemed to be suspended in mid-air against gravity. Its limbs danced, but it could not land.

Key's eyes lit up, and he took the opportunity to dodge forward, and slashed the same position of the Iron Devourer's neck with several swords in a row, cutting off its head.

The headless Iron Devourer quickly fell to the ground, motionless and silent.

Compared with the acid splash that can only attack once, the magician's hand has a small attack power, but it lasts for a long time, which is perfect for Key to kill the Iron Devourer.

"Fortunately, the low-level puppets are not very smart and do not know how to kill the fragile spellcasters first. Otherwise, these guys would rush forward and Brad alone would not be able to resist."

Sunan thought silently in his heart.

Of course, if the Iron Swallowing Beasts were not puppet creations, he would not have to use acid splashes and the magician's hand to deal with these guys.

A flash spell will instantly make these creatures, who have lived in the dark underground for many years and are extremely sensitive to light, become blind and at the mercy of others.

With the tacit cooperation of everyone, one Iron Swallowing Beast after another fell to the ground.

As Sunan guessed, the Iron Swallowing Beast's mission is to guard the iron gate.

So even if they suffered heavy casualties, they showed no signs of escaping.

More than ten minutes later, accompanied by a crisp sound, the last Iron Swallowing Beast was also broken into two pieces and fell to the ground.

So far, more than 20 Iron Swallowing Beasts were completely wiped out.

Looking at the black stone iron fragments all over the ground, Key's expression was full of uncontrollable excitement and joy.

Before coming here, he never thought that the biggest threat in the Black Stone Mine Area could be solved so easily!

And all this was thanks to Sunan.

Looking at Sunan's back, Key couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

When Sunan said he wanted to become a wizard, he thought Sunan was fooling around and believed what was written in the book because he was obsessed with reading books.

But he didn't expect that he would not only succeed, but also become so powerful, with all kinds of strange and powerful methods emerging one after another, which made people amazed.

So much so that Key was a little moved.

After returning to the inner castle, should I try to see if I can follow the path of a wizard?

Sunan didn't notice Key's little thoughts and quickly came to the iron gate to check carefully.

As expected, the magic trap on the door had indeed failed.

So Sunan called two knights and pushed the heavy iron gate together.


The iron gate slowly opened, shaking the stone powder above the head and making dust fly.

When the dust cleared, the situation behind the iron gate gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Inside was an extremely spacious hall, about four or five hundred square meters.

The entire hall was paved with blue-gray square stone bricks, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of dust. There were messy footprints and traces of beasts lying in many places.

It can be seen that this hall is the usual place for the iron-swallowing beast to move around.

There are three open stone doors deep in the hall, and it is dark and unclear what is inside.

Several knights holding torches walked into the three stone doors respectively. After checking to make sure there was no danger, Sunan and Key entered the stone door.

Behind the first stone door was a room suspected to be a warehouse, with a large area, filled with dense black stone iron.

It was not the black stone iron ore that had just been excavated, but the black stone iron ingots that had been refined.

Looking at the tens of thousands of square black stone iron ingots, everyone looked a little dazed.

"I'm rich now"

Jodon stared at the black stone iron ingot in front of him, and swallowed his saliva with a gurgling sound in his throat.

No one laughed at his loss of composure, and everyone had a similar expression.

Even Key's eyes were wide open, with shock, ecstasy, and trance. Various expressions mixed together, making his face a little distorted.

The hardness of black stone iron is not inferior to that of refined iron, but it is much lighter, so the price is more expensive than the same weight of refined iron.

I dare not say that the black stone iron in front of me is worth ten thousand gold coins, but it is definitely worth six or seven thousand gold coins.

It is almost equivalent to the tax revenue of Black Stone City for ten years!

How can people not be ecstatic with such a windfall?

Only Sunan didn't have too much obsession with gold coins. Although he was also surprised, he quickly came to his senses and walked to the next room.

The second room was a little smaller, and it was filled with various tools, including a furnace, molds and fans for ironmaking.

However, the most eye-catching thing was the huge stone table in the center of the room, which was more than three meters long and nearly two meters wide.

It was covered with messy cutting marks.

Sunan glanced at the black stone iron piled up in the corner of the room, and his mind suddenly became clear.

This should be the laboratory where the wizard apprentice made puppets.

He had ruled out the speculation that the owner here was a formal wizard.

Whether it was the strength level of the iron-swallowing beast or the attainments of the magic trap on the iron door, it showed that the owner here was at most a wizard apprentice, and was far from reaching the level of a wizard.

If it was really a formal wizard, they would not be able to break through the guards outside and enter here with just the strength of their group of people.

With thoughts turning in his mind, Sunan's actions were not slow, and he quickly searched the entire room.

To his disappointment, apart from the tools and iron ingots, he found nothing else of value.

Sunan shook his head, turned and left the room, and walked into the third room.

Compared with the previous two rooms, the third room was smaller in area, but the decoration was more delicate and comfortable. In addition to a small bed and a desk, there was also a bookshelf. It was obvious that this was a study room.

Sunan's eyes fell on the bookshelf full of books, and his eyes lit up slightly.

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