Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 13: Wizards seek truth, not immortality

If you want to know what is the most valuable thing in a wizard's inheritance, knowledge is undoubtedly one of the answers.

Su Nan suppressed his joy, walked quickly to the bookshelf, and quickly scanned the books on it.

"Composition", "Material Science", "Life Energy Structure", "Enchantment Rune Foundation", "Puppet Mechanics Principle", "Puppet Basic Structure", "Puppet and Golem".

More than 80% of the books are related to puppet making.

It can be seen that the owner here loves this skill very much, and can even be called obsessed.

No wonder he created a puppet creature like the Iron Swallowing Beast.

I just don't know where this wizard apprentice went later?

Su Nan had a vague guess in his heart. After thinking about it, he turned around and came to the desk.

The surface of the desk made of solid wood was covered with a thick layer of dust, and there was nothing on it. Su Nan opened the drawer below. The first few drawers were empty, and only the last drawer contained two diaries, a ring and two boxes.

Su Nan took out the top diary and opened the cover.

There was only a few lines of words on the slightly yellowed first page.

[Ange McLean, recorded in the 1124th year of the Starlight Calendar. ]

The 1124th year of the Starlight Calendar, which is about 125 years ago.

"The iron-swallowing beast appeared in the Black Rock Mine, which seems to have happened just over a hundred years ago."

Su Nan was thoughtful and continued to turn the pages.

I don't know what the paper of the diary is made of, but it can still be kept intact after so many years.

[April 12, 1124 of the Starlight Calendar]

[Today, the exploration of the Black Rock Iron Ore Vein was completed. As I guessed, the reserves of this vein are very rich. Now I have enough materials to use for my puppet experiment. This is really good news. I decided to build a laboratory deep in the mine as my future retreat. ]

[February 8, 1126 of the Starlight Calendar]

[The experiment of the Black Rock Leopard finally achieved a key breakthrough! It won't be long before I can successfully refine my own puppet creation! ]

"So that kind of puppet is called the Black Rock Leopard." Su Nan raised his eyebrows.

[March 15, 1127 in the Starlight Calendar]

[Hahaha, I succeeded. I finally succeeded in refining the first Black Rock Leopard. This is my own puppet creation. I am really a genius! ]

[However, the combat effectiveness of the Black Rock Leopard is still not good enough. It is much worse than that of a formal knight. There are still many areas that can be improved. More combat data needs to be collected. ]

[It just so happens that there are many knights outside. Let them act as opponents of the Black Rock Leopard. What a lucky bunch of guys. ]

[June 10, 1128 in the Starlight Calendar]

[The improvement experiment went smoothly. The Black Rock Leopard now has the combat effectiveness level comparable to that of a primary knight. It’s a pity that the timid lord gave up this mining area. I have to find a new target that can provide combat data. Perhaps the Black Scaled Lizardmen in the north are good targets. ]

There is not much content on each page of the diary, only two or three sentences.

And the time span is relatively large, with the shortest interval exceeding half a year.

Most of the content in the back is the progress of the improvement experiment of the Black Rock Leopard.

Occasionally, there are some meditation, spell learning and going out to collect materials.

From the lines, it is not difficult to see that this wizard apprentice named Ange is a little arrogant and withdrawn, and does not like to contact the outside world.

It is worth mentioning that he is still a third-level wizard apprentice.

In the elemental desert and the resource-poor Starlight Continent, Ange was promoted to a third-level wizard apprentice before he was a hundred years old. It must be said that Ange is indeed a genius and has the capital to be proud.

However, as he grew older, Ange gradually shifted his energy from puppet research to cultivation, and the tone in the diary also became more anxious and confused.

[September 20, 1162 in the Starlight Calendar]

[The improvement of mental power seems to have reached a bottleneck. There has been no obvious growth for more than half a year. Maybe I should use external forces. ]

[January 4, 1163 in the Starlight Calendar]

[Lucky, I found a recipe for an evil hallucination potion. If I can make an evil hallucination potion, I will definitely be able to solve the problem of mental power not being able to grow! ]

[May 19, 1165 in the Starlight Calendar]

[Damn it! Why can't I find all the ingredients in the recipe? I have found the place where the ingredients grow according to the records in the book, but why can't I find it? Is there something wrong with the records in the book? ]

[February 6, 1167 in the Starlight Calendar]

[So that's it. The elements are lost, the concentration of energy particles has dropped sharply, and the continent we are on has become a wasteland. No wonder I haven't met other wizard apprentices in all these years. No, I won't give up. If I can't find all the ingredients, then try other substitutes. I don't believe that my wisdom can't solve the problem! ]

[April 4, 1169 in the Starlight Calendar]

[The experiment failed. ]

[February 9, 1170 in the Starlight Calendar]

[The experiment failed. ]

(Repeated experimental failure record)

[March 16, 1192 in the Starlight Calendar]

[No, no matter how much the low-level materials are extracted and purified, the effect can't reach the point of replacing high-level materials. There is no possibility of making this potion successfully! 】

【Damn it! I can't accept this!】

The following ten pages are filled with all kinds of anger and criticism towards this world, and the reluctance, bitterness and despair of not seeing the way forward.

It was not until 1200 years into the Starlight Calendar that Ange seemed to have come to his senses, and his words regained their calmness.

[December 3, 1200 years into the Starlight Calendar]

[I can feel my vitality gradually fading away, and it seems that I won't live long. ]

[If I undergo biological transformation, I may be able to live longer, but this is not my strong point, and I don't want to turn myself into a ghost for the sake of survival. Perhaps it's just because that kind of transformation will completely make me lose the hope of becoming a wizard. If I can't become a wizard, then what's the point of living longer? ]

[Wizards pursue the truth, not immortality. ]

[May 5, 1202 years into the Starlight Calendar]

[Death is getting closer and closer, and I seem to be able to smell the decay of my body. ]

[The good news is that I found the legend of the Starry Tower in an ancient book. It is said that it is the inheritance left by the ancient wizards. Perhaps there is a way for me to become a wizard there. This is my only hope now. 】

【I have decided to find the whereabouts of the Starry Tower! 】

The Starry Tower!

Sunan's expression changed.

In his few memories of the game in his previous life, the Starry Tower seemed to be one of the only three wizard inheritances in the Starlight Continent in version 1.0!

It was not a laboratory left by a wizard apprentice like this, but a legacy left by a real wizard.

It was the last bit of goodwill left to this continent by the wizard who went on an expedition to the multiverse thousands of years ago.

It is obvious that there must be a lot of precious knowledge and materials in that place.

If you can find the Starry Tower, it will definitely not be a problem to become a wizard!

Sunan was excited and quickly turned to the next page, but what he saw was a blank.

"No more?"

Sunan continued to turn the page, but it was all blank.

It was obvious that Angel McLean never came back after he went out to find the Starry Tower.

I don't know if he found the Starry Tower in the end?

Sunan guessed that the answer was probably no.

Otherwise, this laboratory wouldn't have been untouched for fifty years.

Thinking of this, Sunan couldn't help but sigh.

With Ange McLean's talent, he would have become a powerful wizard in the wizard era a thousand years ago.

Unfortunately, he was born in the wrong era, and he could only waste his life and die unwillingly.

"Wizard's Jedi?"

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