Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 32 Fortunately, they are our own people

Su Nan looked at the scene in front of him with an indifferent expression.

Originally, with the strength of the middle-aged knight, even if he was not a match for Yin Long, he would not be crushed so quickly.

The key is that he did not understand Yin Long's ability and characteristics at all, and he did not even realize the existence of Yin Long at the beginning, so he was happy to kill him face to face.

Information gap can sometimes be fatal.

Retracting his sight, Su Nan turned his head to look at the Black Sword Knight.

Facing Su Nan's eyes, the Black Sword Knight instantly felt a chill all over his body.

He could see that the terrible beast was controlled by Su Nan behind the scenes.

Is this the power of the wizard?

It is as strange as the legend!

With the death of his companions, the current situation has become extremely unfavorable to the Black Sword Knight.

His mind turned quickly, and he immediately made a decision. The whole person turned into a residual image, and rushed towards Su Nan like a ghost in the dark night.

As long as Su Nan was killed, the beast would most likely fall into chaos, and he could take the opportunity to escape even if it was only for a moment.

Seeing the killer heading straight for Sunan, but the giant lizard was still dozens of meters away and unable to come back to help in time, Keyi's face suddenly changed, and he subconsciously rushed forward to stop him.

But then, he saw Sunan's calm face, and his footsteps stopped immediately, and he stopped where he was.

"Go to hell!"

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Black Sword Knight rushed hundreds of meters, and the black sword in his hand suddenly slashed down. Where the sword passed, a half-moon-shaped sword energy formed out of thin air, piercing through the void like lightning and rushing towards Sunan.

Dou Qi is released!

Dou Qi long-range attack skills that only the great knight can master!

Seeing that the sword energy was about to hit Sunan, a trace of joy flashed in the eyes of the Black Sword Knight.

But the next moment, his expression suddenly froze.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the sword energy seemed to hit something invisible, and it disappeared with a snort.

The force of the collision stirred up a twisted shock wave in the void, faintly outlining the shape of a tower shield.


The Black Sword Knight's eyes widened in shock.

What the hell is this? !

Before he could recover, Sunan had already raised his palm, with a sparkling ruby ​​between his raised index finger and thumb.

Under the moonlight, the blue-green lines on the surface of the gem flashed with beautiful luster, which was extremely eye-catching.

The next second, Sunan threw the gem fiercely.


Everyone seemed to hear a deafening thunder in their ears, and a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in their vision, and then they saw the Black Sword Knight flying backwards like a kite with a broken string, and hit a tall tree dozens of meters away with a bang.


The tree trunk, which was as thick as two people hugging, broke in the middle, and the upper half fell to the ground with a bang, stirring up billowing smoke and dust.

When the dust cleared, everyone looked closely and found that the Black Sword Knight was lying on the ground with a charred body, motionless, and unconscious.

There was silence all around.

Everyone stared at this scene with dull eyes, feeling dry mouths and tongues, and they couldn't come back to their senses for a long time with their mouths wide open.

Even Key was in a trance.

Although he guessed that Sunan had a way to deal with the Black Sword Knight, he didn't expect it to be so easy.

The Black Sword Knight couldn't even survive a face-to-face encounter before he was defeated and fainted!

That was a great knight!

Unknowingly, had Sunan become so powerful?


Key suddenly woke up.

It wasn't that Sunan had become stronger, but that he had never seen Sunan fighting with all his strength from the beginning, and had no idea of ​​Sunan's true strength.

Even now, Sunan obviously didn't try his best.

What level did his real strength reach?

Key stared at Sunan in a daze.

This younger brother who he had watched grow up since he was a child, now gave him a sense of unfathomable mystery.


The sound of hurried footsteps suddenly sounded, breaking the silence in the courtyard.

A large group of knights in armor rushed into the courtyard, led by Joton.

"Lord, we are here to support you. Where is the killer?"

Joton stopped talking halfway.

He stared at the messy courtyard, the people who were safe and sound, and the Black Sword Knight lying on the ground not far away, and blinked in confusion.

Already done?

Ke Yi had sorted out his emotions at this time, ordered the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, and took the Black Sword Knight away.

After arranging everything, he came to Sunan and said with a grim face: "It's the killer sent by Owen."

Sunan nodded calmly, which was something that could be guessed without thinking.

"But where did he find the killer from?" Ke Yi frowned.

Forces like killer organizations do exist in this world.

But they are all inferior forces.

Let alone the killers at the level of great knights, the killer organizations that can find a knight are considered first-class forces in the killer world.

At least Keyi and Sunan, two sons of noble families, have never heard of any assassin organization with a member of the Grand Knight level.

Sunan thought for a while and said, "Owen definitely doesn't have that power, otherwise he wouldn't have to endure until his father got into trouble before he broke up with him. I guess it's probably the connection of Marquis Jinyan."

Keyi's eyebrows jumped, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that what Sunan said made sense, and his face became even uglier.

He still had the confidence to deal with Owen alone, but if Marquis Jinyan intervened, things would be troublesome.

After all, the latter was the actual overlord of Jinyan Province, with tens of thousands of troops under his command.

The current Black Stone City was just a bigger ant in front of him.

Seeing Keyi's face changing, Sunan said calmly: "Don't worry, Marquis Jinyan didn't take action directly before, which means he still cares about the rules among the nobles and will not personally seize the vassal's territory. We just need to be careful to guard against the assassins he sent."

Keyi thought so and breathed a sigh of relief.

Coming back to his senses, looking at Sunan's calm expression, he couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Obviously, he is the lord, but he is not as calm as Sunan when encountering things. It seems that his character needs to be trained.

He didn't know that the reason why Sunan was so calm was actually because he didn't value the territory very much.

Now that he has passed the most difficult novice period, even if the territory is taken away next, it will only lose a stable source of funds.

He can take Keyi to the Jinghua Principality to hide, and come back to destroy the enemy after being promoted to a wizard.

As for making money, he has plenty of means.

Of course, it would be better if he could keep the territory.

After all, having your own power is much more convenient, whether making money or collecting resources.

But I won't say these words to Ke Yiming.

Not far away, Joton was pestering Brad to ask what happened.

After listening to Brad's narration, Joton couldn't help but look around with his eyes wide open.

A giant lizard over ten meters long that can easily crush the great knight is too mysterious, just like listening to a knight novel.

Seeing Joton's eyes darting around, Brad said unhappily: "Don't look for it, it's said that the giant lizard will be invisible, the great knight can't even detect its existence, can you still see it?"

Joton scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "I'm just curious, but then again, Lord Sunan is too powerful, the giant lizard was originally only at the peak knight level, and it was only caught and cultivated for a few months, and it can actually kill the great knight, it's incredible!"

The surrounding knights showed deep approval.

Who said it wasn't.

Every time they saw Lord Sunan's fighting methods, they felt that their cognition was refreshed.

Fortunately, this strong man is one of our own. If he were an enemy, it would make my scalp tingle just thinking about it.

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