Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 33 Let you speak for yourself

In order to avoid chaos, Key ordered the attack to be blocked.

After finding several lurking spies, the inner castle quickly returned to its former appearance and operated smoothly as usual.

As for the Black Sword Knight, after undergoing some treatment and barely saving his life, he was imprisoned for torture.

However, after two consecutive days, no valuable information was tortured out of him.

"That guy should have received anti-torture training. No matter how we tortured him, he refused to speak."

In the meeting room, Brad reported the results of the two days of torture.

"If you ask me, I don't believe he can bear it if we just crush his bones one by one." Joeton sneered.

Brad shook his head and said, "It's useless. He seems to have mastered some means to isolate pain. He didn't react at all when we tortured him."

"There is such a method?" Joeton widened his eyes in shock.

The other knights looked at each other when they heard it.

How can we torture him?

Key frowned, turned to look at Sunan who was sitting beside him, and asked: "Sunan, do you have any good ideas?"

Sunan nodded and said: "Leave it to me to interrogate."

When they heard that Sunan seemed to have a way, everyone was immediately refreshed.

Under the guidance of Brad and Jordan, Sunan came to the prison where the Black Sword Knight was imprisoned.

When he stepped into the cell, he saw the Black Sword Knight with his limbs tied tightly to the iron pillars with chains, and he looked extremely miserable.

There were still scorch marks left by the lightning rune gem on his body, and coupled with the torture in the past two days, there was almost no intact skin and flesh on his body.

But even so, he still didn't look like he was in pain at all.

When he saw Sunan coming in, his face changed slightly, and then he showed a disdainful sneer.

"Don't waste your energy. Don't even think about getting any information out of me. If you dare, just kill me!"

Sunan said calmly, "If you really want to die, there are plenty of ways to commit suicide. Why do you have to live until now?"

This remark obviously touched the pain point of the Black Sword Knight. The corners of his eyes twitched fiercely, and he snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Sunan didn't care at all, and came to the Black Sword Knight with a calm face.

"Since torture doesn't work on you, let you speak for yourself."

After hearing this, the Black Sword Knight looked even more disdainful. He was about to sneer at the other party, but the moment he met Sunan's eyes, his whole body trembled suddenly, and he felt that the other party's eyes were like a deep pool, and his soul actually had the illusion of being sucked in.

In just a few seconds, the Black Sword Knight's face became dull, his eyes were dull, as if he was sleepwalking.

"Name." Sunan spoke slowly.

"Uri Elric." The Black Sword Knight answered with a dull look.



Brad and Joton, who were following behind Sunan, were already dumbfounded.

What happened?

How did this guy suddenly become so obedient and answer whatever was asked?

The two soon noticed that the Black Sword Knight's face was not right, and they realized that Lord Sunan might have used that strange power called magic again.

I just didn't expect that there would be such a spell in the world that could make people lose their minds and answer questions obediently!

In front of such power, doesn't anyone have any secrets?

Brad and Joton took a breath, and looked at Sunan's back with more awe.

Sunan didn't notice the small movements of the two people behind him, and his eyes were directly on the Black Sword Knight.

The spell of Charming Human can affect the cognition of the recipient to a certain extent, making the other party regard you as a reliable partner.

The caster can give orders to the recipient to let him do something he would not do otherwise.

However, orders such as suicide or self-mutilation that are obviously harmful to oneself and threaten one's own life safety are likely to fail, resulting in the termination of the spell effect.

But if you just want to ask for some information, the spell of Charming Humans is still very useful.

"Who sent you to assassinate the Lord of Black Stone City?"

"It was the priest Casper."


Sunan raised his eyebrows: "What are your origins?"

"We belong to the Star Fire Church and believe in the great star god who created this continent!"

When it comes to the star god, even though he is under the influence of the spell, the black sword knight's dull face still shows a bit of fanaticism, which shows how deep his belief in the so-called star god is.

Star Fire Church?

Sunan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that these killers came from the Star Fire Church that attacked the Earl of Storm.

"What is your relationship with Marquis Jinyan?"

"I don't know." The black sword knight shook his head dullly.

Sunan frowned slightly. It is a foregone conclusion that Marquis Jinyan has a connection with the Star Fire Church.

Since this guy doesn't know, it means that the person responsible for contacting Marquis Jinyan should be a higher-level member of the Star Fire Church.

"How many companions do you have in Blackstone City?"

"There are four of us, including me."

"Tell me the list of spies you know."

The Black Sword Knight said six or seven names in one breath.

Some of them were the spies who were caught in the past two days.

Without Sunan's instructions, Brad consciously wrote down the names and hiding places of these people, and then left the prison with Jordan and rushed to catch them.

Sunan then asked about the organizational structure, strongholds, branches, and member status of the Star Fire Church.

According to the description of the Black Sword Knight, the Star Fire Church is a sect that believes in the Star God and is committed to spreading the great glory of the Star God throughout the continent.

They secretly cooperated with many nobles, and at the cost of assassinating competitors for the nobles, they used the power of these nobles to continuously expand the sect, and in just over ten years, they spread their tentacles throughout the Principality of Stars.

As for which nobles they had cooperated with, the Black Sword Knight didn't know much, they were all nobles of the baron and viscount level.

Members of his level could not get in touch with noble partners of higher status.

After all, above the priest, there are priests, chief priests, high chief priests and the pope who controls the entire sect.

"The great knights are only middle-level cadres. It seems that the foundation of the Spark Church is very strong."

Su Nan thought silently.

Before, he had guessed that the Spark Church might be related to wizard apprentices, but now it seems that he guessed wrong.

The Spark Church obviously took the religious belief route, which was completely different from the wizards who pursued truth and believed in the great power.

As for the strongholds, the Black Sword Knight didn't know much, only knowing that there were three strongholds in the Jinyan Province.

As for other provinces, it was completely unclear.

Keeping the personnel structure of the strongholds mentioned by the Black Sword Knight in mind, Sunan then asked about the actions of the Spark Cult in Jinyan Province in recent years.

The result was unknown until asked, and it was shocking.

It turned out that the seven or eight nobles who died in Jinyan Province in the past ten years were all behind the Spark Cult.

They killed these nobles by creating various unexpected coincidences, pretending that they died accidentally or died of illness.

If it was more difficult, they would assassinate them directly.

This included Sunan's cheap father.

He seemed to have died on the battlefield, but in fact, before the war broke out, the Spark Cult sent someone to pretend to replace a guard beside him, and then secretly attacked him on the battlefield, causing him to die at the hands of the enemy.

Although the Black Sword Knight did not know the real purpose behind this series of assassinations, Sunan could guess with his toes that the mastermind behind the scenes must be Marquis Jinyan.

Kill the vassal nobles, and then support the puppet to take the position, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling their territory in a roundabout way.

The ultimate goal of Marquis Jinyan is to completely control the entire Jinyan Province.

No, perhaps this is not the ultimate goal.

It is not necessary to go this far just to completely control Jinyan Province.

Marquis Jinyan may have a deeper purpose!

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