Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 34 Clues to the Wizard's Apprentice

After unexpectedly learning about Marquis Jinyan's conspiracy, Sunan felt a little heavy.

Unless they abandon their territory, they will definitely face off against the Marquis of Jinyan in the future.

Shaking his head, Sunan temporarily put the matter behind him and continued to interrogate the Black Sword Knight.

When he heard that the Spark Cult branch of Jinyan Province came out in full force some time ago just to hunt down a magical creature, Su Nan interrupted the Black Sword Knight and asked with interest: "What kind of magical creature is it?"

"A cat."


Sunan was slightly startled.

He thought it was some powerful and ferocious magical creature that forced the Spark Cult branch to dispatch a large number of manpower to capture it, but he didn't expect it to be a cat.

He thought about it carefully, and there seemed to be no powerful cat-like magical creatures in his memory.

However, the Starlight Continent is vast and rich in resources, and there may be cat-like magical creatures that he doesn't know about.

After thinking for a moment to no avail, Sunan had no choice but to continue asking: "Why do you want to capture that magical creature?"

"It's an order from the priest. I don't know the details. I only know that it seems to be related to the wizard."

The Black Sword Knight said with dull eyes.

"We deployed a lot of people, but that magical creature was very cunning. Until I came to Blackstone City to carry out the assassination mission, I didn't hear that anyone in the church had caught it."

"Magical creatures related to wizards. Could they be familiars?"

Sunan was thoughtful.

According to what the Black Sword Knight meant, they had been chasing the magical creature for a long time, but no one stopped them. This meant that the magical creature was probably ownerless, and it didn't look like a familiar.

Out of curiosity, Su Nan carefully inquired about the details of the matter several times. He didn't release the spell until he was sure that he couldn't find anything useful anymore.

After coming back from his daze, the Black Sword Knight showed a shocked expression.

"W-what did you do to me?"

Charming humans will not erase the memory of the subject. The Black Sword Knight clearly remembered the situation when he answered Sunan's questions just now. This made his hair stand on end and he could not understand how he could become like that.

However, Su Nan had no intention of explaining at all. Without even looking at the Black Sword Knight, he turned and left the prison, leaving the pale Black Sword Knight doubting his life.

Back in the meeting hall, Key, who had already heard the news from Brad, couldn't wait to greet him.

"Did that guy say anything else?"

Sunan didn't hide anything and told everything about the Spark Cult.

After hearing this, anger suddenly appeared in Keyi's eyes, and he punched the armrest of the chair angrily.

"I knew that my father's death must have something to do with them!"

After a while, he took a deep breath to calm down his anger, calmed down and said, "So the Marquis of Jinyan was behind the attack on Earl of Storm?"

Sunan nodded: "Most likely."

"The Earl of Storm was attacked and fell unconscious. He can secretly intervene in the struggle for the successor of Storm Territory. As long as he supports the puppet to ascend to power, he can secretly control Storm Territory."

In the Golden Rock Province, from the Marquis level down, the two most powerful lords, Earl Winterfrost and Earl Storm, were the most powerful.

Earl Winterfrost has already surrendered to the Marquis of Jinyan early and wears the same pants as the latter. If even the Storm Territory falls into the hands of the Marquis of Jinyan, then he will almost be able to control the entire Jinyan Province with one hand.

"We still have a chance."

Key took a deep breath, his eyes determined.

"The news from the Storm Territory is that the sons of the Storm Earl will not be able to tell the winner for a while. The Marquis of Jinyan will definitely focus his energy there and ignore the Flash Territory for the time being. As long as we are here If you take back the shining collar in the meantime, you will be able to fight with him. "

If other nobles heard Key's words, they would definitely laugh at him for talking nonsense.

How could a shining leader compete with the Marquis of Jinyan who controlled most of Jinyan Province?

But Keyi was confident about this.

As for the source of confidence, it is naturally Su Nan, the wizard apprentice!

Now that they control a Black Rock City, they have the confidence to compete with the barony.

If you own an entire barony, are you still afraid of competing with the Marquis of Jinyan?

Seeing that Keyi did not give up in frustration, but instead aroused fighting spirit, Sunan nodded secretly and mentioned another matter.

"I'm going to leave Black Rock City."

Key was slightly startled and asked subconsciously: "Where are you going?"

"Stone Bell City."

Key thought for a moment and vaguely remembered that Stone Bell City seemed to be within the Silver Moon Territory, which was the territory of the Silver Moon Viscount.

"What are you doing there?"

"Looking for something." Sunan said vaguely, without saying anything clearly.

Stone Bell City is exactly what the Knight of the Black Sword said, a town infested by magical creatures hunted by the Spark Cult.

Since coming to this world, this is the first time that Sunan has found clues about the wizard, so naturally he cannot miss this opportunity in vain.

Even if it turns out that the magical creature has nothing to do with the wizard, it doesn't matter.

A rare cat-like magical creature was worth a trip in itself, and maybe there would be some extra rewards.

Furthermore, the Spark Cult assassinated the two brothers this time. Although he did not have enough strength to confront the Spark Cult in a short period of time, and he had to bear with it for the time being, he was actually very unhappy in his heart.

If you find that magical creature before the Spark Cult and cut off their beard, you can collect some interest in advance.

After listening to Sunan's words, Keyi didn't ask any more questions.

Anyway, Viscount Yinyue happened to belong to the group of nobles who were not close to Marquis Jinyan.

In the Silver Moon Territory, Marquis Jinyan and Owen are out of reach even if they want to do anything, so there is no need to worry about Sunan getting into danger.

"When are we leaving?"

"In a few days."

Considering that this trip is likely to be against the Spark Cult, Sunan plans to make more preparations.

For example, make more rune gems for self-defense.

And continue to strengthen the power of the Hidden Dragon.

After making all the preparations, it won't be too late to go to Stone Bell City.

Anyway, according to the Black Sword Knight, the Spark Cult has no way to deal with that magical creature, and the latter should not be caught in the short term.

In order to avoid being assassinated again, Keyi decided to move to the barracks, where he ate, drank, slept and handled government affairs.

Unless it was a legendary knight, there was basically no need to worry about someone being able to assassinate Keyi under the protection of thousands of soldiers and more than 300 knight-level combat forces (including Black Rock Leopard).

Considering that he was about to leave Black Stone City, in order to be more secure, Sunan also "upgraded" Keyi's Black Rock Leopard to the Great Knight level.

Including the previous ones, this Knight-level Black Rock Leopard consumed a total of 42 Black Rock Leopards, costing nearly 1,600 gold coins.

Even in Black Rock City, which has mines, the tax revenue in a year is only enough to produce three Knight-level Black Rock Leopards.

Of course, both Key and Brad and others said it was worth it.

1,600 gold coins for a Knight-level combat power, it's really a good deal!

Please vote for next month, I'd like to thank you for my insomnia!

And the book has been renamed Synthesis Wizard.

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