Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 49: Evil Spirit Manor

Cubero Estate.

In just one or two months, this once bustling manor was completely abandoned.

It's better during the day, but it's downright ghostly at night.

The soldiers responsible for sealing off the manor could hear vague and strange whining sounds every night, as if a female ghost was moaning and moaning, which scared them so much that they couldn't sleep well at night.

If it weren't for the pressure from their superiors, the soldiers would have been unable to hold on and ran away.

Silver Moon Viscount Sa once sent people to explore. As a result, a big knight and five knights went in. In the end, only one knight came out alive, and his spirit was already a little abnormal.

Standing not far from the manor, Viscount Silveryue suddenly felt pain again as he thought of the lost knights and knights.

"What's the situation inside now?" Sunan asked.

The clerk on the side quickly said: "The manor is now covered with datura. Most of the original vegetation has died and withered, and there is sometimes a faint mist during the day."

Sunan's eyes flashed slightly when he heard this.

Datura is beautiful and enchanting and has medicinal properties, but it is also a poisonous plant and has hallucinogenic effects.

Those datura that are accompanied by bloody datura in the manor are definitely more toxic and hallucinogenic than ordinary datura.

Right now, the entire manor is filled with the pollen and fragrance of these datura, and the entire environment has been transformed into a highly poisonous area. Anyone below the level of a knight may be poisoned and die within a short distance of entering.

It is as strong as the Knight and the Great Knight. In that kind of environment, it is considered good to be able to exert six or seven points out of ten strength.

"Your Excellency Ange, what are you going to do?" Viscount Silveryue asked.

Su Nan added a shield to himself and said casually: "Just wait outside."

Viscount Yinyue said in astonishment: "Don't you need me to send someone to go in with you?"

"No need." Su Nan waved his hand.

The knight cannot play much role in the ghost realm of evil spirits and will only be a hindrance.

He didn't want to be in the middle of a fierce battle with evil spirits and suddenly find that his allies had been manipulated by illusions and turned into enemies who stabbed him in the back.

Taking out a rune gem and holding it in his palm, Sunan strode towards the manor.

Both Hidden Dragon and Amy were left outside by him.

Evil spirits rely on perception to locate their prey. The hidden dragon's ability to change color and convert reality into reality is useless in front of evil spirits, and its sharp claws cannot harm evil spirits.

Amy was even less helpful.

Entering the manor from the outside, just stepping through a door, the light in the field of vision suddenly became much darker.

Everything you see seems to be covered with a layer of gray color, and there is deathly silence and gloominess everywhere.

The temperature in the air suddenly became much colder, and the cold wind blew by, bringing with it a faint choking sound.

"What a rich negative energy particle."

Su Nan raised her eyebrows slightly.

For wizards who specialize in necromancy spells or have ways to eliminate the impact of negative energy particles on the body, this manor is undoubtedly a treasured place for practice.

Meditating here can at least double your efficiency.

Unfortunately, Sunan did not have the means to eliminate the side effects of negative energy particles, so he could only give up.

But even if there were, the evil spirits here would not allow him to practice in peace.

After a slight pause, Sunan continued walking inside.

As far as the naked eye can see, there are datura flowers in full bloom.

After Sunan entered, these mandala flowers began to sway slightly, and the swaying movements were unusually neat. Even the flower openings were faintly facing Sunan, which was creepy.

However, Sunan looked as usual and ignored these mandala flowers.

In my previous life, I have seen so many species in the game that lose sanity. There are countless disgusting monsters in the multiverse such as Whispering Balls, Death Stalkers, and Sosaside Parasites. There are also scenes that make people lose sanity like crazy. They abound.

Compared with those scenes that make people couldn't help but suspect the designer's psychological problems, this situation is considered normal.

Passing through the deserted courtyard, Sunan entered from the side door and walked through the corridor to the hall.

Under the influence of negative energy particles, the furniture here has begun to mold and rot.

Datura vines passed through the furniture and spread in all directions, almost covering the entire hall.

Su Nan took out a long sword from the Rubik's Cube and casually cut off the vines blocking the way, ignoring the faint sobbing coming from his ears.

I searched a few more places, but still found nothing.

Along the way, besides datura flowers, there are also datura flowers.

"Sure enough, without spells such as detecting undead, it is impossible to find the evil spirits in the ghost realm with the naked eye."

Sunan stopped and glanced at the strange fog that spread around him at some point.

When he entered the manor, he had already activated the protective ring.

There is a protective force field guarding you, so you don't have to worry about being affected by the poisonous fog, but if you stay here for a long time, the protective force field will soon be eroded and dissipated.

"We have to fight quickly."

Su Nan no longer hesitated, flipped his wrist, and there was already a ruby ​​in his palm.

The next second, raging waves of flames centered on him and suddenly exploded in all directions.

Wherever the flames passed, datura flowers and vines fled around like living creatures, but they were quickly caught up by the flames, twisting and burning crazily, and the fire spread quickly.

In an instant, the entire manor boiled like boiling oil poured with water.

The choking sounds all around suddenly rose to a higher pitch.

The surrounding mist rushed towards the burning mandragora, as if trying to put out the flames, but the magic flames formed by high-density energy particles were different from ordinary flames, and these mists could not put them out at all.

Sunan changed a few places and threw a few flame rune gems.

Before long, the whole manor had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

As the mandragora flowers were burned into charcoal in large numbers, the strange fragrance and mist in the air dissipated visibly.


A piercing scream suddenly sounded.

It seemed that there was an extra layer of strange energy in the void, and the momentum of the rapidly spreading sea of ​​fire suddenly stagnated, and then it weakened rapidly at an astonishing speed, and finally disappeared.

At the same time, a dark red mandragora flower suddenly appeared out of thin air on the open space a hundred meters in front of Sunan. The flower was blooming beautifully, but the stamen in the center was a distorted human face.

Next to the mandala flower, there was a girl wearing a white dress stained with black and red blood, with disheveled hair and a pale and twisted face.

She stared at Su Nan with resentment, and a cold and weird smile appeared on her face.

"Finally you are willing to show up." Su Nan raised his eyebrows.


Accompanied by a weird laugh, a group of dark shadows appeared from all sides, surrounding Su Nan in the middle.

They maintained the outline of human form, and their appearance before birth could be vaguely recognized. Many of them were servants and soldiers who died in the manor.

Among them, there were five armored warriors with particularly gloomy auras, who were the five dead knights and knights under the command of Viscount Silver Moon.

These souls after death have been transformed into resentful souls by the bloody mandala.

They paused slightly, and then rushed towards Su Nan with a sharp hiss.

Su Nan had no intention of dodging at all. These resentful souls alone could not break the protective force field on his body.

He spread out his palm, and a pure gem appeared in his palm out of thin air.

The next second, he pointed his finger, and a ghost suddenly tilted its body, and was involuntarily pulled by some invisible force, screaming as it was pulled into the gem.

After a strange spell of light, the gem was stained with a strange gray.

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