Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 50 Soul Crystal

The soul is a carrier, the energy it contains is soul energy, and the transformation into an entity is [soul crystal].

In the opinion of many wizards, soul energy is the most all-encompassing energy in the multiverse.

You must know that even elemental energy cannot be absorbed by many creatures.

But soul energy is different. There are almost no creatures that cannot absorb and utilize soul energy.

Soul energy is arguably the most versatile energy in the multiverse.

The soul crystal is the product of the dissipation of the soul after death, a condensed body of soul energy.

Unfortunately, it is difficult for soul crystals to occur naturally, and only some special beings will drop original soul crystals.

In most cases, wizards obtain soul crystals through artificial creation.

If you want to artificially create soul crystals, you must prepare a carrier.

What wizards use most are various gems.

What Sunan is doing now is to artificially create soul crystals.

Accompanied by unwilling screams, ghosts were pulled into the gem one after another, and the color of the gem gradually changed to gray.

In just a few moments, all the resentful souls around Sunan were wiped away.

"Any more?"

Sunan looked at the evil spirit expectantly.

Just such a small amount of resentful soul is not enough to completely transform the gem into a soul crystal.

Seemingly irritated by Sunan's gaze, the evil spirit screamed and raised his hand to receive a negative energy shock.

Unfortunately, the attack was blocked by a shield as soon as it reached Sunan.

Seeing this, the evil spirit simply lifted its feet off the ground and rushed towards Sunan.

"Is this the only resentment?"

Sunan frowned in dissatisfaction, then without even looking at the attacking evil spirit, he uttered complex and difficult syllables.

He currently has three layers of protection on his body.

Shields, energy particles and rings of protection.

There is also an earth rune gem held in the palm of the hand, ready to be activated at any time.

There is no need to worry that evil spirits can break through one's defense in a short time.

Sure enough.

By the time he prepared the spell, the evil spirit's hands covered with sharp claws couldn't even break through the shield.

Spell missile!

Three fist-sized missiles shot out and penetrated the evil spirit's illusory body like bullets. The latter suddenly let out a shrill scream, and its body became visibly dimmed to the naked eye.

Sunan's expression remained unchanged and he calmly released the second spell missile.

The fighting between the two sides instantly became intense.

The evil spirit completely gave up on defense - in fact, she couldn't defend herself - and kept changing directions around Sunan to attack, intent on breaking through, intercepting and tearing the latter's body apart, but unfortunately they were all stopped in time by the shield.

Sunan concentrated on releasing spell missiles.

When the evil spirit finally tore apart the invisible shield in front of it, it had been hit by four spell missiles in a row, and its originally translucent body became more and more illusory, with a feeling that it was about to dissipate at any time.

At this time, the evil spirit finally realized that something was wrong and tried to escape.

Unfortunately it was too late.

After releasing the fifth spell missile that he had prepared, Sunan then raised the gem in his hand.

The evil spirit, which had been hit by three more spell missiles, was pulled closer to the gem by a huge invisible attraction before it could catch its breath.

Although it struggled frantically, it was still unable to resist the power of the gem, and eventually its entire soul entered the gem.

And as the soul submerged, the color of the gem also completely changed, turning into a gray crystal!

"It's done!"

A hint of joy appeared on Sunan's face.

Under normal circumstances, he would have to use the souls of at least dozens of knights to create the lowest soul crystal.

However, with his current mental strength, he is still unable to extract the soul from the corpse. He can only use some magic items or magic circles - unfortunately he does not have them.

The resentful evil spirits are much simpler. Just beat them to weaken their strength and then forcefully absorb them.

One evil spirit is worth twenty or thirty knight souls.

Putting away the crystal, Sunan raised his head and looked at the bloody mandala not far away.

The evil spirit can be said to be a clone formed by condensing almost all the power of the bloody mandala. It is not restricted by the flower body and can move freely.

Therefore, with the death of the evil spirit, Bloody Mandala also suffered a heavy blow, and became visibly weakened.

Even the size has shrunk a lot, leaving only less than twenty centimeters tall.

When Sunan pulled it out of the ground, the bloody mandala let out a shrill scream and struggled violently to get back into the ground. However, it was so weak that it couldn't resist Sunan's strength and was forcefully stuffed into a plated hole. In a silver box.

The surface of the box is engraved with a spirit-sealing magic circle, which can restrain the bloody mandala's spiritual power from escaping.

As long as the box is not opened, the bloody mandala cannot become a demon.

After doing all this, Sunan clapped his hands and looked around.

As the entrenched evil spirits were eliminated and the bloody mandalas were sealed, large areas of mandalas in the manor began to wither and wither.

After a short time, the environment returned to normal. Apart from being a little dilapidated, nothing abnormal could be seen.

But in fact, there are still a lot of negative energy particles left in the air, which cannot be inhabited for the time being. If they are lost naturally, it will not return to normal levels within four to five months.

Of course, if a wizard apprentice comes to purify it, it will return to normal in a few days.

But Su Nan was not willing to do unpaid work.

To be honest, one thousand gold coins is already very cheap to kill an evil spirit.

If it weren't for the bloody mandala and soul crystal, he wouldn't have been willing to take this kind of job.

Outside the manor.

Viscount Yinyue paced back and forth, looking up at the manor from time to time, his expression unable to hide his anxiety.

Not long after Sunan entered the manor, a raging fire suddenly ignited inside, followed by a series of screams, which frightened him.

He wanted to take people in to investigate, but he didn't dare to take the risk.

He was so anxious that a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Fortunately, Sunan came out of the manor not long after.

"Mr. Ange."

Viscount Yinyue greeted him immediately, wanting to say something but stopping.

Sunan said lightly: "The evil spirit has been destroyed by me."

Hearing this, Viscount Yinyue breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are still a lot of negative energy particles left in the manor, don't live in it within half a year." Sunan reminded again.

Viscount Yinyue nodded quickly to show that he understood.

In fact, Sunan didn't need to say that he would not divide the manor any more.

After such a strange thing happened, the manor will be closed and abandoned in the future.

But it doesn't matter. As long as Shizhong City is not affected, he won't feel too bad about a manor.

"This time, it's all thanks to Lord Ange. I have asked people to prepare a dinner. Please give me a favor."

Viscount Silver Moon's tone was very enthusiastic.

It was not easy to meet a powerful wizard, so of course he was reluctant to let him go.

If he could recruit him to his territory, he would be very happy even if he divided a town to him.

But to Viscount Silver Moon's disappointment, Sunan refused without thinking.

"No, I have something else to do."

After saying that, without waiting for Viscount Silver Moon to respond, Sunan left without looking back.

At this time, a guard ran from a distance and passed by him.

Before Sunan had gone far, his keen hearing allowed him to clearly hear the guard's whispered report to Viscount Silver Moon.

"My Lord, the Flash Baron has declared war on Blackstone City!"

Today's 10,000-word update ends this plot and returns to Blackstone City. Please vote for me next month. Thank you everyone.

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