Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 52 I really can't think of a reason to lose


The deafening shouts and screams echoed over the city wall.

Countless siege ladders were set up in front of the city wall, and a large number of mercenaries and soldiers climbed up densely.

Looking from a distance, the city wall looks like countless ants clinging to it.

On the Starlight Continent where knights roam, the defensive role of towering city walls is not very obvious.

Even a trainee knight can climb up the city wall despite arrows and falling rocks.

Not to mention the knight, the height of only tens of meters is just a few vertical jumps for the knight.

Therefore, the city wall often becomes a key point in fierce competition between the two sides.

Less than half an hour after the war broke out, the city wall had turned into a bloody battlefield like a meat grinder. Blood spread outward along the gaps between the stone bricks, and soon soaked the ground.

Behind the battlefield.

In the center of the heavy guard of the army, four knights in armor looked coldly at the city wall with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Devin frowned and said, "Black Rock City's resistance is unexpectedly strong."

"It's normal." The tall Zolf said in a low voice, "Expanding the army is ultimately a matter of money. Key holds a treasure like the Black Stone Mining Area. It would be a waste if the military strength does not improve at all."

Norwood smiled and said: "Don't worry, our military strength is several times that of Black Rock City. No matter how hard you think, we can't lose."

Then he showed a flattering smile to the man next to him.

"What's more, we still have Lord Martell here, and with you leading the army, defeating Black Rock City is just a matter of hands."

The man named Martell is about forty years old, with a tough appearance and a powerful aura. He is one of the newly entrusted lords after Owen occupied the shining collar, and he is also his confidant.

Martell is also a high-ranking knight.

This time, he led the army on the expedition under Owen's order, and he worked hard to make meritorious deeds so that he could entrust more land.

After listening to Norwood's words, a flash of pride flashed across Martell's face and he smiled: "Lord Norwood is right. There is a gap of several times in strength. I really can't think of a reason to lose."

Devin was more mature and prudent after all. Seeing the disdainful expressions on Black Rock City between the two of them, he couldn't help but remind him: "Don't forget that there is a wizard in Black Rock City."

"Lord Devon is talking about Sunan."

Norwood smiled.

"We have watched that kid grow up. He has been cowardly and timid since he was a child, and his body is so weak that he can't even practice breathing techniques. How can such a loser be a wizard?"

"Besides, it's not certain whether the rumors about wizards are true or false."

Martell also looked disapproving.

Even if he is a real wizard, he is not afraid of the dignified high-ranking knight.

Devin actually had doubts about this rumor in his heart. Seeing that both of them were indifferent, he stopped talking and continued to look at the battle in the distance.

The first group to attack the city were mercenaries and the troops brought by the three lords, and their combat effectiveness was far from outstanding.

Because of this, our own army has not captured the city wall yet, and the fierce tug of war continues.

Even because it has been unable to attack for a long time, our own army's offensive has begun to show some fatigue.

Seeing this, Martell finally couldn't hold it any longer and led the elite troops from Flash Tie to charge forward.

As Martell's army entered the battlefield, the pressure on the defenders increased sharply.

In just a moment, the siege army occupied an additional area of ​​​​the city wall.

Martell used an indomitable and courageous attitude to plow a path of blood among the defenders, killing them until the defense line was crumbling.

Seeing this scene from a distance with a brass telescope, Devin and the other three looked happy at the same time.

"As expected of Lord Martell, he is truly amazing!"

"This is the power of the senior knight!"

But just when the three of them were happy, the situation on the city wall suddenly changed.

A group of panther-like creatures suddenly rushed up the city wall and ferociously attacked the siege army.

These ferocious beasts were unexpectedly powerful, and they were even able to fight against the knights. For a while, the momentum of the siege army's attack came to a halt.

at the same time.

Key also appeared on the city wall with a black panther and stopped Martell.

Although Key is only a junior knight and is far less powerful than Martell, he can't stand the fact that he has a fierce knight-level black rock leopard beside him who is not afraid of death.

One person and one beast cooperated so well that for a while, even Martell was unable to do anything to them.

"What is that?" Norwood was shocked.

Devon and Zolf also showed shocked expressions.

After coming back to his senses, Devin hesitated and said: "That seems to be the mount of the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment."


Zolf and Norwood looked at each other in astonishment.

They knew that Black Rock City had formed a cavalry regiment, and the mount was said to be a strange leopard beast.

At the time, they scoffed at it and didn't take it too seriously.

Although many exotic beasts are more powerful than war horses, being powerful does not mean they are suitable for the battlefield.

For cavalry, the most important thing about a mount is its tameness and its ability to obey its master's orders.

Only in this way can one plus one be greater than two.

It's just that exotic beasts that can be domesticated on a large scale and adapted to the battlefield are extremely rare.

At that time, the three people in Devon only thought that Black Rock City was trying to please others.

But when they actually saw it, they were shocked to find that those black panthers advanced and retreated in a controlled manner, cooperated extremely well, and were not afraid of death. They were more elite than the most elite soldiers!

It's simply not suitable for the battlefield!

If all the mounts of the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment were this kind of creature, then the combat effectiveness of this army would be terrifying!

With two hundred Black Rock Leopards joining the battlefield, the area originally occupied by the attacking party was quickly taken back.

The battle suddenly fell into a stalemate again.

"Damn it! Black Rock City actually has such a trump card!" Norwood was annoyed.

Zorf frowned and said, "This is troublesome. With those strange beasts, it may not be so easy to break through Black Rock City."

Daven also frowned.

With such a variable out of thin air, even if they can finally capture Black Rock City, they will probably be seriously injured.

"The loss of siege is too great, it is better to besiege the city."

After thinking for a while, Daven looked at the other two.

"Winter has just passed, and there must not be much food in Black Rock City. As long as we besiege it for one or two months, Black Rock City will definitely not be able to hold on. At that time, they will definitely come out of the city and fight us."

Zorf and Norwood's eyes lit up and nodded.

"Good idea."

"Wait until Lord Martell comes back, and I'll propose this!"

The main force for the decisive battle outside the city will be the elite cavalry regiment under Baron Owen.

In this way, their army's casualties can be reduced.

When the three were proud of coming up with a good idea, they suddenly heard a shrill scream.

They turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound, and were shocked to find that the right wing of the army, where the elite cavalry regiment was located, was in chaos for some reason.

Hundreds of war horses fled in all directions, and the neighing sound was endless.

Many cavalrymen were thrown off their horses, and then they were trampled into meat paste by the swarming horses' hooves.

In the process of appeasing their horses, more cavalrymen were thrown out as if they were hit by a running elephant, falling more than ten meters away, howling miserably.

Some unlucky guys even twisted their bodies into strange arcs in mid-air, and died without even a groan after landing.

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