Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 53: Surrender and kill half

"What happened?"

Devin was shocked and angry, and summoned his adjutant to question him.

However, the adjutant also looked confused.

"Sir, I don't know what's going on. Those soldiers suddenly flew out!"


Devin's face darkened, and he didn't care to continue yelling at the adjutant. He turned his horse around and wanted to go over and see for himself.

But the next moment, he stopped.

Just because the commotion in the distance is spreading here.

It was only when he got closer that Devin could see a clue.

There seemed to be an invisible giant beast rushing towards this side of the crowd. Soldiers blocking the way were knocked away and suffered broken muscles and bones.

Looking down from a high altitude, one can clearly see that the originally dense crowd was forcibly plowed out a shocking path of blood, spreading towards where Devin and the other three were!

When Devin and the other three saw this, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Stop it!" Devin almost roared and ordered.

However, facing the invisible enemy, the soldiers had no way of intercepting them. They could only block the way with their flesh and blood bodies. However, they were knocked away in the next second, or even broke into several pieces on the spot, with blood splattering.

Such a bloody scene made the fear on the faces of the surrounding soldiers even more intense.

After dozens of soldiers died in mysterious and tragic deaths, the remaining people finally collapsed, screaming in terror and fleeing in all directions.

"Death to those who run away!"

Devin killed a soldier who was running away like a headless fly with one sword, and shouted loudly.

Unfortunately, this move was of no use to the soldiers who were blinded by fear.

Only a few knights bravely stood in front of the three lords.

They are all knights with village enfeoffments. Once they escape on the battlefield, they will inevitably be liquidated afterwards and deprived of their village territory.

"Damn it! What kind of monster is that?" Norwood looked frightened.

"That's my magic pet."

A voice suddenly came from behind.

Everyone turned around suddenly, and then they were shocked to realize that someone else had appeared behind them.

After seeing the man's face clearly, Norwood's pupils shrank suddenly and he blurted out:


In his opinion, Sunan should be in Blackstone City now. How could he cross the battlefield and appear in the center of his own army?

How did this guy do it?

Devin and Zolf were also a little surprised, but they looked at each other, quickly made a decision, and pulled out their weapons with a clang.

"Kill him!"

The surrounding knights swarmed forward and charged towards Sunan with murderous intent.

Compared with terrifying invisible monsters, enemies that can be seen with one's own eyes are obviously easier to deal with.

However, they soon discovered that this idea was wrong.

A dazzling thunder suddenly erupted in the field of vision, and the dazzling light made the knights subconsciously close their eyes.

And once I close my eyes, I can never open them again.

Severe pain swept through their bodies in the next moment, and darkness flooded their consciousness.

Devin and the other three saw Sunan wave his hand, and countless thunder and lightning suddenly erupted, snaking through the void like a long snake and shooting out in all directions.

In just an instant, more than a dozen knights were all turned into charcoal and fell to the ground dead!

Devin and the other three looked at this scene with dull eyes, their minds were blank, and their mouths were wide open, unable to speak.

This, what kind of power is this? !

More than a dozen knights, including some high-level knights, were killed instantly? !

The three people's faces were pale, and their eyes looking at Sunan were filled with uncontrollable horror and fear.

Only then did they suddenly realize that the rumors about Sunan were actually true!

Whether it was the powerful means of the legendary wizard or whether Sunan had become a wizard, the authenticity of these rumors was extremely powerfully proven at this moment.

Seeing Sunan looking at him with indifferent eyes, Zolf suddenly jumped up and reacted first, shouting urgently:

"Wait a minute, I surrender."

"As long as you don't kill me, I can ask my family to pay a huge ransom!"

Zolf said quickly, fearing that Sunan would take action if he spoke too slowly.

Devon and Norwood quickly reacted and said the same thing.

Not to mention the unfathomable Sunan, the invisible giant beast alone is a terrifying and terrifying weapon of war when placed on the battlefield!

No matter how elite the army is, it will collapse in the face of such a monster!

They even doubted whether Martell could deal with Sunan and the giant beast.

No matter what, the most important thing right now is to save his own life.


Su Nan smiled, nodded and said:

"Okay, surrender and kill half."

Devin and the other three were delighted when they heard the first half of the sentence, but then they were stunned.

What does killing half mean?

Before the three of them could figure it out, Su Nan raised his hand, and dense wind blades emerged out of thin air, sweeping in like a flurry of sharp arrows, smashing their lower bodies into a puff of blood mist!

It wasn't until their upper bodies fell to the ground that the three of them reacted and let out shrill screams.

The knight's powerful physique allowed the three of them to scream for four or five minutes even though only half of their bodies were left, before gradually becoming quiet and dying with fear and despair in their hearts.

Sunan withdrew his gaze and turned around to look around.

Under the back and forth charge of the hidden dragon, the enemy was killed and injured, and the rest escaped completely.

Seeing this, Sunan directly ordered Yinlong to charge towards the enemy troops who were attacking the city.

The siege army never expected that an enemy would come from behind, and they were caught off guard.

The key is that the soldiers attacking the city had no idea where the attack was coming from. When they looked up, they only saw the twisted and broken bodies of their companions, with broken limbs and flesh flying everywhere. They were so frightened that their faces were pale and their eyes were blank.

Martell also noticed something was wrong at this time.

"What on earth are those three guys doing? How did they let the enemy come over?"

But when he took the time to look back, he could only see a messy camp and corpses everywhere.

What's going on?

What about the troops on standby?

Why did it all disappear in the blink of an eye?

Martell looked astonished.

On the other hand, when Key, Brad, Qiao Dun and others saw the scene below, they immediately thought of the invisible giant beast raised by Sunan, and their faces showed surprise.

"It's Your Excellency Sunan!"

"Your Excellency Sunan is back!"

The word "Sunan" seemed to have some kind of magic power. As soon as this name came out, the morale of the defending knights immediately increased, and the offensive suddenly became much more fierce.

"Su Nan? That wizard?"

Martell's expression changed, and he vaguely understood that he and others might have misjudged a very important piece of information.

It's a pity that I realized it was too late at this time.

After all, Martell was a decisive person. When he saw that the situation was not good, he did not hesitate at all. He retreated decisively and jumped off the city wall, intending to escape.

But the moment he landed, he suddenly felt his ankles tightening. He looked down and was shocked to find that there was a bloody vine under his feet that was spreading upwards along his ankles.

Martell immediately slashed with his sword, but the bloody vines were unexpectedly tough. He could only cut off one vine with all his strength.

Moreover, he clearly felt that his physical strength was being lost and being absorbed by these weird vines.

Not far away, Sunan raised his hand slightly, and the blood vine ring on his index finger shimmered.

He smiled coldly, a light flashed in front of his palm, and three spell missiles roared out.

Martell, whose movements were restricted by the blood vines, could not dodge at all. He could only watch as three spell missiles struck, piercing through the armor and causing the Dou Qi shield to fluctuate violently.

The violent impact made Martell's face turn pale, and before he could catch his breath, three more spell missiles hit him.

Under the fear of death, Martell gave a sharp shout, and his strong fighting spirit suddenly burst out. He tore the blood vines on his body into pieces with a roar, and then ran away in the distance without looking back.

But just after running more than ten meters, he suddenly felt a cold air rushing up from his back, and instinctively raised his long sword to slash diagonally behind him.


The crisp sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly burst out.

The long sword seemed to hit something, and sparks appeared out of thin air.

Vaguely, Martell seemed to see the outline of a giant beast lying on all fours with sharp teeth and claws.

Before he could figure it out, the giant beast suddenly twisted around and pulled its thick tail out of the air!


Martell flew backwards and fell out like a kite with its string cut off. A mouthful of blood spurted out in mid-air, and he fell heavily to the ground with a loud bang.


Three spell missiles struck immediately, and Martell's head instantly exploded like a watermelon!

Seeing the headless body lying on the ground from a distance, Sunan slowly retracted his palm.

The high-level knight is a bit trickier. Without using rune gems, you have to team up with the hidden dragon to kill him.

Martell's death was like the straw that broke the camel's back. The siege soldiers could no longer hold on and began to flee.

Generals such as Brad and Jordan immediately opened the city gates and led their men to chase and kill the defeated troops.

Key strode up to Sunan, laughed and gave him a warm hug.

"Welcome home!"

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