Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 70 Seed improvement and selection

There are seven provinces in the Principality of Stars.

Among them, Jinyan Province is located in the northernmost part of the Principality, bordering Hulan Province in the southwest, and Ranshuang Province in the distance.

"What disease?" Sunan asked.

Ke Yi didn't say much and handed over the parchment.

Sunan took it and looked at it, and his brows frowned.

It turned out that just a month ago, a strange disease suddenly appeared in Yinling City in Ranshuang Province. The sick people would gradually grow beast-like hair, claws and fangs, and even more beast characteristics, and would attack others like crazy, showing an extremely strong desire for flesh and blood.

The Lord of Yinling City did not take it seriously at first, and sent guards to kill the sick and buried them hastily.

But the matter did not end there, and more people infected with the disease appeared in the city.

In just one month, the number of infected people in Yinling City exceeded 500, and it was still increasing at an alarming rate.

The situation has developed to this point, and the Yinling City army alone can no longer handle it.

As a last resort, the Lord of Yinling City had to ask Marquis Ranshuang for help.

Marquis Ranshuang has already sent out troops to suppress the crazy infected people.

After reading the contents on the parchment, Sunan couldn't help but grinning like he had a toothache.

Isn't this beast disease!

Rather than saying it is a disease, beast disease is more like a reversion phenomenon.

For humans infected with beast disease, the beast factor in their bodies will be completely activated, and many beast characteristics will appear in their bodies, losing their minds and becoming bloodthirsty and ferocious beasts.

However, only primitive beast people can spread beast disease.

Primitive beast people refer to the first generation of beast people, and the next generation derived from primitive beast people.

For example, beast people derived from primitive beast people and normal humans or ordinary beast people do not belong to primitive beast people.

For example, the beast person guard Ota next to Mu Zhuo of the Fire Fox Chamber of Commerce is obviously an ordinary beast person.

In ancient times, primitive beastmen once caused a [beast disaster], causing a large number of casualties, until it was suppressed by wizards later.

Since then, wizards have realized the threat of primitive beastmen, so they killed them all.

Those who can stay are ordinary beastmen who reproduced with normal humans.

So it stands to reason that primitive beastmen should no longer exist on the Starlight Continent, so how can beast disease appear?

Sunan was secretly puzzled.

"This is beast disease." Sunan handed the parchment back.

Seeing Ke Yi's puzzled expression, he had to explain in detail what beast disease is.

After hearing this, Ke Yi's expression suddenly became particularly solemn.

"Is it difficult to deal with the infected who have turned into beastmen?"

"It depends on the physique of the infected. If it is just an ordinary person, the infection will at most turn him into an apprentice knight. But if it is an apprentice knight or a knight, it will be very difficult."

"Beastiality can be serious or minor. If we can find the source of infection as soon as possible, curb the spread, and then clear all the infected people, we can quickly calm the situation. But if it is not well controlled, it may cause a disaster." Sunan shook his head.

Ke Yi frowned more and more when he heard this, and sighed: "I hope Ran Shuang Province can control the situation as soon as possible."

Sunan pursed his lips, but he was not too worried.

There is still Hulan Province between Ran Shuang Province and Flash Territory. Even if Ran Shuang Province really breaks out in the beast disaster, it will be the Marquis Ran Shuang and the marquises of neighboring provinces who will have a headache, and it is not his turn to worry.

Time flies, and it enters the month of Xialong in a blink of an eye.

The Fire Fox Chamber of Commerce finally sent the seeds of Silver Moon Flower and Red Vein Fruit.

The construction of the Magic Plant Garden was finally put on the agenda.

However, before planting, Sunan still had to improve the seeds of the Silver Moon Flower and the Red Vein Fruit.

The former is relatively simple, just two words - synthesis!

Use the basic Silver Moon Flower seeds to synthesize better varieties.

Of course, synthesis is not infinite.

Although in theory, as long as there are enough Silver Moon Flower seeds, Sunan can continue to improve it.

But the problem is that the better the variety, the more demanding the growth environment.

If the synthesized Silver Moon Flower is too good, then even if the Magic Plant Garden with the energy gathering array is arranged, the energy particle concentration may not meet its growth conditions.

So what Sunan has to do is to find the extreme improved version of the seeds that just fit the energy particle concentration of the Magic Plant Garden.

This process is not difficult, just plant different synthetic seeds, and then compare them according to the growth performance, and pick out the best one.

It took almost two months for Sunan to select the most suitable and excellent variety.

The improvement process of the Red Vein Fruit is much more difficult and long-lasting.

The red vein fruit seeds must be fused with the blood of the sub-dragon first, and the improved red vein fruit seeds must be obtained after planting for a round before synthesis can be carried out.

Otherwise, if Sunan fuses the seeds one by one, he will be exhausted.

However, even with the energy-gathering array to improve the growth environment, the growth cycle of the red vein fruit is still as long as three months.

In addition to the time for research and fusion, it took Sunan four months to harvest the first batch of seeds and named them dragon blood fruit.

Then the selection and adaptation process of silver moon flower seeds was repeated.

When Sunan planted the dragon blood fruit seeds he finally selected, it was already the autumn curtain month near the end of the year.

The weather has become cold.

Fortunately, the magic plantation has a constant temperature array, so there is no need to worry about the impact of the climate.

Looking at the densely packed silver moon flowers and dragon blood fruit seedlings in the magic plantation, Sunan breathed a sigh of relief with a sense of accomplishment.

From now on, he no longer needs to spend a lot of gold coins to purchase silver moon flowers, and the material problem of super potion has been temporarily solved.

The same is true for the substitute of the secondary dragon blood potion.

When the first batch of dragon blood fruits are harvested, the problem of insufficient potion supply can be solved.

Stretching, Sunan turned and left the magic plantation.

The base was quiet.

Because there was only Sunan, it was quiet most of the time.

Occasionally, the dull footsteps of clay golems could be heard, and they were cleaning the base.

Since Sheman and the other two were not able to take charge of their own affairs for the time being, the planting and cultivation process of silver moon flowers was completely done by Sunan himself.

Therefore, he has become even busier in recent months.

So much so that the steel golem has not been refined yet, and the black stone iron sent from the Flashing City is still piled up in the warehouse.

However, Sunan has not missed a single day in meditation and spell practice.

Now he has successfully constructed the seventh star ring, and is one step closer to becoming a third-level wizard apprentice.

His mental strength has also increased to 22.12.

However, the proficiency of the 8th-level star ring meditation method has also soared to 130,000 points.

He is still more than 20,000 points away from another upgrade.

"More than 20,000 proficiency, which is about a month."

"But according to this trend, the proficiency of the 9th-level star ring meditation method is likely to reach 200,000, and in that case it will take at least seven or eight months to upgrade."

Sunan estimated that the time is about the same as he had predicted before.

If everything goes well, he will be able to construct the ninth star ring at the end of the Xialong month or the beginning of the Liuhuo month next year.

Thanks to reader 1504435735196188672 for the reward, thank you!

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