Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 71 Level 1 Summoning Help Surgery

In the puppet factory, a low roar echoed endlessly.

The huge magic crystal forging furnace hummed and vibrated violently, and a fiery orange-red light emanated from the gap of the tightly closed lid.

The whole factory was filled with a burning atmosphere, and even an apprentice knight could not withstand the scorching temperature for long.

Sunan was unaware of it, and stood in front of the workbench with a calm face.

A completed steel golem body was placed on the wide workbench.

The surface of the dark metal body was covered with dense enchantment patterns.

As Sunan placed the soul crystal into the groove on the golem's chest, the silver luster quickly spread along the enchantment patterns, flowing all over the body like a stream of light.

The next second, the steel golem suddenly sat up, jumped off the workbench and landed with a bang, standing upright in front of Sunan.

Looking at the majestic body of the steel golem, Sunan nodded with satisfaction.

"The Iron Golem made of black iron is indeed much stronger than ordinary steel."

"Even if it faces Hodge, this Iron Golem is enough to win."

A qualified Iron Golem, in addition to being indestructible and powerful, also has dark vision, immunity to all mental effects, immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, confusion, suffocation and other effects, fearless of pain and death.

It is also highly resistant to most elemental damage effects.

For example, burns from fire, paralysis from lightning, curses from darkness, erosion from shadows, etc.

It is definitely a fighting behemoth!

Even in the wizard tower of a formal wizard, the Iron Golem can be ranked in the middle and high-level guard sequence.

For Sunan's current base, which is just beginning to take shape, it is more than enough to serve as the final guard sequence.

As for higher-level golems, in addition to not having soul crystals that meet the requirements, his current [Puppet Refining] level is not enough.

"The Iron Golem is indeed a good guard, but the key materials are a little hard to find."

In addition to the metal materials that make up the body, the Iron Golem also needs silver, gold, crystal and other materials for enchanting runes.

After the final calculation, the overall cost is close to 800 gold coins.

This is without calculating the value of the soul crystal.

If the soul crystal is included, the cost of the Iron Golem will definitely exceed 1,000 gold coins.

"Now I don't have a second soul crystal, so I can't refine a second Iron Golem in a short time."

"Or can you try to use gems as soul cores, refine castrated Iron Golems with lower performance, and then synthesize them?"

Su Nan had a flash of inspiration.

If this works, even without soul crystals, you can refine Iron Golems.

But if you do this, the amount of black stone iron consumed is not a small amount.

"Or use soul cores made of gems to synthesize and see if they can replace soul crystals?"

"Anyway, it's worth a try, put it in the schedule first."

Su Nan added this plan to the schedule.

The list is written with his daily schedule.

Meditation, making potions, refining black rock leopards and golems, cultivating magic plants, exchanging blood for hidden dragons, making magic weapons. Almost every day is fully arranged.

Fortunately, wizards can use meditation instead of rest and do not need to sleep, otherwise he would be too busy.

"Fortunately, the three little guys have learned almost everything. They will be arranged to move into the base in a few days. Then they can be assigned to simple tasks such as cultivating magic plants and extracting silver moon flowers, and I can spare time to make magic items."

Because of being too busy, the plan to make glimmer-level magic items has not been put on the agenda yet.

"Speaking of which, the materials commissioned by the Fire Fox Chamber of Commerce should be delivered soon."

It is worth mentioning that the reason why there is no spell learning on the schedule is that in the past six months, Su Nan has mastered all the first-level spells that can be learned.

Including [Magic Disguise], [Colorful Aura], [Feather Fall], [Level 1 Summoning Monster], [Silent Phantom] and [Language Proficiency].

So far, he has mastered a total of twelve first-level spells.

For a second-level wizard apprentice who has been promoted for less than two years, this number of spells is amazing.

However, after this, Sunan had no more first-ring spells.

Although the Fox Chamber of Commerce collected various books for him according to his commission.

But there are very few spell books among them, and most of them are zero-ring spells.

More than half of the first-ring spells that Sunan now masters are spell books left by Master Amy.

"Sure enough, you still have to rely on wizard inheritance to make a fortune."

Sunan thought of the Starry Tower, one of the three major wizard inheritances in the Starlight Continent.

I don't know where the Starry Tower is.

"By the way, the Starry Tower and the Principality of Stars both have stars in their names. Is there any connection between the two?"

After thinking for a while without any results, Sunan shook his head and stopped struggling, but thought about another thing.

"The base is too big. Even if there are three apprentices joining in, many places are still short of manpower. We have to find more helpers."

Sunan already had a solution to this problem.

And it happened to be related to the two first-level spells he had recently mastered.

That is [First-level Summoning Monster] and [Language Comprehending].

[First-level Summoning Monster] is also known as ‘First-level Summoning Help Surgery’ among wizards.

Many wizards will use this spell to summon some alien creatures to assist them in conducting experiments or helping to manage the base, etc.

After all, compared to spending a lot of time and energy to train apprentices, summoning alien creatures is undoubtedly faster and more convenient.

But this method is not without difficulties.

First of all, the summoning object of [Level 1 Summoning Monster] is uncertain.

There are many types of alien creatures, and more than 99% of them cannot meet the requirements of wizards.

If you want to summon a suitable alien creature, it is basically difficult to succeed without trying hundreds or thousands of times.

The second is the language communication problem.

During the spell, the caster can communicate with the summoned creature through spell contact, and there is no communication problem.

But if you want to keep the alien creature, communication is a problem that must be solved.

But this is easy to solve, [Language Mastery] is prepared for this.

With this spell, communicating with alien creatures is not a problem.

And in the future, you can create a magic item with a constant [Language Mastery] spell and put it on the summoned alien creature, so there will be no communication barriers.

Finally, there is the contract problem.

The premise of turning alien creatures into helpers is to make sure they will not betray.

To go further, loyalty.

So signing a contract becomes the only option.

Even if you don't sign a blood contract of slavery, at least it must be a cooperative oath contract.

And how to convince alien creatures to sign a contract is a problem that wizards must consider.

Of course, if you are cruel enough, you can also use violence to force alien creatures to sign a blood contract.

There were even wizards who used this spell to summon alien creatures as experimental materials, so that [Level 1 Summoning Monsters] has another nickname of 'Level 1 Summoning Resources'.

But the disadvantages of doing so are also obvious. Under the influence of the law of summoning in the alien world, basically no alien creatures will respond to the summons of these wizards in the future.

"I also have magic coins, which can also summon alien creatures, and can be used with [Level 1 Summoning Monsters]."

"I hope I can summon a few useful helpers."

Su Nan added another arrangement to the schedule.

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